Elijah's Adventures (In pictures!)
//This is more or less OOC, since you can't take photos in the Forgotten Realms
But I thought it'd be interesting to show Elijah's story and his adventures in pictures instead of words. After all, we know how lacking he is at those.
Elijah tries to turn an orc away from the path of evil! It didn't work. But was worth a shot!
Elijah and other assorted Peltarchians discover a foul murder!
Elijah and allies head to the Giantspire cove on a mission from Derek Underhill!
Elijah and allies battle the mighty cavern beast!
Elijah and allies stand triumphant over the cavern beast!
Elijah and allies return home, battered but alive.
Elijah and Adelie chilling out in uniform.
Elijah tries to mediate an argument in the crypts.
Elijah dukes it out verbally with Sedea in the commons to a large crowd.
Elijah helps defend the walls of Peltarch (and Ronan) against demons!
Elijah and other citizens discover a ghastly murder!
Elijah and allies discover a necromancer in the crypts!
Elijah, Elena and others attend Arlinn's trial.
Elijah and acquaintances come across a demon!
Elijah prepares for battle with a devil in the ruins of Jiyyd after refusing its infernal pact!
((No, you can put that feature on in the options menu))
((Is that an override you have that shows the portrait next to the names?))
((Gotta say, these pics are neat. Especially the last one where Lycka is trying to catch up with the group