Mercenary Guards

  • The Defender simply chuckles at the initiate of Bane, seeming utterly amused by his watching and following, other than that, he seems unconcerned about the attention, not letting it interfere with his own little patrols through the city. Even stopping off and talking to some of the guards as well about any recent happenings.

  • An initiate priest of Bane from the Temple of Caverns occasionally follows the Defender around, at a distance, and observes.

  • The known Defender Lieutenant Aelthas is seen quite often wandering the city itself and checking periodically at the gates for any trouble. Obviously having a great interest in the problems going on, he roams around, looking exhausted, his duties in the city and his constant walks down here probably taking their toll on him.

  • Rando is seen at the wests gates guarding

  • Word has it that there was an attack on the main gate by some of the strange creatures from the deep. Rando was on duty at the time. Two of the regular guards were killed in the attack, but none of the beasts got past the main gates.

  • //I'm going to try and organize something for next week. I'll she what I can get MOB for and try and set something up. I'll post more as stuff happens.

  • Rando has not had much to do in his guard duties apart from killing a few snakes and other small creatures

  • Kayden can be seen spending the majority of his guard time at the West Gates, very seldomly patrolling through the actual city

  • Rando is seen standing and guarding the main entrances to Oscura

  • _Jacinta can often be seen speaking with Captain Senria by the West Gate, where she has taken up her post with the other guards, she also spent some time showing Marshal around the town before he began his guard duty.

    Jacinta also makes mention to Captain Senria that she would like to accompany the detail on any excursions out the gate into the chasm._

  • _A large well built man enters Oscura via the docks district. He is armored in chainmail and carries a sword and shield. An eye-patch hangs over his one eye and his skin is pale in color. He is seen asking the guards how to get to the Shiney Coppers. He is later seen speaking with Lord William Gallows about contracts and employment. He then proceeds to begin patrols around Oscura, learning his way about the city and then heads out the gate into the tunnels to the surface with a equally large half-orc.

    About half a day passes when he is seen returning through the gate with a large group of adventurers from Peltarch. He proceeds to inform the closest guard to the gate that a Drider was seen and chased down into the chasm just outside the gates. Apparently having told the adventurers that this whole area will be overrun with war soon. ((No DM was available when we went to speak to the guard so I am adding this to my post))

    After informing the guard, he proceeds to have the gates closed temporarily and escorts the group of adventurers back through the tunnels to the surface. To ensure the Drider had not snuck into town he patrolled the chasm area for a little while longer, clearing out some snakes and looking for signs of the drider that never turned up again he finally returned to the city and headed into the Coppers for the night._

    Character: Marshal
    AccountID: He_who_lives_a_thousand_lives

  • Captain Senria can be seen vigilantly guarding the west gate and patrolling the city, giving orders when needed, and overseeing any small excursions out beyond the gate.

  • Jacinta can be seen constantly roaming Oscura, her bow in hand, and her eyes scanning around the dimly lit city. She is also often seen talking with the guards about various matters, and also the other mercenaries who are on duty.