Notices about the city

  • Notices written on scrolls and placed about the city are written in a flowing script.

    "Greetings and Well met. I am writing you on behalf of the Order of the Divine Shield. The Order is charged with keeping the lands safe from evils. We have reason to believe that evil threatens our lands once again. The Shrine of Dawn is missing and the Norwick crypts are becoming more active then we care to see. Those who wish to help, Please contact myself, Second Knight Alexander Thromas, or any other member if interested. Please note that any of those who serve evil and attempt to come along, will be quickly sent away. My thanks in advance. Duty, Honor, Service"

    Alexander Thromas
    Second Knight

    ((OOC- we are looking for some good aligned folks to assist us with some DM run plots. Good only, DE's will be run and anyone found being evil will be sent away ICly of course. If anyones interested find a member ingame, or respond to this note ICly. Im sure you could send the note via messenger to the Triad temple, or deliver it yourself some how. Hope to see lots of reply soon Thanks! - Alexs Player))

  • Adrian reads trough one of the notes, and goes to find Alexander.