
  • Posted here becuase i dunno where to put it

    So I've been thinking of making a cleric along the lines of an Inquisitor - a battle preist completly devoted and committed to the dogma of his deity and ensuring whenever he can that his god's will is being carried out.

    Problem is I have no idea what deities would even work for this.

    Any suggestions? Im open to good or evil (depending on the type of evil) and have a good concept for the charecter just not a deity to follow.

  • Oooo Bring it! :twisted:

  • You'll rue this day do-gooder! MWAHAHAHAHA…...gets smote by 76 good guys

  • I never really thought of a good inquisitor the whole idea of looking into someones actions to make sure they are 'doing what is right' just seems inherently bad to me personally.

    That aside I am going to stick with either Helm or Tyr on this one, my resons being that I dont think i can really pull off evil. Every evil charecter I've played has either ended up good or come off as indifferent…what can i say i have a guilty conscience. 😄

    Thanks for all the opinions though it seems the Inquisitor style preist im thinking of could be many things not just 'evil'.

  • To me, an Inquisitor is a character (not necessarily a cleric, but often so) that goes around cleansing corruption and heresy from its own faith, keeping it pure, rather than going out to spread the dogma of that god itself (which is left to the more "mundane" clerics). I do know there are Inquisitors of Torm who do the same troughout the churches of all good deities.

  • I'd say go Helm, as a LN you have a choice of alignments with the 1 step rule to choose from that may make life easier…well not a massive choice but y'know. Inquisitor, guessing LN would work best for that.

  • Lots and lots of enemies…...especially as a cleric......that projects their faith............but yes, you will be in good company.

  • If you plan on playing an evil PC in Narfell, this is a good read:

  • More enemies than friends, to be honest, lol.

    But friends…oh yes. :twisted:

  • If you do Bane, you'll have friends who will do their best to help you.

    Enemies, too though.

  • Heh heh true that.

    I think I have decided on Helm, making a charecter who viciously protects those who call for his aid or something along those lines.

    I may go Bane anyway just for kicks we'll see what happens during char creation 😉


  • Bane would work fine. Just concentrate on monster types first. Because honestly, either good or evil being fanatical will get you killed whether you storm Pelt or Oscura just as quick.

  • Also generally (at least in my book) an Inquisitor is more closely aligned with nuteral to evil deities while a Templar would be the shineing example of good, but i've also played too much everquest…

  • Thank you

  • I cannot find anywhere the cleric domain by deity listing…can someone throw me a bone? :?

  • Honestly i was leaning towards Bane as well but as stated above…it just wouldnt work in narf XD

    Tempus is a good idea.

    I shall do some research into the deities and see what I can come up with, if anyone else has thoughts feel free to post em here i dont have time to do a whole lot right now.

  • Well, you're going to have to explain a bit more what you mean by Inquisitor. A battle priest completely devoted to following their god's dogma is simply a cleric, under most circumstances.

    That said, there are a few ideas that immediately come to mind.

    1.) Tempus- Let those who would use underhanded tactics and trickery fear the footfalls of the Inquisitor of Tempus. Fight with bravery and honor, to die in battle is a glorious thing, and may cowards be cast from memory. A seemingly chaotic character, enforcing the dogma of Tempus fiercely, ensuring that battle remains glorious and honorable. Should a side be outmatched, there is a real possibility such a character would purposefully join that side to provide them a more even chance, and thus a more glorious battle.

    Is something like this what you would be looking for?

  • While I'd love to see an inquisitor of Bane, it wouldn't work in Narf.

    If you want to be the strictest of strict clericy, then you probably want to pick a deity that has ideals that few PCs disagree with.

    Most good deities would work - Chauntea, perhaps.

    Sune would be an interesting choice as well. Try to make beauty, love, and smite those ugly evils. 😛