Election Results

  • To an assembled crowd of fellow civil servants, candidates and campaign workers, as well as a large gathering of the general public, the Herald appears on the balcony of City Hall to announce the results to the tense audience below.

    "Good citizens and electors of Peltarch; you have spoken!

    I am pleased to report that there were no serious irregularities during the Count, and after conducting some strenuous double checking to ensure the correct counting of the votes required to elect the final canddiate, which was a very close call, I am pleased to announce the results of the Senate Election as follows;

    With the most votes, Kaster Lavindo is deemed elected.

    After him, Wesley Hardin is deemed elected.

    Next, Martouscha Leaffall is deemed elected.

    After her, Ryan Fisher is deemed elected.

    After him, Calen Ashwynd is deemed elected.

    After him, Adrian Petrarch is deemed elected.

    And finally, after a very, very close count…

    Ronan Redralen is deemed elected.

    I will also announce the immediate runner up, as according to precedent it is they who will be appointed to the Senate in the event of a resignation in the near future; Lord Chadwick Whyte, and my commiserations to him too, as well as all the other unsuccessful candidates.

    As for the successful candidates, I would urge our new Senators to meet with me at their convenience at City Hall so that I can officially register their details into the Roll of Senators, as well as answer any inquiries they may have about their new position. Elder Senator Rath Ashald has also asked me to let you know that he is in the process of completing an agenda for the first meeting of the Senate, so if there are items you wish added to it, inform him at once. Senator Ashald would also like to inform those in the crowd who feel they are duly qualified that he is seeking applications for a new Advisor.

    I would finally like to thank my courageous staff, who after the destruction of the old City Hall are all new, they rose to the challenge of administrating this Election, and I feel they have played their part in restoring our Jewel to its former luster. Now, I will hand you over to Acting General Varid Illesqueth of the Peltarch Defenders, for one last announcement."

    The Herald bows his head respectfully to Captain Varid as he approaches the front of the balcony, his dress uniform sharp and tidy, leaning lightly on his walking staff.

    "Congratulations to the victors in the electoral contest…and comiserations to those who didn't make it. There is always next time. But for me, this has been a long awaited moment, and you can trust me when I say, I am both relieved and proud to relinquish the Defenders' stewardship of Peltarch to this eager new Senate.

    I officially declare Martial Law to have ended, and wish you the best in continuing from myself and General Lavindo's best efforts in restoring our City, Senators.

    Long live the Jewel, long live its Senate and glory to its People!"

    Captain Varid's brief speech and rousing closing are met with cheers and applause, which devolve into celebrations among the supporters of all the successful candidates which last long, long in to the night. The losing parties and supporters go their own ways, some sharing a token drink in good faith with those who defeated them, but they do not stick around in the revelry long. The shocking defeat of Chadwick Whyte is a point of discussion for all electoral camps throughout the evening, however, and many wonder if the new Senate will be able to reconcile itself with the increasingly marginalised Seafarers Guild without his presence on the body.

    ((Congratulations and commiserations to all who participated in the elections, you all added to the atmosphere win or lose and I'd like to thank you all for getting involved. If Marty, Adrian, Ronan and Calen could PM me their playtimes please, that'd be great.))