Warmer Weather, and what it brings
Everyone knows the weather is warmer now.
Some people associate that with spring, or the cataclysm that recently shook the land. Two drastically different opinions mind you, but the result is the same. Less snow and … well, some other things.
IN the gnoll woods and the Rawlins, it appears that a freakish hatching has occured.
Druids, Rangers, and other nature inclined folks that have actually been through some of the changes in the forest would like figure that it's an indirect result of the heat, the freakish magicks that were recently set loose upon the woods, and the constant disturbing of the woods by the battles raging on it them, that caused these mass exoduses of things that crawl.
Once some intrepid adventurers cleared them out, they stayed gone... for a while. Again, the woodsy types would know these things happen in stages, and will likely be keeping an eye on the trees and undergrowth for a while...