Whispers at the Fire

  • Jeremy has been seen at the warfront constantly now, fighting in any battle or skirmish he can. When asked about his strange behaviour in protecting places he dosen't even care about, he simply responds with "It's like the good ol' days aye."

  • The Grape is heard sadly commenting on how the guards seem very content with remianing on the ground they were given on the hill rather than holding their fort on the southern hill that faces the gate, which they won.

  • Rumor has it that the recent trial of the Black Sails in Peltarch resulted in a not-guilty verdict for all the defendants, including Corana Lyonsen, who had previously been sentenced to 20 years prison time without a trial. Her sentence was apparently reduced to an Obstruction of Justice charge, for which the penalty was a hefty fine and a two-year remand to the custody of the Norwick Militia. Pending approval of the Senate, it would seem that Corana will be coming, once again, to a battlefront near you…

  • Lucid is rarely seen in the camp these days, visiting only to see what progress is being made on the defenses. At times his slaad, Edmund stomps past the camp on its own to have a quick look south from the hill before turning right around and stomping his way back north again.

  • Rumours spread within the war camp that even more dwarven defenders are anticipated from the region soon.

  • Militia around the camp are seen chuckling as Calendel, Lucid's Advisor, passes by as his new job didn't seem to last very long. Apparently Dwin has been seen telling Calendel to perform mundane tasks and then laughing with his Dwarven kin as the elf trudges off on orders from the Commander.

    Some miltia seemed concerned about Calendel's treatment though as the priest seems to have become quite powerful and a great asset to the cause. But then again… the concern quickly fades as they remember that he's one of those undisciplined Legion members...

  • _A new face was seen recently in the Norwick "war camp" talking in Dwarven with another heavily armored dwarf for a few hours. They were looking over the state of the camp, then southward from Piss Hill toward the ruins of Norwick and toward the Dwarven Hold.

    The newest dwarf then enjoyed some food and ale atop the hill, after which he tugged down his trousers and relieved himself off the southern face of the hill, all the while laughing about "Ronus' Golden Ale"._

    • A heavily armored dwarf standing behind a cook's line table, serves food regularly to dwarves that have started meeting regularly at the table each morning.

    Although they get their food, they all seem to linger and listen intently as the cook speaks.

    At one point, one of the newer dwarves salutes and uses the word "sir". The cook slaps the food tray out of his hand and tells him "Nae call me sir. Me werks for a livin."

    The cook continues talking, stopping now and again to point to various places on the hills with his ladle as he alternately serves and eats from the same ladle.

    Once they are done speaking the cook hands the ladle to another dwarf and walks off still wearing the slop apron.

    The dwarves keep mostly to themselves but are extremely polite. *

  • _Following Chancellor Lucid's descent from power, Dwin shares some quick words with him that end in a powerful (perhaps too powerful for pastey) handshake, with Dwin saluting to Lucid as he walks away.

    As Dwin turns and enters his tent, he is immediately followed by some recently arrived dwarves in various different armors.

    Several witnesses swear they saw Dwin's usual "smirk" shining through as he turned from Lucid._

  • _The hunter and Norwick scout known as Puma is seen in refugee camp fairly regularly. He makes frequent trips north, but always returns with a veritable feast of freshly killed stags and plenty of animal skins for those the war has displaced.

    When and if asked about his actions he simply responds that it is his duty to reap the bounty of nature for these people so that the might survive the cold months ahead. In fact, he will tell those that ask that he intends to continue the hunt every winter until Norwick is retaken._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The elf Arikess had been seen practicing melee combat strokes and stances all day at the refugee camp near norwick. He has also been sighted sparring with Elridith in melee combat, being coached by Locrian in the use of a tower shield, and watching Locrian spar with a shield with another man named Vidar.

  • _The chancellor, having no ability to deal justice in his own camp which he sees as now controlled by peltarch forces, begins to escort what townsfolk he can to the safety of other nearby towns day by day for their own safety. As people collect their things, the Chancellor, Edmund and only a handful of volunteers escorts citizens to the gypsy camp, jiyyd and even peltarch if they so choose. The camp grows smaller day by day until only militia and their healers remain.

    The camp is no longer a refugee camp, it is now a war camp.

    The chancellor officially hands over control of the camp to his ranking officer Dwin._

    With the lands of Norwick lost and her people now safe in their new homes, my duties as Chancellor of Norwick are done.

    When Norwick is retaken, if the people will it, I would be honored to take up the position of chancellor once again.

    Lucidious Corvance takes his leave of the war camp. The war is now in the hands of his commanders and those with the decency to offer their aid in retaking the town.

  • The Norwick guards and even Fendon himself go about their daily deeds, never making eye contact or in any way acknowledging the constant whining of the tart in the black armor. Its as if he doesnt exist…

  • Rhyndar hears Feldon's decree, allowing him to finish before chiming in.

    "Per'aps ye should write up a list of yer laws an' rules. Some folks are nay from 'round 'ere, an' they don' know all tha laws. Fark, ah've lived 'ere all mah life, an' ah still 'ear new laws pulled outta a certain dwarf's arse all tha time. Make sure ta include "bein' a farkin' arse" under tha list'uh bannable offenses. We'd nay want folks gettin' banned fer somethin' when yer -soo- desperate fer able bodies."

    He then returns to his fire, studiously reading from a red book, often mumbling to himself.

  • One by one, the defenders refer Genzir to Dwin.

  • Keeper Genzir converses with the Defenders and asking who is their leader in the area. Looks like he has plans…

  • _Dwin emerges from his tent when he hears the commotion. He stares at the men, staring a bit longer at the non-standard armor the leader seems to be wearing.

    He nods his head towards his command-tent and watches the four men enter._

  • Calendel quickly signals Kia and Tristina to aid the injured Militiamen.

  • A squad of 4 very worn beaten over Norwick Militiamen, three in standard Militia garb, the fourth in Banite colored fullplate. All are covered in dirt, blood and gore and look like they haven't slept in a week or two. Every one seems to be missing pieces of armor or clothing, least one bloodied bandage are to be found on each, and the Banite's armor is so badly dented it causes a wince of pain from each step he takes walked into the camp today. A note of annoyance is evident on his face as he scours the faces looking for someone obviously not there and noting alot of non Norwickians in the mix.

    He then adressess the crowd, talking to no specific.

    My men need food and rest. Healers if you got them.

    He then looks around to see who answers.

    All I need is the person in charge

    He then winces in pain.

    And a master Union armor smith to get me out of this thing.

    He then turns and start inspecting the bandages on the other three men. All the men are quite tight lipped about where they have been and what happened though rumor spread thru the camp that the only thing them going was the sight of the Banite's face when they had to hack a dead Frost Giant into pieces to get it off him before he smothered.

  • As the morning sun reaches the sky and the camp comes to life, Fendon stands high on the "rock" (as the camp-folk are callig the sloped rock used for announcements) and reads the following decree.


    By order of the his honors, Chancellor Corvance, and Colonel Dolvak of the Mighty Southern Nars Militia, I read the following…

    This Camp in which you all now reside is still subject to Norwick's rules and law. Lawlessness, within the confines of this camp, will be dealt with quickly and severely as wartime demands do not allow for idle disturbances of the nature that we have seen of late.

    Finally, all who reside in this camp or defend it are subject to Norwick laws, despite your city or realm of origin.

    Let us all concentrate on the effort to take back what is ours, and leave petty sqaubbles and tomfoolery behind.

    Long Live the Realm of Norwick!

    Fendon finishes the reading and posts copies of the decree at all corners of the camp so that it is readable by all who can read Common.