Whispers at the Fire

  • _Recent rumors make their way to Norwick amid the farmers on the trade route from Jiyyd. Apparently, the Chancellor, in his official Norwick Chancellor robes, was seen in the Regal Whore with a pale hin woman who was wearing a suit of fine white silks. They purchased several bottles of wine and talked in low whispers at the bar for some time. Afterward, they both headed into one of the back rooms.

    About an hour later, as the story goes, the Chancellor emerged from the back room with the hin woman passed out in his arms and rented a single room, taking her upstairs with him. Shortly thereafter, he was seen leaving the inn and the town altogether.

    As word reached Lillie's ear while she worked her shift at the Boarshead, she was said to roll her eyes and comment that at least the Chancellor had started holding his "business meetings" in appropriate places these days._

  • _Smelling the foul oder near his home, Wolf drags the dead, diseased goblins from the pond and then burns them. He then chants a blessing and the water is purified.

    He mutters, "Dumb goblins.."_

  • _The smallest pond in the near east part of Rawlinswood seems to have a few half-rotting goblin corpses floating in it, each of them having small bite marks around their throat. The bitemarks are heavily infected with some disease.

    The pond itself emits a foul odor, and should someone dare to drink from it, they will suffer from stomach cramps and fever, along with diarrhea, as the unlucky brown-panted goblins have noticed.

    The effect seems to fade on it's own in a few days._

  • A usually quiet and reserved Elyl has been seen more and more in the town of Norwick, being more talkative and walking around with a smile. He and Kia, a town healer have been seen taking walks around town or by the lake. Once in a while, when the town healers are busy after some incident, he is seen carrying food from the Boarshead to the hungry and tired healing staff, insisting that the Boarshead wait staff are too busy and not to worry that he can deliver the food to Kia and the others.

  • Rumour has it that shorly after the defense of the most recent South Gate attack, Calendel was approached by a Knight going by the name of Kenton Seth. The Knight inquired if Calendel was able to provide a blessing of True Sight in which he replied that he could perform such a blessing if he requested it through his prayer to Chauntea. Upon recieving this information the Knight inquired if Calendel could enchant an item he possessed with such a blessing to which Calendel replied "As a position holder within the town of Norwick, a requested service that I offer as such would require the approval of the Town Chancellor Lucidious". The Knight, accepting this response indicated that he would seek out the Chancellor's permission for this blessing and would offer a donation to Calendel to assist in the maintenance of Friar Freds.

    //ooc I'm not sure, without a c-token whether I could perform this enchantment or not. This is a guild item requiring this enchantment and based on Lucid's blessing and a DM's blessing I would be more than happy to have Calendel perform this service. Send me a PM here on the forums or a Tell ig if you see me and let me know what the end result is//

  • _The Gong rang out in Norwick and messengers were sent to the other towns in the area to inform of a massive attack at the South Gates. This attack consisted initially of goblins growing stronger and stronger with each wave. After a successful defense it appears that the goblins had others in their ranks to send forth. Hordes of powerful Orcs then advanced and began to attack the defenses that had formed. Defenders mentioned included Troff Legionaires such as General Grag, General Lyte, William, and Calendel; Members of the Druid Circle such as Wolf, several spellcasters from the SpellWeaver Keep such as Rose Hollowmoon, and many many other local adventurers. Norwick Scouts and Militia held the rear ranks behind the gates in case any sneaks managed to make their way through and were strengthened in numbers with members of the Cerulean Knights and a few other Paladins.

    The defense of the town was a great success and provided the defenders with much knowledge as to the potential strength of the Orc attackers. With Jiyyd being threatened by a possible Orc invasion, General Lyte indicated that the information learned as a result of this attack in Norwick was incredibly valuable.

    Only one adventurer fell during this conflict, a lass by the name of Rhiannon but before her soul parted from it's body an attentive Calendel, Spiritual Advisor and Healer for Norwick, quickly ran to her aid and revived her with a powerful blessing from Chauntea preventing even a single casualty from occuring during this long and ardourous battle._

  • Later in the day, word begins to spread around that Kara was seen making inquiries with Praeth about enchanters in the area that are willing to create items for a cost, specifically wizards.

  • Calendel, in hearing of Dwin's questions surrounding supply trips to Jiyyd sends a letter, on rough parchments with gracefully written ink script, to him with some answers:


    Dwin of the Dolvak Clan,

    I have heard mention of your questions surrounding the supply trips we healers have been making to Jiyyd on occassion. An agreement was reached with the Healing Wonders in Jiyyd to procure additional healing balms and other healing supplies at low cost. Jiyyd has overstocked with the threat of attacks from the Drow but has seen relatively little action while Norwick has been under siege by Goblins, Orcs and Bugbears of late. With the rule of supply vs demand, Norwick has benefitted from below cost prices. These additional supplies are on top of what we've been able to make on our own in the town. The occassional trips to Jiyyd for these supplies also affords Kia, Tristina, and myself a much enjoyed excursion outside of the town walls now and then. If you wish to discuss futher I'd be more than happy to sit with you over some of that… Dwarfen Ale you seem to enjoy but please, allow me to keep it to only one as the last time I had two of them I had a hard time managing my duties for a few days thereafter.


    Norwick Spiritual Advisor to the Chancellor

  • Alexi can be seen taking groups of people through the ralwins on some investigation work on an regular occasion. As well as inquring about the number of pixie arrows found about in the woods.

  • _Recent rumors in the Boarshead seem to implicate the Chancellor in a torrid trist with an unnamed red-headed woman.

    Surprised passers-by tell of the Chancellor staggering out of the Shrine of Lathander with said woman in his arms, the girl wearing next to nothing in such a frigid climate, her legs wrapped around his waist in a vice-like grip. Eagerly, he charged over to the gate by the Great Hall, kicking it open with an unnatural not-so-Pasty like strength, and pushed his way past the guards up into the Great Hall.

    Shortly after, the herald and all the guards left the hall shrugging to each other, and they made their way to the barracks to continue their work.

    The next evening, the red-haired woman left the Hall, looking worn and dazed.

    The Boarshead patrons that night begin to circulate another rumor that the Chancellor's office was found in ruin earlier in the day - a chair was broken, the door was clawed up, and the desk had been overturned. Lucidious himself looked as though he might have injured his leg, and has been seen walking with a limp.

    On hearing said rumor while at work, the barmaid Lillie was overheard to exclaim in shock, "That's not what I meant by meditation!"_

  • Dwin inquires about this mysterious "stock" that needs replenished in Jiyyd. he mentions that he has numerous "sources" and that he'd like to know exactly what and how much we are paying to anyone in Jiyyd for these supplies.

  • It would seem Kia is back from her mini-vaction and strolling around with a spring in her step and a song on her lips. She happily relieves Calendal and lets him rest, before skipping off to pick up supplies in Jiyyd. What has the woman so chipper, only a few can say. Regardless, any that step into Friar Fred's house of healing, is greeted by a soft song, before she goes back to looking serious, a youthful smile playing on her lips though.

  • Upon seeing the oxcart entering town, one of the guards follows Ezachiel long enough to see that he entered the Boarshead. A quick, quiet examination of his cart takes palce, some notes are jotted down, and the guard heads off to the barracks.

    A short while later he returns and speak to several other guards with "official orders from the Commander." They speak in hushed tones while gesturing to the cart and head back to their respective posts.

  • It would appear that Norwick has a new resident…earlier today, Ezachiel entered Norwick from the north, followed by an ox-drawn cart filled with his belongings, and rented a room in the Boarshead for multiple months, after obtaining his citizen papers.

  • Despite the new Kelemvorite guards at the graveyard, Ezachiel continues to make his cleaning trips.
    //I'm at about 15 I think, kinda lost count//

    He now appears to be gone a bit longer, as if he is clearing an extra level, but still emerges without so much as a scratch, even though those who follow right after him will find all the undead destroyed.

  • A tired Calendel has been seen frequently visiting Lillie at the Boarshead ordering the occassional glass of wine and complaining about the recent goblin attacks at the South Gates and the extra work it has caused him recently. "The supplies are running low but I have no way to free myself long enough to make the long trek to Jiyyd to replenish the stock! Hopefully the goblins hold off their attacks or the Chancellor is able to bring a few back with him on one of his political visits!" Cal is overheard saying.

    //ooc - Calendel will try to be around Norwick a little more often during Kia's romp.//

  • _Boarshead regulars have noticed recently that Lillie seems to have obtained a few extra shifts and can be seen serving patrons much more frequently than before.

    During one of these extended shifts, the local healer Kia from Friar Fred's stopped in and was overheard gushing to Lillie about a kind, brave man named Elyl. It seems she had hoped to visit him at the Gypsy Camp, but hasn't been able to find the time because of her work at Fred's.

    Later that night, the Chancellor was seen talking with Lillie over a bottle of wine at the end of her shift, the conversation going until the wee hours when most of the regulars had even left.

    Rumors the following day begin to circulate about Kia being granted a tenday off from work, with one Calendel being put on double shifts to cover her time._

  • _Stories are told of strange beasts lurking in the caves around Norwick. Tremors have been felt now and again lately… about the same time the creatures appeared.

    Whispers here and there of creatures with many eyes scouring the walls of the caves can be heard now and again along with talk that these creatures seem to hurry away and disappear down a whole if they are provoked... odd indeed._

  • A few guards in the Boarshead are heard talking out loud over a few ales

    Was the oddest thin, jus doin a patrol ov'r near the graveyard when cuple them bonies came at us so we started fighting them and backing away knowing them jus gonna get up anyhow. Ye know what? them stayed down.
    Darndest thin I ever saw. Dunno what's going on in the graveyard but sumthin changed.

    ((I didn't realize the unkillable undead were causing headaches, they are now killable….............for now))

  • _Recent talk in the Boarshead has centered around a tense meeting between Chancellor Lucidious and Seth. Some regulars indicate that, according to the barmaid Lillie, some serious discussion took place in the Chancellor's private room, and the tension in the air was almost palpable. The meeting was apparently cut short when Maythor interrupted to report that a hin had been arrested in town. On his way out of the room, the Chancellor was heard to say, "You have your choice to make now."

    A day or two later, around the time of the incident between Lucidious and Zyphlin, the Chancellor was seen gambling with his sister Ann, Thorn, Maythor and a few others. After getting good and drunk, he managed his way into the Boarshead, where some say he watched Lillie covetously as she served a few patrons at the bar before stumbling to his office where he stayed until the next morning._