Whispers at the Fire

  • _The next morning, the chancellor arrives at the boarshead to inspect the newly renovated private room on the first floor. He talks with the innkeep about rent before returning to the great hall.

    Since then, the chancellor seems to have taken up his old habit of reviewing his ledgers at the boarshead in the evenings over a bottle of wine. For the first few days the pattern is the same, stopping first to speak with the bartender of recent news, paying for a bottle of something red, then working in the private room for a few hours with the door ajar… enough so that those in the common room can see he is working, but can still enter and speak with the chancellor if they wish._

  • Rumor spreads that Penny Lane has resigned her post as an employee of Norwick and an advisor to the Chancellor, at least temporarily. She apparently handed over her badge to an agitated looking Lucidious in a quiet display near the north gate.

  • Corran frowns at that "No, the goblins have definitely been summoning undead and demons recently entirely on their own."

  • When he hears of the rumours that this creature was created or summoned by goblins, Ezachiel remarks that, as far as he can tell, the goblins merely supplied the manual labour, while the actual magic work was done by more powerful creatures. Drow, orcs, who knows?

  • Calendel sits by the fire with locals and adventurers around him answering questions about the recent happenings in the Rawlingswood…


    What's that? No no, it is suspected that a Goblin Shaman summoned the Demon from the depths of hell. A Zombie Demon is what is was! William and I stumbled upon it after being told by some new adventurers whom where hunting in the woods that they saw a big winged demon! We quickly went to investigate.

    Huh? Oh no, Will didn't exactly hold it off on his own smirks slightly. Together him and I with a few adventurers behind us such as Thorn Drumheller attacked it as best we could. We nearly had both it and the Goblin Shaman fallen before it suddenly charged at the young adventurers behind us Calendel exclaimed with his eyes wide and a look of fear on his face. Will chased the Shaman trying to finish it off while I ran at the demon from behind. I caught up to it, and tried to turn it, forcing it to retreat and leave the weaker fighters alone. Unfortunately, I got to close and thats when it's massive blade struck out and hit me! Calendel shivers slighly as if he was suddenly struck by the blade as he sat telling the story The pain I felt was something I had never felt before… burning... searing flames ravaged through my body. Stumbling back I turned and tried to run only to hear the swooping wind and raging flames as the blade once again was swung at me. That's the last I remember prior to awaking in the Friars! a sad look crosses his face, his eyes closing briefly before reopening as he goes on with his story

    Huh? Oh yes, word has it that Will fell next. Not long after me. He heard my screams and turned on the demon himself. He faught bravely with it from what I've been told nearly killing it! Suddenly that pesky Shaman was back and hit him hard from behind with lightening Calendel exclaims as the children around him jump slightly from their still silence. I could just imagine what that must have done to the nearly victorious Will... apparently it shocked him just enough to allow the demon beast to swing it's might sword... leaving Will with the same last moments as I... burning... searing pain....

    Uh huh... Serenity and Jeremy Steel fell as well... holds his head in his hands, his face looking tortured as he tries to recall the details of the day.

    Aye, it was a sad day for Norwick. Thanks the the greatness of Del the cleric and his faith we were all recovered from the afterlife... Bless Chauntea for sparing me and allowing my return. I recommend all stay clear from the East Rawlingswood for the time being. There's no knowing for sure if other Shaman's are running around with the power to summon such creatures from the Underworld.... Calendel wraps his healers robe around him and slumbers off back towards the Friars

  • _After being raised and gathering his equipment, Jeremy was seen storming out of the southern gate.

    He later arrived with the demons head in his hand. Calendel asked for the head, believing it had an evil taint, but Jeremy did not surrender it until Seth spoke about a painting. Jeremy then happily dropped the head at Calendel's feet, leaving a mess, then walking off with Seth & Serenity._

  • _A large demon threatened Norwick. It attacked some adventurers in the woods, who had to run and seek aid in Norwick.

    The gong was rung loud and a group of mages, druids, and paladins emerged from the Keep. Wolf, who was worried for his home in the druid glenn, went east, followed by several others.

    Outside the glenn they found an army of goblins, which the group bravely fought. With these goblins was the large demon which was incredibly strong, but was killed. Though, the adventurers suffered some losses: William, Serenity, Jeremy, and Calendel.

    It is whispered that William held off the demon from attacking the glenn or Norwick, alone. He fell just before the group came to give him aid. The distraction William gave to the demon was long enough to prevent it from attacking. He sacrificed himself for the protection of others…_

  • @76e7201733=Salsadoom:

    While on patrol K stops and watches Z and asks.
    What may I ask are you doing?

    Smiles Jus clearin' me land before I plant some crops and build me farmhouse.

    *KULL passes by Z and watches him and his summon clearing the small area.
    After few steps onward, Kull stops and thinks, then shakes his head and mumbles in orcish
    «O» Crazy woods folks…. shrugs and keeps walking

    Z smiles and waves to his old friend Kull Heya Kull! 👋


  • _rumor spreads though the boarshead of what appeared to be yuan-ti being escorted though town carrying a few of their fallen, just after a goblin attack on the south gate. The chancellor escorted the group into the friars and seemed to be speaking with them on good terms. Hours later the chancellor emerged from the friars along with the group of yuan-ti, all now alive and well. He led the group back to the south gate where the yuan-ti returned to the wood without incident.

    Locals at the boarshead often gossip of a peace agreement with the yuan-ti, though nothing official has been announced from the great hall as of yet._

  • Rumour has it that Ezachiel had a long talk with Kara in the Boarshead, and left looking rather pleased.

  • Dwin hears of Mord's behavior and asks him to stop by his office for a "visit."

  • Mord can be seen leaving the great hall after the most recent goblinattack,ll his lips a thin hard line. He moves to the different guard towers and speaks quietly and adamantly to the guards

    If someone walks by they may hear the words Snakes…...orders....it is so fer now as forcefully as needs be said before he moves n to the next post.

  • ICC

    *KULL passes by Z and watches him and his summon clearing the small area.
    After few steps onward, Kull stops and thinks, then shakes his head and mumbles in orcish
    «O» Crazy woods folks…. shrugs and keeps walking

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • While on patrol K stops and watches Z and asks.

    What may I ask are you doing?

  • Over the past few weeks, Z has been spotted clearing a small plot of land, just north of town.

    Occationally, people walking by have noticed him enlisting the aid of a large earth elemental to help move large quantities of earth.

    As Z works, he smiles constantly. 😄

  • Ezachiel appears to have a tattoo of sorts of a white feather on his forehead now, curling down along the left side of his face until it meets the left tip of his mouth.

    //unless a dm tells me that it looks like something else, this is what I'll be rp'ing//

    Rumour has it that he got it from the Kelemvorite high priest after he was ressurected, following his death fighting driders near Jiyyd.

  • some might notice Barle grinning from ear to ear, having been paid twice over for the damage done to his private room >>_

  • _The chancellor returns to the inn the next morning in a horribly foul mood. In a sharp tone, and without any real explanation, the elf gives a brief apology to the barkeep. Again, gold changes hands for the damage done to the inn. (( feel free to snag gold off me for this tonight ig ))

    For the next few days afterward, anyone looking to speak with the chancellor at the great hall are sent away. The guard simply states that the chancellor is not well enough to receive visitors at this time. The guard politely accepts any messages on the chancellors behalf._

  • _Dwin meets with Barle afterwards to personally get the report of what happened.

    He passes barle a small pouch of coins for the damage, and asks if Barle would like to press charges against the Chancellor.

    After 3 seconds which seem much longer, Dwin smiles and says, "just kiddin."_

  • _New rumors of violent damage to the Boarshead's private room run wild among the patrons of the inn.

    The specifics seem to change depending on which patron relates the story, however there seem to be common features among all tales. Some hours before the damage, the Chancellor was seen following Rilia to the south gate, who was following a disheveled and exasperated Penny. Later, Chancellor Lucidious returned to the inn looking upset and rented the private room, which he proceeded to destroy with broad swings of his staff. In the aftermath, chairs were broken, tables were overturned, and the door to the room was knocked off its hinges.

    What has gotten into the Chancellor now, many begin to wonder…_