Whispers at the Fire

  • _Rumors around the Boarshead indicate that Chancellor Lucidious, sometime after the attempt on his life, had his silver longsword sharpened to such a degree that it would be capable of splitting even a single hair in two.

    One patron, clad all in black with a thick gypsy accent, upon hearing the rumor, snickered and asked when the Chancellor had learned how to use a sword in the first place._

  • _Several guards enter the northern gates, discussing an altercation at Badger Hill with Peltarch Guardians.

    It seems that Senator Eowiel from Peltarch led a group of Peltarch Defenders and Far Scouts towards Norwick. She never really said what she came for, but it involved certain "threats" that were made against her, supposedly by Rando.

    Commander Dwin happened to be on the Badger Hill as they approached with their weapons drawn._

    "Lucky we were on patrol, aye?"

    "Aye, as soon as I heard the news, I gathered some men and we ran to the hill to back up ole Baldy!"

    _Soon, a larger number of Norwick Guards and Scouts appeared on the scene, behind the Commander. They fanned out and took obvious "control" of the Hill.

    The Senator and the Commander chatted for a while. At first it seemed a bit..contentious. By the end, they were friendly…or at least courteous to each other. The Senator was curious about Rando's fate. She said that Rando had threatened her life, and that she was travelling with an armed guard because of these threats. The Commander told her very little, as the investigation is "ongoing."

    She also seemed very curious about Norwick Law and its current boundaries... which ole Dwin had no problem explainin' to her.

    The evening grew late, and the Senator eventually led her men off to Jiyyd where they had "business" to attend to... though not before Dwin invited to them to stay the night in Norwick to avoid the Drow threat._

  • On his next visit to the borshead for his usual bottle of wine, patrons may notice the chancellor talking quietly with barley on recent rumors of vincent and his bottle of wine. The chancellor shows a small smile and leaves a generous tip before returning to the hall.

  • rumor has it, vincent was spotted in the boarshead inn carrying a bottle of what appeared to be rather old wine.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fad watches Lucidious, then heads south towards the glenn

    Hate to say 'I told you so', 'specially to a friend, but….

  • The Keeper of Spellweaver stops in at the Boarshead for another breakfast of ham and eggs. Afterwards, he heads to the south gate and briefly inspects the surrounding woods, before turning back and asking the guards if they have heard anything from the saurials.

  • _*Keira is seen more often around Norwick, mostly in conversation with the clerical staff at what used to be Friar Fred's, but also with others of the citizens. She takes careful notes of the discussions in her anatomy text.

    It seems she's doing some work for Father Dagon of Oscura regarding disease incidence in the Region. She pays particular interest to those in common public view and contact, like the merchants and sentries, since they're likely to have the greatest exposure to carriers.

    No, there's nothing specific to worry about, just routine enquiry.*_

  • having gone missing for a few days, the chancellor can be seen once again walking about the town, if only to fetch his usual bottle of wine from the boarshead. He says very little to anyone and appears very weak, putting more weight on his staff than usual. Every now and again, some might notice the chancellor finger a mark on his throat with a frown, often followed by a few sharp curses in elven.

  • Rumors also go around about Senator Aarron Ashald down in Norwick at the time of the incident and he was seeking Rando. He walked right into town and demanded to see him, not looking to afraid about the 20000 gold bounty on his head. He apparently spoke to him in his cell and left the town shortly after, heading straight for Peltarch, talking to a few of his bodyguards.

  • Rumors fly through Norwick and to the lands around.

    Chancellor Lucidious has been killed by the hands of his own guards.

    Rando is said to be locked into a cell and waits for his death sentnece for his murder fo the chanccellor.

    The Yuanti enslaved the chancellor and Rando killed him in self defense.

    Guards and militia swarm about the barracks and the great hall lettign none in but their own.

  • Whispers say that Penny and Luc are getting married.

  • _Rumors begin to spread after the recent installment of Fight Night about a nearly continuous set of awkward exchanges between Penny and Lucidious. For the better part of the evening, Penny walked around in a long blue and white robe, tracking Lucidious with sideways glances, while Lucidious could be seen stammering more than usual and avoiding eye contact with Penny.

    What ever could've happened now?_

  • _Rumor has it that there was a solo bout at the High HarvestTide Festival, between Grag and the Champion of Norwick.

    Its said that Rando was beaten into unconsciousness without ever laying a weapon on Grag._

  • Raisa simply shakes her head whenever she is told about the Legion and Militia situation. "This is why my people save contests for holidays and times of peace. There is no time for childish games in battle, and no honor in standing alone when you yourself banish your allies."

  • Dwin scoffs at the words from the Jiyyd-wiggler.

    Fer a bunch of folks that were about as disresepctful as you could be to Lucid and I last night, they sure like to sit here and complain about how they aint gonna help anymore. Maybe that was part o their plan all along? Sure was a lousy way to end things…

    He smirks as he continues talking to one of the guards.

    They're sayin they won't come help anymore… that's fine. How many times they gotta sit here and say it though? If they're hopin someone is gonna beg em to change their minds, I think they'll be waitin a while.

  • one of the guards points out to the Legion mage

    "The badger is part of the militia, attacking it was as good as hitting one of the Guards. The lads love that badger as they had raised it since it was a cub after someone kill its parents. the lads are pretty upset in the way Grag chased down the badger and killed it"

  • @33fb59f9a7=elor_danna:

    You lot should say that, Ezachiel comments. I try to help defend Jiyyd from drow attacks, I get thrown out.

    Having finished the ham, Genzir wipes his mouth and gets up.

    You broke the town's laws. Grag was punished for "disrespecting" the militia. Now, I'd be the last person to condone disrespecting the militia. They lend their swords, their blood to the town's defense every day. But the militia are known to dislike the Legion. And a militiaman told Grag he was under arrest for killing a badger. Ordered him to go into the town jail for that. Would you have obeyed that order? Would you have walked into the militia jail under those circumstances?

    We have no intention of disobeying militia orders, we want to avoid that at all costs. So if the militia is going to give orders like "go to jail for killing a badger", then we have no choice but to stay away. It's not a boycott, we just want to avoid trouble.

  • *the chancellor is often seen near the south gate taking notes in his book and talking in hushed tones with the guards over the next few days. Every so often, he pads away south on patrol, usually returning within an hour to sit and take more notes.

    Unlike his previous patrols, the chancellor returns each time unscathed and his robes undamaged … rather than his usual after-patrol muddied/soot-covered/bloodstained look.*

  • You lot should say that, Ezachiel comments. I try to help defend Jiyyd from drow attacks, I get thrown out.

  • Passing through the town and stopping at the Boarshead for some ham and ale, Genzir corrects anyone he hears repeating this rumor.

    Nobody said we're boycotting the town. We're just not helping defend the gates anymore.

    Genzir shakes his head, a bit disappointed.

    I remember back when that Malarite, Mecc was chancellor. Vicious man though he was, he would thank people who helped defend the town. Now when people help out, the militia makes them feel like they're uninvited guests at a party. We lent our swords, our blood to keep the goblins from storming over these walls. If the militia has a problem with Grag, then they have a problem with Grag. None of the rest of us broke any laws. Basically, we're not going to offer the town any more help under these circumstances.

    Genzir shrugs and finishes his ham.