Whispers at the Fire

  • As drunken revelry turns to drunken cursing each night, the topic of a prissy queen of the forest seems to have become more common of late…

  • Star who was on the trip watches Penny for a while from the shadows before telling her that she saw the dragon, and it was purple.

  • Word of dragons brings Penny out of the woodwork as well. The pink haired bard, in her regular visits through Norwick, makes a point to chat up more guards and listen in on more conversations in the hopes of nabbing a tidbit of information on said dragon.

  • Rando on hearing this news about nice lights and more importantly a dragon or two dispatches two of the guard to see if they could send Rando a report as it would be good to know if the said dragons were a danger to Norwick

  • _A large band of elves was seen exiting the south gates of Norwick and heading towards the eastern Rawlinswood. Among the dozen or so adventurers were such famous elven heros and heroines as Aelthas and Eluriel and a whole bunch of others seemingly sharing a common goal with each other.

    When the troupe returned few days later, there were whispers of a trip to Underdark, of beautiful but dangerous living lights, of demons and antpeople, and even a mention or two of a huge dragon.

    The elves all seemed to return in a good condition and their ways departed with promises of another reunion soon._

  • Rumor has it a Banite was heard asking for an audience with the Chancellor… regarding what is questionable.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumor has it that a small group of druids, a paladin, and several freelance adventurers interdicted a massive attack by, among other things, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, umber hulks, and even a war machine as all seemed to be massing for an attack!

    While grievous injuries were sustained, both to the brave defenders and the forest itself, all appear to be on the mend. New growth has even sprung up near the glenn in several areas that were obviously only recently devastated by fire!

    While several in town report that the fighting persisted after the initial defenders withdrew, it should be noted that the druids again moved out into the woods near the glenn, and at least one is rumored to be closely watching for any signs of further moves against the glenn or the town.

  • Expanding on the explosions a deaf skald was seen yelling at people south of Norwick about still being hard of hearing days later. This may be attributed to his being at ground zero of one of the explosions. That they went off to explore seems like just a really bad idea.

    "Hope he isn't the one they depend on to stand guard" one of the gate militia comments as Jerr and the others head off.

  • Rumors from the recent Fight Night describe a series of explosions rocking Town Hall from the inside. Apparently, some cleverly placed explosives inside the ale kegs that were earmarked for the event sent people scrambling for cover and left several attendees, including the bartender, deaf for a few hours. Soon after, another explosion rocked the Chancellor's office, supposedly destroying most everything inside, with the exception, miraculously, of a painting that was seen leaving the premises with Penny Lane after the competitions concluded.

  • _A relatively small group of defenders repelled a substantial assault on the south gate. Well organized andle to using smart tactics, they were able to repel the goblins, umberhulks and bugbears without any casualties.

    With the exception of the gates, which will need to be replaced for the umpteenth time._

  • Guards and other residents in the vicinity of the north gate have noticed that the wind is unusually talkative these days, but nothing it says seems to make any sense.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _Rumor has it that, a few days ago, an intrepid group of druids, paladins, and even the chancellor ventured far into the western woods, then returned a few hours later bearing a large, ugly staff after having thwarted a massive goblin assault on the town.

    The group was seen entering fred's, then leaving with a small, tatooed, and noticeably NOT undead gnome girl in tow._

  • _Two figures appear at the south gate, emerging from the early dawn mist. The first, elven-in-stature dressed in robes, carries the limp body of a badger. He cradles it as a father might cradle his own child…with great respect and care.

    The second, dwarf-shaped wih a slightly singed beard, limps a bit towards the gate as the guards quickly open it for them. Both have visible wounds and blast-marks on them, and the faint odor of goblin-grenades follows them.

    As soon as they enter the gates, a weary looking guard, also with some signs of recent battle, approaches and salutes._

    Commander, Chancellor!

    The goblin-hole in the Great Hall has been blocked, and the tunnel has been destroyed as best as possible from this side. No more greenskins have emerged since, uh… you two went down there with that badger... We heard some explosions from the tunnel and feared the worst!

    Dwin smirks at Lucid who nods knowlingly. Of course nothing else emerged. It was a slaughter.

    Sir? is there anything else I can attend to?

    Dwin answers. "Lad, you can go get yerself patched up. Oh, and tell the lasses in the healers that we have a badger that needs raisin'. We'll be along shortly. Ya done well today."

    Sir? If ya don't mind… what happened once ya went in the hole?

    Dwin glances to Lucid before answering.

    Well, ya got to hand it to the greenskin this time. They started diggin a hole in the west Rawlins and dug the tunnel straight through until it broke right into the Great Hall o' Nor'ick itself, where they had been festerin and barracaded the doors. You saw the rest…the battle inside the Hall.

    Once we got down in their tunnel we followed it to the end. Musta been 3 score o goblins at least in there... some o their most well-trained assassins, archers, casters, and elite fighters were all in line to come outta the tunnel and invade Norwick from underground.

    The entrance on the other side was guarded by about a dozen bugbears soldiers, goblin archers... coupla blackguards and some umberhulks. They certainly saved the best fer last.

    Dwin rubs an open cut on his head.

    Once we came out of the tunnel and made sure it was empty, we dropped a coupla dozen goblin grenades in the entrance and blew it. It collapsed the entrance. That's probably what ya heard on this side.

    We need to make sure they dont try this again… we need some patrols out in the woods to watch fer diggin.

    Oh, most importantly... gestures to the badger... Sam here played a vital role. I believe he alerted Lucid to the hole in the first place, and then he fought valiantly alongside us until a goblin assassin took him down. If it werent fer him, Norwick would be in grave danger right now. Poor lil' Sam. I hope they can bring him back.

    Dwin and Lucid stagger back towards the Great Hall and the Healing House. Another catastrophe averted. Thank Moradin for Sam the Badger.

    ((thanks, that was a blast last night, no pun intended.))

  • for a few hours one day, travelers may have noticed a recently severed human head on a pole posted just outside the south gate of norwick. Locals at the boarshead say it was the head of a guardsman or perhaps a traveler who ventured too far south into saurial controlled land. They say the Chancellor found the head and brought it straight to the friars as quickly as he could, leaving a trail of blood as he went. They say he then set out to find the body with a small party made up of a female mage in green robes and a smallfolk cleric in full armor. Perhaps an hour later the group returned apparently successful, carrying a headless corpse back to the friars. Most boarshead patrons think the healers were able to bring the man back to life, but no one seems to know exactly who the man was.

  • For two days after the latest Drow attack on Jiyyd Besk can be seen relaxing around Norwick. When asked what he is doing he smiles and says “Commander Dwin’s Orders”

  • The old posters on the inner wall are removed and a new festival advertisement is placed there instead.


    Greengrass Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((Again, contact me (IG: Pavel) if there's fees to be paid for the posters.))

  • A vague rumor is circulated about several people who were apparently seen entering the graveyard in the dead of night. They were led by a dark haired elf with a bad limp. They were not seen again until the next morning when they emerged, this time leading the elf, who was covered in blood, and yet his limp had mysteriously vanished. They shared a few words, then left, heading north.

  • Rumours of a battle between Drow and Yuan-ti in the valley, of a female snake fleeing before the dawn, and of a dead female snake revealed near the crossroads two dawns later.

  • _Dwin smiles as he sees his old friend Milshot seeming much happier and content. "Things could have turned out much worse," he thinks to himself.

    As Milshot passes a group of young lads, Dwin strolls over to them and smiles._

    That fella, Milshot? Aye… He's what we call a 'Champion o Norwick' around here! See that longsword at his side! Its as special as Norwick and Milshot emselves.

    You lads play it right, maybe you'll be champions some day too, eh? First we got to get ya into some Militia uniforms and huntin greenskins! whaddya say?!

    Any o you lads think you can hit a bullseye? I got a lollipop fer the first one to do it!

    Dwin ushers the children into the courtyard and hands them some darts and slings to practice with. He muses, "Considerin' whats outside the walls o this town, things are pretty farkin good inside."

  • The former chancellor is seen out and about regularly as of late. He looks well rested and the 'crazed' look in his eye is gone now as well. He strolls the town taking time to speak with the guards as well as the commonfolk that he happens across exchanging pleasantries and the whatnot.