Whispers at the Fire

  • A large orc kin (Besk) has been seen lugging large crates back and forth to Sam's Hill at odd hours of the night. Mord can usually be seen watching him from the north guard towers if any care to notice.

  • Rando is seen talking to the guards at the south gate asking who this 'pompous' dwarf is and to what he complaining about and asks them

    "send him to me and we will have a little 'chat' in a quiet corner of town"

  • The "pompous dwarf" receives Dwin's message by proxy. However, he expresses a desire to only speak to the chancellor at this point in time, returning a message of thanks for the offer of audience despite his declination

    //post above was me, didn't realise on room-mate's account >.<

  • Legion


  • Dwin asks that the pompous dwarf be sent his way should he require to submit any "complaints."

  • Two maybe three guards were killed when the gates were left open and lizards attacked.

    The Lizards have threatened to destroy the entire town if they continue to be hunted in the wood south of the lake.

    A hin was seen runnin north from the militia and later dragged back, dissapearing into the barracks.

    A pompous dwarf was heard denigrating the militia's efficent use of arms in dealing with trouble makers and is said to be waiting outside the chancellors office to lodge complaints.

  • Whether or not there are any parts to be salvaged there are certainly none by the time the Gondar gets there.

  • After a raised eyebrow at the linguist who assumes he can teach the aging Gondar something new about constructs by stating the obvious, he points out that he does not intend to rebuilt the warmachine. What he does intend to do with any parts salvaged, is something he seems keen to keep to himself for now, however.

  • Nym politely informs Dentin that it is not possible to build warmachines anew. He also points out that there is quite a variety of different ways to build other types of constructs, should he so desire.

  • With more and more warmachine activity around the Rawlins lately, Dentin passes more frequently trough Norwick. After hearing of the last attack, he heads to Norwick and Spellweaver Keep, inquiring once again about any parts of warmachine that may have been salvaged.

  • Importantly, it should be noted that 2 of Norwick's finest perished defending the gates. One of them was impaled on a pole by the bugbears, the other was never found. The adventurers that helped defend the gates were able to salvage much of their equipment, for which Dwin, Commander of the Southern Nars Militia, was grateful.

    Rumor has it that Dwin himself went out, faced a dozen bugbears, slew them all by himself and returned carrying his slain guard, who he took straight to Tristina at the Friars.

  • A group of adventurers returned in a hurry from the Rawlinswood, bugbears following on their heels. And with the bugbears, a warmachine came to the gates. While a bigger group of adventurers left the gates alone, bugbears used the momentary distraction to break down the gates. Luckily the druid Fadia and the cleric Hedia were able to break the warmachine before it could do any serious damage. A wizard from the Keep seems also involved, but he never got close to the construct, leaving the bashing of the steel body to those two and a creature of earth.

  • Keeper Genzir was seen just inside the south gate speaking with the dwarven umberlant, Mercy, and purchased some kind of potent necromantic scroll from her for a large sum.

  • _There are Rumors of a Caravan being ambushed by Damaran Soldiers in the South Rawlinswood, it is said that Zoma and Sarvalos along with a female Zoma seemed to know named Dominique were pinned down by sniper fire and had to resort in using some cover and fire and smoke bomb techniques to get through to check the caravan over.

    Also A large group of adventurers fought off an onslaught from the goblin hordes, they seemed to come wave after wave, eventually being supported by Umber Hulks, in the end the Goblins gave up, although many people suffered injuries, no one fell in the battle_

  • @e8c18ad572=SummonerX:

    _Fearing the frequent attacks, Wolf asks Norwick or any adventurer living there to help the druids patrol the Rawlins more frequently, since the Circle is not large enough to patrol the woods thouroughly.

    Since he gave his life to defend Norwick from a warmachine, he would like Norwick to do the same for his home._

    ((Fun event, even though I got mushed 😛 ))

    Is this a request fer Militia and scout patrols in the woods lad?

    • Foilir can be seen holding a halfling about 6 inches off the ground by teh scruff of his neck as he heads towards the jail *

    "Me catch yeh molestin deh wildlife again me is nae goin teh toss yeh in a cage next time! Yeh lil defiler!"

    • He quickly disappears down the town hall steps in the direction of the jail, his voiced heard scolding the pervert as he leads him to his cell *

  • _Fearing the frequent attacks, Wolf asks Norwick or any adventurer living there to help the druids patrol the Rawlins more frequently, since the Circle is not large enough to patrol the woods thouroughly.

    Since he gave his life to defend Norwick from a warmachine, he would like Norwick to do the same for his home._

    ((Fun event, even though I got mushed 😛 ))

  • Dwin laughs openly at the rumors of the Defiler's return.

    Oh! Aye! We got attacked by some farkin bugbears from the woods. it MUST be the work of the farkin Defiler! That's some story!

    He shakes his head and walks away.

    Everyun's a farkin bard these days.

  • The rawlins is a field of red literally covered in bugbear parts from the gates all the way down to the west side of the lake. Apparently the first target was a druid. There is speculation that perhaps the rumours of the Defiler's return are not unfounded.

  • As word spreads of the battle, Dentin makes his way to Norwick and heads into the Rawlinswood, to salvage any warmachine parts from the battle.