Whispers at the Fire

  • Word spreads that an Oscuran named Corde is seeking "Blackened Mushrooms" and will pay a small sum for any that are found. It is said that word should be sent to him in the city if the trade is meant to be done outside of Oscura, or a seller can simply find him in the city if there is fine.

  • @320a875320=chripso:

    Rumor has it Wolf is a drow.

    _Some might notice Wolf does not have black skin and white hair. And does not resemble any type of elf.

    About the meeting with Edward, as Kull mentioned, Wolf goes with curiosity. Hoping to get some answers about why a drow help put out a forest fire… and about the mark..._

    ((It wasnt a drow? Eh.. well, the dark wanderer was concealed and looked like a drow, so I guess Wolf could make that mistake.))

  • By Kull's advice, Zoma sets off to the Norwick inn to meet with this 'Edward' whom he never met aside from hearing stories of him being rescued from a waylaid caravan and is currently offering a large reward bounty to those responsible for it.

  • Rumor has it Wolf is a drow.

  • _Wolf can be seen cleaning up the mess the goblins had made. It seems the goblins saw fit to burn the trees. The druid plants new seeds for the ones lost and offers a blessing. He does not look happy at all.

    He was one of few defenders who fended off an army of goblins from Norwick. He had aid from Zoma and a woman named Jenna. The three were nearly felled by the sheer numbers of goblins that charged them, until the norwick scouts came to aid. It was then the goblins set fire to the woods and the crazed druid charged in anger at the army. What happened after that is not known, but there were mumblings of a "mark" and "drow."_

  • A poster or two appear on the inner walls, advertising a Midsummer Festival.

    ((If there's any costs to be covered for placing the posters and/or keeping them in place, please contact me.))

  • ICC

    *Word on the street is that the half orc named KULL has been sighted draging a skined woman into town and drop her at the Frier´s place. The corpse had a note, writen on his own skinned skin saying something like " heres your daughter old man Edwards, and if you dont move forward and fast the rest will be next After some words with Kia and a a Norwick guard KULL was informed that Edward was staying in the Boarshead Inn, he went there to deleiver the news of his dougter death, the old man demanded to see her, and so his wish was granted. It so happends that after all the skinned woman wasnt his daughter.
    The old man asked KULL if he had seen something or some one unusual before seing the skinned woman, to wich KULL replayd that there was this elf that was talking to Wolf and Zoma about some marks. The Old man named Edwards looked at KULL and sayd that Zoma and Wolf where in danger and that they should meet with Edwards and talk, The chancellor of Norwick Lucidious should be in such meeting as well.
    He is staying in the Boardshead Inn.

    // Thank you DM Dr Suess AKA DM Ugly for the great fun! i had a blast!

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • Lucidious was seen entering town from the north gate in his formal robes, a shadow mastiff at his side. After a short discussion with the guards at the gate, he makes his way to town hall. Shortly after, a locksmith from the Norick Trading Co. is escorted to the hall by a pair of guardsmen.

  • Not quite sure of what they are actually seeing, some of the townsfolk are speaking of a man running about in FP, a horned helm, and brandishing a blade and shield as well. Oddly enough, the problem lies not with what the man is wearing but the voice that comes from under the helm sounds an awful lot like the former chancellor of Norwick.

    One commoner tells of the former Chancellor having a hapless adventurer arrersted for murder.

  • A stalwart and hardy elf with earthy skin observes the traffic into the makeshift camp with keen, albeit differently colored, eyes. He is silent, though he takes no pains to conceal himself from the woman as she approaches. He stands out of earshot, until the woman leaves, only then drifting into the deeper shadows of the forest to seek other quarry.

  • _A tired looking red head has been seen climbing the hill behind the Kelemvor temple, often spending hours at a small camp that has been set up there. Rumor has it, the former chancellor of Norwick, now banned from entering the town, has moved into the little camp.

    On a side note, since this camp has appeared, the current chancellor of Norwick has gone missing._

  • There are rumours that a shadowy figure appeared near the South gate, dropped a large bundle of Saurial weapons of all kinds, called out that he was just helping out and then left into the dark night. It's said Star attempted to track the person but was unsuccesful, losing him on the edge of Saurial lands again.

  • As soon as the rumours of strange lights, a very much dead looking charred corpse and the cryptic message it comes along with, a silver haired one eyed swordsman could be seen inquiring the locals of Norwick regarding of the rumour and whom he ought to speak with to learn more of it.

  • _There have been unsubstantiated reports of "floating lights" traversing the Nars Pass in the dead of night.

    It is rumored that earlier in the morning some travellers had come across a charred corpse in the pass. There is also mention of some note stuck to the corpse, about "heretics" and "new dawn"…_

  • A contingent of the towns militia including Guards and Scouts, as well as a few of their close friends were seen coming in to town in good spirits aftere dealing a devastating blow to the goblins within the hold, they mention that while they did destroy overwhelming numbers of Goblins and Umberhulks, that they decided to make a tactical retreat after discovering unusual numbers of Bugbears in the caves, they say they will be making another strike at the hold another day for certain.

  • A burning figure was seen atop the ridge by the upper gate at teh south wall. The tales say the indisctinct figure stood among its flames and cursed the goblins then dissapeared without a trace.

  • Dwin asks around to see who the fark this general of the bruised army is and why the fark he's wagerin on Dwin's soil.

  • Rumor has it that the reason behind the goblin invasion has been discovered. According to a very fallible source, all evidence points to a wager between a certain general of a certain "Bruised Army" and the general of the goblins. Needless to say, the victor was unable to successfully collect his prize and was instead massacred. When later asked about this, the afore mentioned fallible source replied with a very affirming "When did I say that?"

  • Though the drums of war rolled through the air and rumbled the ground, several citizens watched as defenders from the Legion, Crimson Knights, Divine Shield, and several other notable individuals fended off an army of goblins at the south gate. Runners had been dispatched by the Chancellor just in time to see the various persons arrive to ward off the threat. No fatalities were reported, yet hours were spent afterwards burning the bodies of the would-be conquerors.
    Word has also spread that some of the defenders, led by General Lyte, had been seen heading into the wilderness to track down and investigate the source of the army and the reason for its attack.

  • The stench has lifted from the jails in norwick. Rumor has it the gnome woman being held there simply turned to dust in her cell several days ago.