Whispers at the Fire

  • orc man wanders over randomly and answers dwin's question

    "oooo ooo, I know this one….hmmm...mmm....ya call em ugly then toss em over the wall, or do ya call em a thief then toss em over the wall...."

    looks in to the distance a glazed expression on his face...drool begining to dribble from the corner of his mouth

  • hearing just the last part of the speech, Dwin wanders over grinning.

    Whaddya call an attractive, smart hin-lass?

  • _Foilir listens to the tale as he has the guards gather and re-tell it. Once the tale is done, he looks at them all then laughs a long loud belly laugh slapping his hand on his leg repeatedly.

    He even spills some ale from his bottle. Finally gathering himself he wipes away some tears as he composes himself.

    He gathers himself and adjusts his armor and cloak. Then he looks at them all and asks, rhetorically:

    "Alright…which un of yeh is deh bard? It a grand tale... Truely wunderful... But yeh know me nae goin teh allow a bard teh weave rumors anna tales in deh ranks."

    Still smiling but his eyes slowly narrowing as he looks at each one a bit more closely:

    "Dat was yeh warnin.. If yeh like yeh job anna yeh pay, yeh best stop wit rumors anna bardic fairy tales.. Yeh nae in deh business of entertainin children anna semi intelligent folk wit yeh bardic fairy tales.."

    Holds out his staff which seems to dry the wet Norwick ground and singe the soaked grass:

    "Now sumun better tell me a joke anna make me smile afore me assign yeh all names of Sally, Besseh anna Sue anna place cowbells around yeh necks, so me cen hear stupid comin at me afore me sees it."

    With that he leans on his staff waiting for a good joke.*_

  • Rumors among the guards of Norwick that the shadowy figures that keep attacking are searching for a mark, and that the mark has something to do with the defiler, and that either the dark enchantress or Star may bear that mark, certain members of the guard have decided that either of the two must be found and questioned.

  • The saurial paladin Steelfin has become a common sight in the city of Norwick, Rumors suggest he is trying to keep people out of the southern woods for the time being.

  • hearing the rumor, the chancellor goes to inspect the remains and makes note of the burn marks, then heads to the barracks.

  • Rumors spread about a guard at the south gate of Norwick giving chase to a shadowy figure. The gaurd was last seen moving south around the western edge of the lake after yelling back to his fellow guards for help. A scream was heard shortly after. The only thing recovered was the guards shield, sword, and what appears to be the burned remains of a cloak.

  • posters go up around norwick

    Clan fight night in Norwick! ( Sunday, dec 10 @ 9pm-ish est )

    Sign up your team of 4 for clan fight night!
    Teams will compete in two competitions: Boxing and an “anything goes” match.
    ( feats and gloves will be allowed in the boxing match )
    The entry fee for a team is 200 gold and covers the cost of both matches.
    Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams in both events.

    Archery will take place before the clan fights.
    The grand prize: a masterworks longbow donated by Foilir on behalf of the crafters union

  • If Wolf is asked about the incident involving Penny at fight night, he just frowns deeply and responds: "Long story.." Most would probably think his comment was harsh and perhaps a bit surprising Wolf would say such a thing.

  • Rumors spread that during one of the Fight Night competitions, an altercation happened in the crowd between Penny and Wolf, with Penny slapping him across the face in front of dozens of attendees before turning her wares in to Lucidious and leaving town. People in the area indicate that one comment from Wolf seemed to set her off: "at least I have a child".

  • Rumors spread quickly that another caravan has bee ambushed on its way though the Rawlinswood. So far no survivors are known. A steady flow of Militia members in and out of the wood raises questions of imenent action against the goblins.

  • Sarvalos stops and questions Wald and Praeth about any information they may have on Edward II and his situation, also his past. He is subtle in his questioning and refrains from annoying the two, especially Wald.

    Sarvalos also has been seen often at Norwicks south gate scanning for the rumored shadowed figures, he has been seen as far as setting up trip wires with noise alarms and anything else useful he can dig up to help him aid in the identification of what is out there and why.

  • Rumors abound of more "sightings" of something or someone moving quielty about in the shadows south of Norwick. Reportedly, some adventurers have been followed thru the Rawlins, feeling that they were being watched but not able to make out who or what was filling the air with those feelings.

  • Cyrian returns from the deep woods for a rest and to resupply, he warns travellers that while he constantly patrolls the deep woods for goblin threats and eliminates them, that few of the goblins have begun to leave the deeper woods for the safety of the woods nearest to Norwick, because of this he warns people that may be venturing to the western woods that they may contact one or two of the stronger goblins, usually caster types and that they should be cautions. In responce to the new threat Cyrian has begun to expand his patrol to the near woods to scout for stray goblins, he asks for anyone skilled in tracking to show him the most effective methods to monitor goblin movement within the forest.

  • Guards 'pon the wall report seeing two knights armored in red-lacquered plate arguing heatedly upon the road north of the gate. They could not identify the individuals save that one was older and that, even from a distance, deep scars were visible upon his face. The argument is said to have lasted quite some time before the two left the area.

  • Rumors fly that fire demons assaulted the south gates in the early dawn. Gouts of flame lashing the guards on duty and mysterious dark figures dissapearing into thin air, leaving no trace.

  • _Two druids entered the prison, the female druid in the heavy robes was carrying a scroll. A guard later followed. There seemed to be a struggle with the undead gnome as the guard and the male druid came up injured and smelled awful. They all seemed to have dissapointed looks on their faces as they exited.

    "The druids Wolf and Raisa would like to thank the Norwick guard named Ben. Without him, the undead gnome may have escaped. The druids ask he get a big bonus in his pay."_

    ((Thanks Kall, was a fun little event))

  • gaolers from norwick prison are often heard complaining about their working conditions while off duty at the boarshead sucking down ales. They say their latest prisoner is a half naked tattoo covered undead gnome who wreaks of death and decay, causing anyone nearby to smell the same for a good number of days. Apparently even biggus is disturbed by the stench, often waving his new everburning torch to ward off the smell.

  • Those coming and going into Norwick's South Gate may notice a dark figure or two, now and again, lurking in the shadows. Nothing is discernable from a distance, only something moving in the shadows. Perhpas it is something, perhaps not.

  • rumors slowly seep through the Boarshead Inn that Cyrian of the Militia brought a package to Sir Edward, the militia man had a passive but concerned look on his face when he requested to speak to the man. for a bit of coin Brane would tell curious folk that Cyrian had mentioned there being a severed head in the box, while nothing was directly discussed the details seem to have been kept between Cyrian. Sir Edward, and the note that Cyrian had delivered, Edward spoke something about a great danger to the entire town and requested to see the Chancellor as soon as possible, that is all Brane would be able to say about the matter.