Whispers at the Fire

  • Rumors abound of more "sightings" of something or someone moving quielty about in the shadows south of Norwick. Reportedly, some adventurers have been followed thru the Rawlins, feeling that they were being watched but not able to make out who or what was filling the air with those feelings.

  • Cyrian returns from the deep woods for a rest and to resupply, he warns travellers that while he constantly patrolls the deep woods for goblin threats and eliminates them, that few of the goblins have begun to leave the deeper woods for the safety of the woods nearest to Norwick, because of this he warns people that may be venturing to the western woods that they may contact one or two of the stronger goblins, usually caster types and that they should be cautions. In responce to the new threat Cyrian has begun to expand his patrol to the near woods to scout for stray goblins, he asks for anyone skilled in tracking to show him the most effective methods to monitor goblin movement within the forest.

  • Guards 'pon the wall report seeing two knights armored in red-lacquered plate arguing heatedly upon the road north of the gate. They could not identify the individuals save that one was older and that, even from a distance, deep scars were visible upon his face. The argument is said to have lasted quite some time before the two left the area.

  • Rumors fly that fire demons assaulted the south gates in the early dawn. Gouts of flame lashing the guards on duty and mysterious dark figures dissapearing into thin air, leaving no trace.

  • _Two druids entered the prison, the female druid in the heavy robes was carrying a scroll. A guard later followed. There seemed to be a struggle with the undead gnome as the guard and the male druid came up injured and smelled awful. They all seemed to have dissapointed looks on their faces as they exited.

    "The druids Wolf and Raisa would like to thank the Norwick guard named Ben. Without him, the undead gnome may have escaped. The druids ask he get a big bonus in his pay."_

    ((Thanks Kall, was a fun little event))

  • gaolers from norwick prison are often heard complaining about their working conditions while off duty at the boarshead sucking down ales. They say their latest prisoner is a half naked tattoo covered undead gnome who wreaks of death and decay, causing anyone nearby to smell the same for a good number of days. Apparently even biggus is disturbed by the stench, often waving his new everburning torch to ward off the smell.

  • Those coming and going into Norwick's South Gate may notice a dark figure or two, now and again, lurking in the shadows. Nothing is discernable from a distance, only something moving in the shadows. Perhpas it is something, perhaps not.

  • rumors slowly seep through the Boarshead Inn that Cyrian of the Militia brought a package to Sir Edward, the militia man had a passive but concerned look on his face when he requested to speak to the man. for a bit of coin Brane would tell curious folk that Cyrian had mentioned there being a severed head in the box, while nothing was directly discussed the details seem to have been kept between Cyrian. Sir Edward, and the note that Cyrian had delivered, Edward spoke something about a great danger to the entire town and requested to see the Chancellor as soon as possible, that is all Brane would be able to say about the matter.

    • Foilir laughs even more heartily. *

    Sumun eer sound like chicken lil… Sound like yeh folk cen nae let go of deh past..

    Unless of course yeh is referrin teh deh half orc who molested dem cows when yeh says "Defiler".

  • Dwin hears the rumors and scoffs

    Oi! If I had a copper fer every time I heard the Defiler was back!

    Relax folks… there's been more than one false-pretender. Them Greenskin shamans are certainly gettin more powerful lately. Let's concentrate on remocin their wiggly little fingers and heads and less about "Him." No reason to get people all riled up!

  • The Defiler returns! Possessing goblins using his dark and malevolent Will, he captured Archdruidess Fadia and inteneded on feeding her to a Vile Demon. Fortunately a brave band of rescuers led by Ginger and Wolf rescued her before fleeing before the hungry demon's wrath.

    Impervious to arrows and blades, the Foul Beast was only slain by the magics and warcraft of Raryldor, supported by many well-intentioned townsfolk and visitors.

    The retaliation back to the goblin cave to retrieve Fadia's sword resulted in her death to swarms of Jellies and their evil and probably possessed goblin masters.

    He has Returned.

    // Thanks to DM Lazarus(?) for the demond fun and to the usual suspects for the heroic rescue and the stupid recklessness of getting surrounded and engulfed by jelly that followed.

  • Dwin sends a guard to deliver an invitation to Sir Edwards, the invitation is for a nice supper in Dwin's office.

  • Sir Edwards II is seen moving about town a bit more frequently stopping now and again to speak with Praeth and even Wald. The old man seems not so frail anymore after his wounds have healed and he is somewhat rested. A look of determination is about him as he moves deliberately between the inn and various locations about town.

  • A more quite than usual alexi can be seen around norwick when ever he is around and not in the ralwins woods. Always with a saddened face. When people ask him what is wrong he normaly just grunts and goes on his way with a letter griped in his hand. Ocasionaly he mutters some thing about oscura or some other random things.

  • *emerging from the hall with a yawn and cup of tea in hand, the chancellor looks pleasantly surprised by the -gigantic- bouquet of flowers. He takes a moment to look them over with a chuckle before reading the note…to which he frowns deeply *

    oh for the love of...

    he scoops up what he can of the bouquet, including the card, and drags it inside leaving a trail of stray flowers behind

  • A -gigantic- boquet of flowers is left outside the building containing the Chancellor's office for all to see before Lucid drags it away, if he does that is. A simple card is left with the flowers simply reading:

    "Congratulations Lucidious upon your up and coming marriage to the fiesty Miss Jirka. May she change your sinning ways."

    The card is not signed.

  • ((also see this thread))

  • Rumors fly about the old man that was escorted into town by a group of adventurers. It is said the man has taken one of the nicer rooms at the inn and also that he is one of 3 Edwards brothers, owners of the Edwards Brother's Trading Co. The man seemed familiar with Wald and spoke with Praeth as though they were longtime friends before making his way to the inn.

    It seems word is spreading of a substantial reward being offered in lieu of the return of his family members that were apparently kidnapped in an ambush attack outside the north gates of Norwick in the South Valley.

  • At times the chancellor can be seen walking with fadia as she visits farms in the area, talking quietly with her on recent events. He seems pleased to have a druid from the circle openly offering aid to the people of Norwick as they prepare for a possible threat from the north.

  • The Well in Norwick had a bit of a flare up with earthquakes and a few planar incursions. Fortunately two member of the crimson guard (one newly minted) along with Shannon, Lucidious, Kara, and Jerr were on hand to keep the damage to a minimum.

    While some wonder at why the skald was heard to taunt some occupant of the well most assumed it was to draw out a hidden enemy. There were no deaths and the flare up ended at sunset, in time for the skald to drum the sun down in his usual way.