Whispers at the Fire

  • Following shortly after the previous goblin events, a large scale goblin attack is launched all night at the town, with a strange grey beast appearing shortly after it finishes which vanished into mist when slain.

    As the Dawn breaks, two men in the armour of the Watchfull Repose can be seen doing the long task of collecting all the bodies from the battlefield and creating a Pyre, speaking to Kelemvor to tell him of the Goblins passing so he may judge them, as the bodies are burnt, then the ashs buried.

  • What the fark we got here? Jiyyd II? Folks think they can walk around skinnin greenskins and that they aint gonna rise up and cause us problems?

    Dwin tells the guards to take names of anyone bragging or discussing the slaughter of goblins.

    OH! and I found another farkin book outside me crafting hall…

    Dwin stomps off to find Lucid.

  • Those in the west rawlins may have heard high screams in the night. At daybreak any wanderes could find the bodies of two goblins skinned and stacked to trees.

  • Dwin is seen carrying a few odd looking books through town and asking the guards who was sitting near the well recently.

  • _About to go on one of his patrols to the west, lucidious pauses to look over the heads. Tracing a pattern in the air, he casts a spell and looks them over more carefully. The elf then slips his helm without a word and takes the heads back to the wall, again in a leather bag.

    Lucidious then goes out on patrol as planned. Hours later he returns smelling of charred goblin flesh, his blade coated in dark blood. Still helmed, he spends some time cleaning the sword by the lake, then offers up a silent prayer before returning to the inner walls._

  • @029c31660e=elor_danna:

    This time, two human heads appear, in the same way as last time, somewhere to the west of Norwick, on the edge of goblin territory…their eyes have been removed, and stuffed inside their mouths.

    Upon hearing of the fate of these two men, Shannon offers to perform Resurrection rights on each of them so that they may live once again, and so that their slayer can be identified.

  • This time, two human heads appear, in the same way as last time, somewhere to the west of Norwick, on the edge of goblin territory…their eyes have been removed, and stuffed inside their mouths.

  • @d3a5914aea=v_black:

    Apparently out of retaliation, someone has put a couple of goblins to death and left their corpses out in the sun to rot. Just south of Norwick. Rumor says it was sponsored by someone in the militia.

    A day later a man in the silver and gold of the watchfull repose removes the corpses a distance away and burns then buries the remains.

  • Apparently out of retaliation, someone has put a couple of goblins to death and left their corpses out in the sun to rot. Just south of Norwick. Rumor says it was sponsored by someone in the militia.

  • While reading in Norwick, just south of the North Gate, Ezachiel was approached by a woman those who know her can recognize Yolanda from the description, who thanked him for coming back for her body after she died at the duergar. Apparently feeling sorry for not being unable to prevent her from dying, he gave her a bag of coins, as a sort of compensation. After she left, he went back to his reading, spending some more hours there.

  • the chancellor approaches the spot flanked by two guards. He orders one of the guards to take the human from the spike. The guard places it into a leather bag and swings it over his shoulder. The group then returns to norwick making their way to the barracks.

  • Out of nowhere, a human head on a spike appeared in the Rawlins, not far from where the goblin heads can be found. No traces can be found, and at no time was anything visible, the head literally appeared out of nowhere.

  • Rumour has it that a bunch of goblin heads on spikes can be found a bit west of Norwick, on the edge of goblin territory. Those who can communicate with animals, etc., might find out that something resembling a zombie killed a bunch of goblins, then ripped off their heads and put them on spikes. After that, it just dissapeared. If anyone attempts to search for tracks, they might find some, leading into one of the crypts in the graveyard, then dissapearing.

  • Before the attack happened, a group of three returns from the woods, carrying two fallen men. Particularly odd a halfling woman carrying the corpse and belongings of a full grown human man. They make directly for the Friar. Those who spend a moment to listen to their tale despite Norwick almost immediately after besieged by all the forest has to hide, might hear strangely walking bugbears and warriors of a forgotten culture mentioned.

  • Drow, beatles, bugbears, goblins, and shadow demons all assaulted the Norwick southern gate for a period of three days. The attacks only took place at night. A handful of adventurers defended the gate from these monsters without losing one of their own, even after the swarms of adult beatles and bugbear they encountered in the woods.

  • Even though he did all he could to help protect Norwick during the recent goblinoid attack, risking his life like everyone else, the constant taunts and insults seemed to finally get at the wizard known by some as Ezachiel, and after the attack was over, he was seen leaving Norwick northbound, in a rather foul mood.

  • _A horse drawn cart enters the inner gate late one evening. The next morning the cart heads north towing various boxes and chests all strapped down and covered by a weathered tarp. Several guardsmen led by Kalith and Mord follow the cart north as it makes its way to Oscura.

    Lucidious and the half elf he calls Ann spend the next few days moving boxes back and fourth from the boarshead to the great hall behind the inner walls. In the meantime, it seems the new Chancellor has taken up office in one of the back rooms of the Boarshead until the new offices are arranged properly._

  • Dwin walks somberly behind them, then snaps his fingers at 2 of the gate guards and points at Milshot. They understand the order and follow the redhead and the chancellor as escorts to their destination.

    ..best make sure they get there in one piece!

  • Rumor spreads that a firery red head was seen busting down the Chancellor's office door, with help from some guards, then using a magical belt to hold poor Milshot in place. It would seem the red head had some experience with rope, as she quickly bound his hands and feet together, then instructed a few other guards to help her load the man up. She was seen heading north with the former Chancellor, and no one seemed the least bit inclined to stop her.

  • Rumors begin to spread about Norwick's first ever Rent-A-Friend Auction, hosted by the Chancellor's Office and the Ministry of Fashion. According to some, the new Chancellor Lucidious was attempting to post the winning bid on each of the female participants, often going to great monetary lengths to do so, much to the disappointment of his personal guard, who was anticipating needing to "burn the office couch" in the morning. Others describe the exorbitant sum posted for the Lady Nicahh during a bidding war between an "unidentified bidder" and the elf, Aelhaern, with the final bid nearing 5000 gold pieces, much to the astonishment of the locals. At the conclusion of the event, Penny told the crowd to stay tuned for another friend-finding opportunity in the near future.

    ((Many thanks to all who participated - I nearly died laughing half a dozen times! :D))