Whispers at the Fire

  • Missing the commotion at the Chancellor's office, Aelhaearn stops by Dwin's office in the militia barracks and discovers it empty yet again and heads back through town to return to Jiyyd.

  • Lucidious takes them both into his office for a quick chat

  • Dwin walks back to the Chancellors office with Nicahh, and looks for Lucid to see what this is all about.

  • Nicahh is once again seen in Norwick, heading to the Chancellor's office. When her rappings upon the door are once again unanswered, yet her sharp ears can hear movement behind the door, she is seen heading to the barricks, saying that per Lucidious, someone is to remove the Chancellor's door for her.

  • The man known as Ezachiel has been spending a lot of time in Norwick recently, dressed in normal-looking dark clothes, not displaying any sign of his faith, sitting either at the south watch tower or on one of the benches near the town hall, reading and studying. When talked to, he responds politely, though his tone becomes less friendly when asked about the girl who died. He vehemently denies any accusations of him having lured her outside of town on purpose, stating that he merely did not give enough thought to whether she was aware of the dangers. Some might say that he is trying to become a normal part of life in Norwick, trying to "blend in" as it were.

  • _Commoners joke and laugh a bit about the fight night. It seems the magic duels caused the participants and innocent spectators to turn into animals. Everyone was returned to normal thanks to a druid and a couple mages…

    ...but other parts of the night had some worried when darkness began to fill Norwick. It is said a skeleton arose and spoke to the adventurers in town. Citizens begin to worry that more of the undead might come forth in later days._

  • Rummors spread of the one many might consider the town loon has not been seen or heard from in quite some time, not since the last festival in Norwick with magic duals came to a halt due to sever wild magic.

  • There are rumours among Boarshead patrons about the upcoming festival in the Silver Valley. They say that Juster, Gonnar and Ginger have planned a scavenger hunt and archery contest for the event. Everyone is welcome to participate.

    ((Event is scheduled for next Satuday. Start time TBA.))

  • On hearing the latest news about the chancellor, lucidious visits his office. Finding the door locked and no response from the other side, he quickly makes his way to the barracks looking for Dwin and Foilir…

  • Exhausted and very tired looking, the Chancellor is seen now and again making his way in and out of the Town Hall pushing a wheelbarrow. He enters the hall with it full of small rocks and then leaves the hall, the barrow empty. Back and forth he goes one afternoon until dusk whereupon he makes one last trip out then returns, shutting himself and the rocks into the office.

  • It would appear that Ezachiel is looking for the parents of the girl who died recently, and was then ressurected.

  • Mord looks a bit confused at the instructions from the dwarf but nods and carries on He can be seen standing guard and muttering under his frosted breath at the gates

  • Kalith is seen walking around town on his rounds seemingly looking for the parents of a child reported killed recently. He seems to be encouraging all parents to drill into their children not to leave the safety of the walls without their approval and telling all children how dangerous it is outside and to report anyone trying to offer them jobs leaving the town to the militia.

  • _A clearly irritated dwarf heads to the North gate to instruct the guards to not let any children too young to venture out into the pass out alone.

    He then informs the gaurds if the parents of the child that wandered out are seen, they should immediately be directed to Dwin's office.

    The dwarf walks off muttering about parents losing sight of their children can only lead to bad things._

  • A brown-skinned elven sorceress walks through it all obliviously, passerbys noting that she doesn't seem to understand the Common Tongue. Her chosen paths often bring her past Chancellor Milshot's offices.

  • _Foilir keeps smiling as he ushers Nicaah towards Dwin's office away from the odd screams emanating from Milshot's office and the smell of the undead.

    He continues smiling through the icy glare as he wonders why she is looking at him as if he insinuated "Yes, that bow makes you look fat."_

  • Nicahh goes along to talk to Dwin, seeming fine with such… but she -still- insists upon talking with Milshot. And anyone that tries to discourage such, is met with a bone chilling glare.

    ((I'll PM you Dwin))

  • After hearing the rumor, Lucidious and Ezachiel spend a moment talking just outside town hall. The conversation is brief and lucidious makes his way to the barracks afterward.

  • If asked about it, Ezachiel responds that he asked the kid whether she thought she could get to Oscura and back to Norwick safely, and she said yes. Only at that point did he offer her 20 gold to go fetch him something in Oscura. He is also willing to pay for her ressurection.

  • _Foilir steers Nicaah away from Milshot's office as he hears him in fear scream with each bang on the door.

    He directs her towards Dwin's office in the barracks as its more an issue for the guard than the chancellor._