Whispers at the Fire

    • Every now and again Foilir does a double take in the direction at Milshot as he watches him admonishing boars and shrubbery for leaving the gate open yet again.

    Moving quickly and using his staff to move along, Foilir pulls the guards following the chancellor aside and instructs them to keep him from these public displays.

    They try their best to make it look like they are being yelled at and try to shield him from direct view of the visitors and citizens *

  • _The Chancellor is seen out and about by the North and East Gates. He has several lengths of rope, all with knots tied in them at evenly spaced intervals. He moves about the gate stretching the rope out and then counting the knots from one end to the other, taking measurements it seems. He is heard, now and again, mumbling to himself something about stone being better.

    When watched for any period of time, he is also seen yelling at those who come in and out of the gates threatening them with fines should they leave the gates open.

    He is very focused on the walls and gates and pays little attention to anything else it seems. A strange look is on his face as he moves about carrying the ropes and such._

  • _A heavily armored dwarf can be seen coming back from the woods alone.
    Chuckling about the thought of meeting all the druids in their circle, something he thought he would never see.

    Coming into town he watches Zyphilin being followed by a few guards and he waves them away, not wanting to assign him more importance that he already does himself.

    Chuckling he heads towards the offices of Lucidious and Milshot._

  • _Rumor spreads of unusually large numbers of druids seen moving through the Rawlinswood, and of goblin warbands operating abnormally close to the south gates.

    Later in the day, a somewhat bemused guard on Sam's (or Norwick's) Hill reports a gigantic white bear shambling north towards Peltarch, dragging a large sack with the word 'SWAG' printed upon it in heavy, gothic type._


  • As always, the Blue Bard is watched closely by the Norwick Guards, and trailed by a helmless sergeant until he reaches the gates.

  • Zyph is seen walking through town. He has a large smile on his face as he whistles a bit. He seemed unusually upbeat compared to how he often is in the town

  • One evening the advisor, dressed in a simple gray robe, carries a canvas from town hall to the south gate. He carefully places it into the campfire then quietly takes a seat and watches as the painting is consumed by the flames.

    • Foilir can be seen checking in on the Chancellor now and again, speaking to the hoardes of guards that are gaurding his office.

    Shaking his head, he orders the majority back to their posts at the gates and guarding the cells and barracks, leaving a couple on shifts at the chancellor's door.

    The scent of undead is unmistakeable, the guards not looking forward to the assigned duty.*

  • Commoners talk about strange happenings with the Chancellor as he has been seen running back and forth between the barracks and his office in the town hall with gaurds in tow. He is said to be yelling something about undead in his office and has a very strange look on his face as he makes his way back and forth. In one hand is his drawn weapon and the other his shield.

  • Woodsmen speak of the occasional strange bright globes of lights floating in the distance in the Rawlins at dusk or early night, and sometimes a faint humming.

    Another speaks of seeing two figures around a strange device bathed in a greenish glow at one time.

    ((edited for typos))

  • its heard that the wizardess known as Chaevre' Vaelen showed up at the last fight night and challenged the winner of the tournament to a fight, she even promised not to kill them, but not one person stepped up the take the challenge, she was heard later commenting that if the heroes of Narfell are afraid to challenge her in fair combat then they are doomed to be destroyed by far greater threats then her…

  • For some reason, the wizard known to some as Ezachiel has been spending a lot of time at the South Gate, often sitting on top of the watchtower west of the gate, dressed in a simple set of black clothes with no Banite symbols showing.

  • A young half elven woman (late teens in human terms) is frequently seen around the campfire at the south gate, tossing dice for money with the locals, a smile on her face whether she wins or loses. When the campfire is slow, she can also be found dicing in the main room of the Boarshead and carousing with the locals. Oddly enough the Advisor seems to take a bit of an interest in her, and the two can freqently be seen together.

  • Two days later Foilir has a hin deliver a small deer skin pouch to Aelhaearn.

    Inside the pouch are teeth collected after his match with Keira.

  • In archery, Lily, despite the influence of Penny's libations, shot a bulls-eye in the final round with an outer ring shot to defeat Aelhaearn's two middle ring shots. The young elf was gracious in defeat, having been successfully distracted by the antics of some of the attendees, and was seen talking for some time afterwards with the winner.

    • After stepping in some wolf poo walking to Fine's barn, Foilir pulls Plato aside.

    Plato who stops running laps around Norwick orders some announcements to be posted about town regarding animal companions inside town walls.

    After using the cloak of a passed out patron of fight night to wipe his boot, he continues toward the barn *

  • _Another fight night behind them, Foilir and Lucidious review the mess of empty bottles, teeth and dried blood on the grounds where the event took place the day prior. Sqee is quickly put to the task of cleanup as the Advisor and Captain review the layout of the grounds, talking about how to improve on things. With dice games, a bar, and even an auction, they both seem happy with the turnout but are in agreement the location may need to change.

    After a bit of discussion, Foilir wanders off to fine's estate with lucid following close behind. The dwarf settles his eyes on fine's barn and the two walk though reviewing the interior, lucid taking notes and nodding in agreement as Foilir spouts out ideas for a new fight ring…_

    • A heavily armored dwarf appears from the legion barracks with a medallion of the militia captain hanging from his neck.

    Word is Lucidious has asked him to occupy the position until his cousin returns. *

  • The "Fight Night" festival was said to have gone off wonderfully once more. The cap of the evening was an "anything goes" tournament. It was kicked off with a bit of a bang as the Banite Vincent bestowed with blessings from his cleric companion went up against a fully blessed Zyphlin Re'cual, compliments of Divine Knight Shannon and his lord Torm, in a stellar fight ending with the Banites fall. The battles continued, leaving the three final contestants as the bard, the elven cleric Rary, and the Sharessian sister Lilin.

    The three draw straws, with Lilin gaining a buy. In the semi-final, Rary struck down the blue bard, making short work of the duelist while the elf's skin was coated with stone. The final battle between the two clerics was truly epic and lasted some time, with numerous spells being cast. In the end Rary scored the victory in a rather sour ending; Lilin forfieted, despite having Rary injured a number of times,and left after the long fight seemingly having other obligations. Rary was awarded a hefty gold purse while the runner up Lilin was awarded a fine pair of spiked gauntlets.

  • The incredibly fair and light handed Legion General Lyte bursts into the Inn at Norwick, rather out of breath from running all the way from Jiyyd, and she offers a story all within the tavern hear her relate.

    "Folir. Good." huffs _"A set of haunted plate has been roaming around the Nars today, on the road to Jiyyd, and in Jiyyd itself. At first, it seem haunted by the spirit of some long dead dwarvish hero, but, then it's voice was clearly recognizable as Dwin's.

    He spoke to me at length by name, after hearing my voice, and said that he is in the dark. He asked where you, and Maythor and Jirka were at. I think he needs your help, as he does not know where he is at.

    He said he was "safe"…but not alone.

    I dont know if his spirit has found any of you yet to tell you this.....he cannot see who he is talking to, and I felt time might be of the essance in this matter.

    I do not know what exactly is going on, but had heard Dwin was taken by undead.

    Dwin has long been friends to some in the Legion, and if you need our aid in going to rescue him, please dont hesitate to let us know, and we will join your party."_

    Having delivered her message, the pretty elven woman leaves; nodding to those she knows in the tavern pleasantly, she heads back north.