Whispers at the Fire

  • The guards begin to talk openly of a recent meeting between the Advisor and the elf Raryldor just outside the south gate. It seemed nothing unusual at first, until the advisor raised his voice, pointing a finger to Rary and spouting something that seemed rather harsh, though the whole time speaking elven. In the end, the advisor stormed back into town followed by a calm and unshaken Raryldor.

  • ::Kalith laughs heartily at the newest rumor::

    Bane walking around here? If that was Bane, why would he bother to summon lesser beings to do his bidding when he could of just with a thought have killed them?


    Sounds like someone playing games.

  • Rumours spread that the Selunite Priestess Nyda has outdone herself in her most recent exploit. Upon finding a magical circle surrounded by staked corpses in the Pass, next to the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, she and a member of the black sails were confronted by a being that radiated pure malevolance and power. Laughing at their insignificance the being summoned a powerful creature to go and destroy Norwick. Giving chase they were joined by others and destroyed the beast just outside Norwick. The being, whose power felt to be that of a deity, summoned another that was slain just inside Jiyyd. After much taunting and argument with the deity, who was revealed to be Bane, or at least claimed to be and had the power to back it up, summoned a third more powerful version that slew a pair of helmites in Jiyyd before being slain.

    Bane caused great wounds on several of the people around the Circle during this, though seemed unable to hurt Nyda when he tried. They spoke in both common and infernal, though none of Nyda's answers seemed to please the self-proclaimed Dark Lord until she threatened to put him over her knee and spank some sense into him. This amused him and he took her away for a private chat. Whatever the result of this he then left for good the magic circle fading. Throughout she denied his right to take anyones free will, and refused repeatedly to bow or kneel to him.

    Though he did appear to her again outside Jiyyd and confirm that his thrice refused offer to her stood if she ever tired of mortal men.

  • At hearing this Juster quickly begins to ask around as t whether or not Will was found.

  • For a while the people of Norwick can gaze upon the body of a slain spider, lying right in front of Praeth' shop. Those asking around, quickly find out that the very spider was found feasting on a boar not far from Wald's mill and after done with that went after a man. It was only defeated through the help of one of the brave militia men of Norwick.

  • _The young knight Lope and a traveling scribe named Kirlan are seen entering Norwick through the northern gate, carrying a bloodsoaked and unconscious man in robes who some might recognize as Alexei Shivarn. Talking in low tones, they carry him directly to Friar Fred's.

    Asked by townsfolk afterwards, they explain that the unfortunate man was ambushed near Sam's Hill by abnormally large hobgoblins… "Larger and fiercer than the frothing kind!"... and that they and some others rescued him. His companion, they hint sadly, may not have been so lucky... was possibly eaten. They know nothing of him, save that his name was William.

    It's widely agreed that the rescue was a praiseworthy deed, but more attention and concern is paid to the fact that such well armed and trained hobgoblins were able to slip right up to the very hills lately claimed by Norwick. Many people wonder what became of the guards posted. Lope says apologetically that she saw no sign of them... just a campfire and a heap of empty bottles... which, she hastens to add, may have been used potion bottles, not necessarily whiskey._


  • A merchant putting up at the Boarshead tavern is overheard telling his partner over a mug of ale:

    _"…night while I was travelling through the Nars, I saw some glowing lights flickering in the distance. I could have sworn I heard a high pitched whining noise too, like the ringing of metal after being struck by a hammer, only faster.

    Those things gave me an uneasy feeling, I had to go out of my way to avoid them. Must be the wild magic or some wizard fooling around...if the hobgoblins aren't trouble enough already..."_

  • The two day shift guards at the south gate Pete and Jorge mention the advisor being in a horribly foul mood the other day. They say they left the advisor at the gate to have a conversation with what they saw as a very pleasant, non-threatening stone skin covered goblin holding a cute little dagger in its hand. Afterward, the advisor…short a few hundred coin... stormed back into town barking orders to both Pete and Jorge, telling them to take up their positions by the gate and protect citizens from goblins. Red faced and a bit flustered, the elf spat out a few more harsh phrases in elvish before storming back to town hall.

  • Rumor has it Rando has ordered the new trainees to Move Sam's hill to Peltarch.

  • New militia recruits Shay and Belin Review the damage done to the encampment on Sams hill along side the advisor of Norwick. After speaking with William, they follow him to the Kelemvor temple to retrieve the bodies of the fallen guard, including the heroic sergeant Plato who had held the hill valiantly for so many months prior. The three then hauled the bodies on carts, taking the fallen back to the friars in Norwick. Later that day, Lucidious is seen walking with Aelthas from the crossroads toward Norwick, explaining the situation in detail. Aelthas simply nods in response, a slight frown upon his face as they go to raise the fallen Norwick guardsmen.

    (( EDIT: the bodies were at the kelemvor temple, not jiyyd. My bad. ))

  • The rumor continues that the knight was barely stopped from branding Bane's mark on the unconscious Tormite by a bard and a black sail.

  • something foul was in the air, rumor has it the Black Knight perched on sams hill defeated a follower of torm in a duel.

  • A few days later the same man who was seen confronting the messenger is seen over looking sam's hill, the messenger had killed the men stationed their and the man feeling guilty took up their position on the hill killing any hostile creatures that would do harm to citizens of the land, while on this duty however he was visited by an unknown entity claiming to be a "Pale Rider" They had a brief exchange mostly to be in regards to the mans lost faith, shortly after the conversation the man could be seen heading toward Jiyyd

  • There are rumors floating around all of Norwick and the Nars Pass that a Messenger of Bane was seen in the Nars Pass during the late hours of the day, The Messenger was sent to speak with a man dressed in heavy blackened armor and witnessed by many travellers. The conversation was centered on the Armoured Man renouncing his Faith in Bane and the Messenger calling the man a fool, The Man told the messenger to return to where he came and with the messge that he is no longer a Slave to Banes Tyranny, The messenger left but left the man with a stern warning that they would be back for him

  • Raver yawns, leaning against a post near the south fire, her sword sheathed at her side

    Well lookee, yet another Great Pumpkin…..

  • A rumour around the fire placed a red and gold robed wizard leaving Norwick and heading south. Those around many years ago (20+ in game) may recall seeing this individual before, surrounded by other red and gold armoured individuals.

  • It is said that there was a fair and honest duel between a Banite wizard and a paladin at the crossroads. The paladin died, while the Banite remained nearly unscathed.

  • Two guards escort the elf Aelthas as he carries a limp elven woman in his arms to friar freds. The guards take up a position just outside the door to the friars as Aelthas enters. With the door closed, the guards begin to speak…

    “eh, you see any o that? I missed the whole farkin thing.”

    The other guards nods with a grin

    “aye, seen it with me own eyes”

    “heh, should be a good one. That lass a witch er what?”

    "Duno. I’d say shes taken by some demon. heh, shoulda seen her handle ol pasty.”

    lofting a brow, the other turns to him.

    “The advisor?”

    “aye, was at the barracks just mindin my own, when out they come. Kept my eye on red at first thumbs back to the door but then that blonde piece o arse starts bawlin...I’m thinkin hells, I’ll give ya a hand... gives a sly grin and nods then ol pasty moves in...”

    “eh? pasty? well I'll be...”

    “aye, pasty steps up ta speak, an the lass starts yellin like a loon! Lad was stunned I'd say, then she jus looks em dead in the eye and belts ol pasty right in the jaw! Couldn’t believe me eyes!”

    They both have a good laugh, then he continues

    “welp, somethin werent right. She took a swing at red too, then at that recruit shay...then everythin went dark. Couldnt see a farkin thing shrugs only lasted a few, then I saw pasty doin that wiggler thing with his hands, but nothin happend. That girl saw jus as I did, an didnt like it none...tossed two bands a flame on pasty, tore em up somethin awful. Lucky a healer were right there ta tend to em.”

    “Hells, shes a witch!?” *the guard look at the door, his sword now in hand, then turns back to the other *

    “aye, could be.”

    “and red?”

    “Welp he an them others chased the girl to the rawlins. Me, I held at the gate for a time till they got back. red had her in his arms, the lass out cold. Been like that thumbs back to the door ever since. Workin a cure now I’d guess, red an kia.”

    with a stern nod best put her in a cell, cant hurt nobody there.”

    “heh, just eye the door an be ready to bash er pretty little head if need be.”

    they stood there well into the night, going back and forth about witches and demons waiting for the elves to emerge...

  • Today a few villagers witnessed how a blond elf wizard disappeared in plain sight within Norwick. Some say he just cast a spell of invisibility, because even though one woman panicked about the disappearance, the same elf reappeared a while later, not far from where he disappeared, though in a bad shape. Some wonder if it was the punishment for casting in town and thus endangering everyone. People who wish to follow-up on this quickly learn that those involved are known as Genevieve and Nym.

  • @b7e96bce23=Oreth:

    Oreth, who seems to be zipping back and forth through norwick a lot more often in the past tenday or so in an exceptionally foul mood, stops for a moment on hearing Dwin's report

    'If'n you were a treehugger"? Why the hells should we be the only people who care about common decency? You obviously thought the cats were being mistreated, and that it was a bad thing, or you wouldn't have said anything about it, so why would you just…..

    He shakes off whatever's bothering him after a moment, and continues in a much less abrasive tone

    Next time, feel free to help the cats on your own, or find someone who can to help you…. I promise, the "treehuggers" won't be offended that we no longer have the monopoly on giving-a-shite...

    He then dashes off, continuing to make preparations for….whatever it is he's making preparations for that has him so on-edge

    oi! someone has a thorny branch up his arse!

    All I was thinkin was that a tree-hugger coulda whispered sweet-nuthin's to them cats and made em friendly instead o cuttin' em in two like I had to do.

    They was hungry. They were meaner than hins tied in a sack. shrugs Didnt want to have to kill em, but they dint give me much choice in the matter.