Whispers at the Fire

  • Dwin returns to town one day, a bit worse for wear.

    Well, thats the last time I head into that Hobgob cave by meself! traps!

    I fell through one and landed in a maze. They got some fierce cats in that maze… seems they dropped em in there fer fun. If'n i was a tree-hugger I'd be wantin' to help them poor things... looked like they hadnt eaten in weeks.

    he tosses his helm to one of the guards and rubs his head

    Most troublin was the setup they got in there… seems they are cookin corpses and dead shiite in a big kettle. Smelled like nuthin' I'd ever seen.

    I think I saw a stack of powder kegs in there too... a dumb hobgob with a keg o' explodin-powder is a scary thought indeed.

  • Later the day after the orc attack on Jiyyd, Lucidious leads a few additional troops from the barracks down the long road to Jiyyd, supplementing Dwin’s force already there. After spending a day patrolling with the soldiers, he seems satisfied with their progress and makes his away back to Norwick. When he finally reaches the gate several days later than expected, he seems distraught and exhausted. As he makes his way to town hall, he glances about nervously for some unseen foe…his sword in hand as if expecting a fight and a rose in the other…

  • A man from Oscura entered the Boarshed Inn late this night, hiding all but a pair of lifeless eyes beneath a dark cloak. The man slowly walked to the Barkeep and slides him a parchment and hands the barkeep a small pouch of gold. The note states that the man is inquiring if any man or women wish to enlist in a new Academy of sorts, most of the information is vague but it does say that the Academy is looking for both student and teacher alike. The note also states how to contact the man responsible for the inquiry and has made it clear that anyone interested will have their identity kept a secret

    PM me if you choose to contact the source

  • Dwin stands to the side with his guards and lets the dozen or so people clean the illegible rock so that it smells less like urine and more like…rock.

    If ya lads want, we'd be happy to help dif that ole slab up and move it for ya to a safer place. Not that ya can read it anymore, but if ya got some special sentiment for it, perhaps it should go to a safer spot, eh? Maybe up in Pelt, or inside yer temple er whathaveya.

    Seems to me all o you lads coulda been o more use helpin poor Jiyyd than scrubbin hob and eastlander piss offa rock shrugs and nudges Plato, Seargant of the Hill Guard

    Let us know…we'd be happy to help, once we are back from cleanin' up Jiyyd.

  • A few Divine Shield Knights and nearly a dozen temple acolytes can be seen on the top of the hill north of Norwick cleaning off the old Sam's Hill marker. Almost in ceremony, they use no magic to aid in the cleaning. They wine to share with the guards and various healing supplies as well.

  • Words spreads that some knights of the ODS and others were seen speaking with an woman bearing a greatsword and who had a habit of setting things on fire. Soon after this the group knights was seen heading south through the rawlins on some quest or another. They had loitered first in Norwick seemingly seeking other interested parties

  • Zombie Animals?


    More likely its rabies.

    Dwin tells the guards to make sure they dont eat any meat comin' from the south woods, and to warm any potential hunters that the meat is probably spoiled, at best.

  • Two of the regular guards of the south gate remark about a few zombie animals that chased a small hin into town. A druid, a dwarf, a couple of rangers and the same hin set out into the woods to see what was going on. The group returned after some time, apparently having taken care of the matter.

  • Legion

    RUmor spreads of a very large massive half orc that was walking around the rawlins complaining about bad chili with a stench about him that could wake the dead…..

  • After several complaints and comments about the stench and uneasiness in the Rawlins, Dwin asks a patrol of 4 Guardsmen to go take a look and see if they can identify the source.

    Tis probably just an old bear that died and has been rottin… See if ya can find whatever it is... best way to get rid of it is a quick, controlled burn, me thinks.

    Let me know what ya find, lads.

  • The scent of death has been slowly growing in the Rawlinswoods. Many of the animals appear to be very uneasy and skittish.

  • It seemed a pleasant enough night, when a group of four… a lady paladin, an antlered man, a roguish woman and an elven wizard made their way into the woods. They returned much later, badly bruised and tired. They were apparently arguing about some stones and portals_. It seems the bard woman requested a stone be given to her, but the paladin and the wizard seemed adamant about not giving her one._

  • Another bag filled with goblin ears was brought into Norwick by a skinny, pale wizard in green and black robes, and offered to Lucidious. Upon his request, it was incinerated, after which the two of them went into the Norwick Town Hall, where they spent some hours talking.

  • Lucidious spends several days visiting homes and farms in and around norwick looking for the parents of a young girl who went missing several tenday past (( using a description given to him by William )). The girl’s body was found recently and he wishes to give his condolences to the parents personally. He also seems set on knowing the girl’s name so that proper burial rights can be performed.

  • Rumour has it that Captain Deacon Sterr of the Black Sails has a new love in his life. Strange as it may seem, a colourful parrot turned up in Norwick and eventually settled itself on the captains shoulders. Presumably unused to the harsh climate, the exotic bird complained about the "farkin' cold" and ended up getting its own room at the Boarshead, curtesy of captain Sterr.

  • The knight of Sune, Lady Caling, is impressed at the organisation of the Militia officers camped out on the hill and takes it upon herself to make frequent deliveries out there of sundry luxury items like spiced wine, pastries and her own scintillating presence to make the bleak hillside slightly more bearable.

    'I can remember many's the time I was glad of lads like you at the gates to the Rawlins. I hope all who travel near the crossroads appreciate what you're doing for them.

  • A teary eyed hin was spotted walking out of town. He was whispering to himself as he walks and by the appearance of him he must have been praying. But none of the people spreading the rumours seem to know why he was praying, or perhaps, for whom.

  • Hearing of yet another repelled attack on the Jewel of the Rawlins, Dwin hands each of the involved Militia guards an extra little pouch of coin, and thanks all of the folks that helped defend the town by passing out ales and badger-jerky.

    It truely says sumtin about Nor'ick that all these folks travel from far and near to help protect 'er. Tis a proud time in this history of our lil "mudhole".

  • The heroic knight of Sune, Caling, was also steadfast in her defence of the town she more frequently calls a 'joyless mudhole'. With sublime archery, flashing blades and a startling facility with snares and traps once the gate fell, she held back off the bugbears with the aid of such stalwart warriors as Sgt. Kelben, Rando and Strauss.

    Just don't ask her about the horrific mess that went on in the woods prior to that…

  • _A somewhat strange sight was the Defender officer who, despite recent words in Peltarch, was fervently aiding in the defense of the south gate.

    He seemed to bear no ill will to either town, citizens or militia, risking his neck several times to get a shot at the bugbear arcers which were far more than a nuisance, being responsible for 3 defender deaths.

    Rumours speak that at one point, he even sacrificed bolts that had the power of lightning enchanted on them, saying "I too have my tricks" as he fired._