Whispers at the Fire

  • _There seems to be no end to the talk about goblins besieging Norwick. One time they even attacked through the graveyard. Another time an elemental spirit of air appeared to aid the defenders, apparently obeying (and haunting) an elven language expert who was able to talk to it. While luckiy few casualties are sustained, In that very attack, though, a brave knight fell to goblins that had been scaling the wall.

    Not long after the defending adventurers had dispersed, those few remaining in Norwick heard screams of drow attacking people in the woods. A group of four went to investigate the scene of the attack, but returned at mid-day without reporting success. Later, a group of three led by a brave knight ventured into the woods at night and met drow alright. They returned not much later, carrying their elven wizard. The only good news they bear is that the drow and goblins don't seem to get along._

  • _There's talk of a very strange goblin that was able to duplicate itself. Apparently it first chased a group of adventurers out of the Rawlinswood. The group was led by a female knight called Elenwyd and included the halfling bard Jockser as well as the wizard Zora and his fairy companion Ana as well as the elven language expert Nym. They first encountered a big and evil goblin who they wanted to talk to but eventually ended up killing it, while its guard got away. Later they were chased into Norwick by a group of five identical goblins and a huge Umber Hulk. After Zora tried to steal a special gem that supposedly possesses the power to duplicated the person unravelling its secret, the goblin or goblins fled back to the woods.

    That is when the group split, and under the leadership of the brave female knight they enrolled the elven priest Raryldor and went deep into the Rawlinswood. Eventually they stumbled upon a defiled altar. After a terrible fight they managed to claim the site and began with the sanctifying. Torm himself granted the knight the power to smash the vile altar to dust and break the foul influence of it.

    Sometimes there's a question asked at the end of the tale. Sometimes people wonder what became of the gem. The answers are diverse and ultimately unfitting. Some say it was embedded in the altar, others it was buried in the ground, some even claim Torm himself reached down and crushed the gem, and others just laugh and say it wasn't a gem, it was all just the weave gone wild._

  • _The occurances with wild magic seem to be growing in scale by the day. Latest rumours suggest that twists of weave hijacked a few adventurers randomly from around the Narfell area and landed them in unknown caverns.

    The tiny group is said to have fought through goblins, bugbears, ettins and an army of zombies on their way back to surface. Some even say they managed to destroy an altar of an evil goblinoid deity on their way. Apparently they somehow managed to find a magical way out of the caverns and ended up in a cave near Ormpur.

    Bormus of the Troff clan, Danaley Notten of the Guardians, and Norwick militiaman/Black Sail Paci Kelteel are often mentioned in the rumours to have been involved in this escape from the undermountain._

  • _a poster is hung at all gates, advertising passage for any travellers that want to travel to or from Norwick to the other lesser cities and establishments in Narfell.

    Prices for the escorts will depend on the size of the party and the length of the trip. Please see a member of the Norwick Militia to schedule a trip.

    Gratuity is expected._

  • _Another goblin and bugbear attack came on the gates of Norwick. This may seem routine, but with the effects of the wild magic, some commoners mumble about very dangerous effects. One such was a local druid of the Circle, cast a spell and didnt get what he had wanted. Instead, he receieved an aura of death. The goblins that came close exploded into a pile of gore and flesh. Other adventurers in the town were quite horrified, thought at the same time, thought it was useful in the attack against the goblins.

    Other effects included several large fire storms that killed one of the adventurers. Another is a pink bear that walked about the battle, though it isnt known if this pink bear was the cause of wild magic. Slowly, some panic begins to serculate about the town._

  • The often hooded traveler some may know as Vagabond has been spotted in various places seeming rather depressed of late usually looking to the sky seeming disoriented confused and shedding the occaisional tear.

  • Bardic runners have been seen going up and down the nars and entering into Norwick, going to different guild houses and seeking different people. They seem to be caring a scroll in hand.

    ((Guild members, might want to check this))

  • The latest rumours are of smallfolk spending some time around the south fire on their way back to their homes, winding down after a busy and successful festival in the Silver Valley. Winner of the stone-throwing contest was Jockser Tealeaf, the tale-telling uncle of the Tealeaf sisters. Some folks marvel that the human Paci could eat so much gnomish pie so quickly, and how he beat out several hungry hins to win the pie-eating contest. Others giggle how a young mother, Ragnhild, fought her way to the top in the boxing match. General consensus is that folks had a good time and are looking forward to the next festival.

  • Rumours of the smallfolk festival in the Silver Valley appear to be true. Smallfolk pass through town and head to the valley looking for available inn rooms and camping sites. The festivities are planned to begin within the tenday.

    ((Scheduled for 2pm Eastern this Saturday))

  • Posters go up in norwick

    Norwick Archery Contest! (( Sunday 10pm est ))
    Grand Prize: Masterworks Ash Longbow crafted by Ginger B Tealeaf
    Come enjoy a day of sharp shooting skill, food and fun in Norwick!

  • The latest talk among the smallfolk in Norwick is about the upcoming hin festival at the Silver Valley. The excitement rises as they talk about various contests, prizes, and a bounty of delicious food and drink. Several small tokens of prayer are left at the local temple of Lathander as folks pray for sunshine on festival day.

    ((Festival in the valley is this coming Saturday. More details to come.))

  • rumor has it, a man named vincent is offering safe passage through the nars for those that pay for his services… little known about how much he is charging though

  • The guards at the north gate report that a group of men was coming in through the north gate when great pools of darkness appeared covering everything. When they were gone, Chaevre was standing there. She approached one of the men, Genzir, and passed him a glowing staff, saying he is now Keeper. He took the staff and bid her farewell.

  • Oreth cocks his head while passing through, and mutter

    isn't there a caretaker for that sort of thing?

  • Activity in and around the graveyard is noted as word of the recent insult to the dead spreads. The town guard now make random trips to the graveyard and the guards talk of their uneasiness in being orderd to do so yet the patrols continue at regular intervals throughout the day and into the night. Rumors also spread of a reward being offered by the Chancellors office for information about the tragic turn of events in the graveyard.

  • Graves in the graveyard have been dug up and looted. All passerby’s and mourners have noticed, and are outraged, rightly so.

  • Rumor spreads of bugbears summoning powerful demons in a recent attack on the south gate. Travelers are urged to report any bugbear or demon activity in the rawlins to the local militia immediately.

  • The Chancellor is warning against traveling into the deep Rawlins alone. Several groups of angry Bugbears have been spotted scattered throughout the Rawlins and have been acting very strange. Some of them have seemed to gain control over more vicious creatures and using that control to inflict fear and pain on hapless travelers in the area.

  • Danaley leaves word around the traders(though no notes) that should any be seeking an escort through the pass with the new hobgoblin Danger to seek him out and he'll be happy to assist, to keep them from an untimely visit to Kelemvors realm and as a Guardian to help trade.

  • The commoners talk of the new trade laws that have been established in Norwick and seem rather excited about the fact that free trade within the walls is abound once again. Having the ability to once again earn a living seems to be the topic of discussion as well as the new shops that are being opened as work can be seen progessing on a new structure where Fine's old house once stood.