Whispers at the Fire

  • The latest talk among the smallfolk in Norwick is about the upcoming hin festival at the Silver Valley. The excitement rises as they talk about various contests, prizes, and a bounty of delicious food and drink. Several small tokens of prayer are left at the local temple of Lathander as folks pray for sunshine on festival day.

    ((Festival in the valley is this coming Saturday. More details to come.))

  • rumor has it, a man named vincent is offering safe passage through the nars for those that pay for his services… little known about how much he is charging though

  • The guards at the north gate report that a group of men was coming in through the north gate when great pools of darkness appeared covering everything. When they were gone, Chaevre was standing there. She approached one of the men, Genzir, and passed him a glowing staff, saying he is now Keeper. He took the staff and bid her farewell.

  • Oreth cocks his head while passing through, and mutter

    isn't there a caretaker for that sort of thing?

  • Activity in and around the graveyard is noted as word of the recent insult to the dead spreads. The town guard now make random trips to the graveyard and the guards talk of their uneasiness in being orderd to do so yet the patrols continue at regular intervals throughout the day and into the night. Rumors also spread of a reward being offered by the Chancellors office for information about the tragic turn of events in the graveyard.

  • Graves in the graveyard have been dug up and looted. All passerby’s and mourners have noticed, and are outraged, rightly so.

  • Rumor spreads of bugbears summoning powerful demons in a recent attack on the south gate. Travelers are urged to report any bugbear or demon activity in the rawlins to the local militia immediately.

  • The Chancellor is warning against traveling into the deep Rawlins alone. Several groups of angry Bugbears have been spotted scattered throughout the Rawlins and have been acting very strange. Some of them have seemed to gain control over more vicious creatures and using that control to inflict fear and pain on hapless travelers in the area.

  • Danaley leaves word around the traders(though no notes) that should any be seeking an escort through the pass with the new hobgoblin Danger to seek him out and he'll be happy to assist, to keep them from an untimely visit to Kelemvors realm and as a Guardian to help trade.

  • The commoners talk of the new trade laws that have been established in Norwick and seem rather excited about the fact that free trade within the walls is abound once again. Having the ability to once again earn a living seems to be the topic of discussion as well as the new shops that are being opened as work can be seen progessing on a new structure where Fine's old house once stood.

  • Rumours and stories tell of a massive army of extremely powerful hobgoblins overrunning the Nars pass. A handful of brave defenders managed to keep the first wave of these hobgoblins with unforeseen powers at bay but the second wave was just too much. At least four of the valiant heroes are said to have been cut down by the massive axes, huge ice storms and continuous lightning bolts of the highly trained hobgoblins. No one seems to know where these armies came from and who trained and equipped them.

  • whoops, was ment to be a pm 😕

  • Whispers are heard of a sinister evil haunting the eastern Rawlins. Few elves seem happy to walk that way in the hours of darkness.

  • @147de0e56f=Lucidious:

    Lucidious spends an evening at the boarshead telling anyone who will listen about his recent trip to the crypts with Eve, Valendur, Alexi Lina and Menelidus. After attempting to investigate the wards in the crypts himself and stumbling into an old trap, he hired the group of adventurers to help with the task. Seems Eve was able to deal with most traps (except for that one * grumbles *) but they found zombies in just about every passageway they entered. Lina turned many of the undead while Alexi and the others did what they could to shoot down or cut through the rest. In the end everyone returned safely, but apparently they didn’t find any more information about the wards. Lucid still seems quite satisfied with the job they did clearing part of the crypts and mentions making another trip soon.

    Should anyone enquire, Danaley from the Watchfull Repose will explain that the hallowing on the graveyard was broken some time ago by the Shade residing in the Norwick crypts, that is causing numerous problems as it persists in returning after being killed, though a more permanent solution to the shade is being looked into.
    As for wards, there were never really any wards on the place, just a hallowing to prevent the bodies buried there from rising.

  • a man in black and green armor was seen walking through the nars and through norwick… it appears he was rather angry about something as his mood was fairly hostile.

  • Lucidious spends an evening at the boarshead telling anyone who will listen about his recent trip to the crypts with Eve, Valendur, Alexi Lina and Menelidus. After attempting to investigate the wards in the crypts himself and stumbling into an old trap, he hired the group of adventurers to help with the task. Seems Eve was able to deal with most traps (except for that one * grumbles *) but they found zombies in just about every passageway they entered. Lina turned many of the undead while Alexi and the others did what they could to shoot down or cut through the rest. In the end everyone returned safely, but apparently they didn’t find any more information about the wards. Lucid still seems quite satisfied with the job they did clearing part of the crypts and mentions making another trip soon.

  • @050a3a9aee=Salsadoom:

    A figure is seen working it's way into the graveyard pressing past the wards. Sometime later the figure returns from the crypts and the howl of undead can be heard echoing from behind the figures back. Seemingly the wards have been shattered and the dead awakened in greater numbers.

    Hearing the rumor, lucid makes his way to the graveyard to inspect the crypts. After a few hours of searching about during the day, he wanders back to the town hall with an uneasy look on his face.

    "Time to start patrolling the graveyard again I suppose…"

  • Milshot can be seen occasionally moving between the militia barracks and the town hall. He seems to be carrying bags and boxes into the hall and returning back to the barracks and repeating this process as time allows.

  • _It seems the bugbears staged yet another attack on town, this time calling on elemental forces to do the fighting. It went on for more than a day, and only when an elf arrived did the defenders push out and defeat the bugbear responsible for forcing the very river out of its bed and onto citizens and adventurers alike. There is also talk of a bugbear with a demon guardian, and if a redhead is to be believed, it was all demons, driving the bugbears and the water and air and fire onto Norwick.

    Some wonder if nothing like this could have happened under Rando's rule, or if it would have happened all the same. It seems odd, nonetheless, that now the town lies besieged._

  • A figure is seen working it's way into the graveyard pressing past the wards. Sometime later the figure returns from the crypts and the howl of undead can be heard echoing from behind the figures back. Seemingly the wards have been shattered and the dead awakened in greater numbers.