Whispers at the Fire

  • Whispers are heard of a sinister evil haunting the eastern Rawlins. Few elves seem happy to walk that way in the hours of darkness.

  • @147de0e56f=Lucidious:

    Lucidious spends an evening at the boarshead telling anyone who will listen about his recent trip to the crypts with Eve, Valendur, Alexi Lina and Menelidus. After attempting to investigate the wards in the crypts himself and stumbling into an old trap, he hired the group of adventurers to help with the task. Seems Eve was able to deal with most traps (except for that one * grumbles *) but they found zombies in just about every passageway they entered. Lina turned many of the undead while Alexi and the others did what they could to shoot down or cut through the rest. In the end everyone returned safely, but apparently they didn’t find any more information about the wards. Lucid still seems quite satisfied with the job they did clearing part of the crypts and mentions making another trip soon.

    Should anyone enquire, Danaley from the Watchfull Repose will explain that the hallowing on the graveyard was broken some time ago by the Shade residing in the Norwick crypts, that is causing numerous problems as it persists in returning after being killed, though a more permanent solution to the shade is being looked into.
    As for wards, there were never really any wards on the place, just a hallowing to prevent the bodies buried there from rising.

  • a man in black and green armor was seen walking through the nars and through norwick… it appears he was rather angry about something as his mood was fairly hostile.

  • Lucidious spends an evening at the boarshead telling anyone who will listen about his recent trip to the crypts with Eve, Valendur, Alexi Lina and Menelidus. After attempting to investigate the wards in the crypts himself and stumbling into an old trap, he hired the group of adventurers to help with the task. Seems Eve was able to deal with most traps (except for that one * grumbles *) but they found zombies in just about every passageway they entered. Lina turned many of the undead while Alexi and the others did what they could to shoot down or cut through the rest. In the end everyone returned safely, but apparently they didn’t find any more information about the wards. Lucid still seems quite satisfied with the job they did clearing part of the crypts and mentions making another trip soon.

  • @050a3a9aee=Salsadoom:

    A figure is seen working it's way into the graveyard pressing past the wards. Sometime later the figure returns from the crypts and the howl of undead can be heard echoing from behind the figures back. Seemingly the wards have been shattered and the dead awakened in greater numbers.

    Hearing the rumor, lucid makes his way to the graveyard to inspect the crypts. After a few hours of searching about during the day, he wanders back to the town hall with an uneasy look on his face.

    "Time to start patrolling the graveyard again I suppose…"

  • Milshot can be seen occasionally moving between the militia barracks and the town hall. He seems to be carrying bags and boxes into the hall and returning back to the barracks and repeating this process as time allows.

  • _It seems the bugbears staged yet another attack on town, this time calling on elemental forces to do the fighting. It went on for more than a day, and only when an elf arrived did the defenders push out and defeat the bugbear responsible for forcing the very river out of its bed and onto citizens and adventurers alike. There is also talk of a bugbear with a demon guardian, and if a redhead is to be believed, it was all demons, driving the bugbears and the water and air and fire onto Norwick.

    Some wonder if nothing like this could have happened under Rando's rule, or if it would have happened all the same. It seems odd, nonetheless, that now the town lies besieged._

  • A figure is seen working it's way into the graveyard pressing past the wards. Sometime later the figure returns from the crypts and the howl of undead can be heard echoing from behind the figures back. Seemingly the wards have been shattered and the dead awakened in greater numbers.

  • Rumour and talk in the inn speaks of a duel of honour between two helmites…. no date has been set, but terms have been agreed by both parties.... people are wondering if spectators will be allowed

  • _A group clad mostly in the black and gold favoured by the Black Sails recently headed out into the Rawlins, where they were assaulted by an unusually strong bugbear wielding a wicked greataxe and summoning forth powerful allies. Badly injured the group fell back to the gates of Norwick, where a mixed attack of goblins and bugbears was launched.

    After some fighting, the blueclad bard Zyphlin mananged to talk to the bugbears, who demanded a woman to be delivered to them. The woman would have to stay with the bugbears and in return she would have all that she wished for, or so they claimed. The picky beasts rejected a brave and salty dwarven lass in blue armour, and as there were no more volunteers an attack soon followed. A young woman in black and gold was beaten down and almost carried off by a particularly large bugbear. Though the girl hung helpless in the bugbears hands, the eager defenders would not stop firing at the beast who finally had enough and all but snapped her neck, leaving her at the brink of death. The girl later emerged from the healers alive, but wearing a bulky neckbrace and mumbling dark curses upon bugbears and trigger-happy bowmen alike._

  • Early one morning, Lucidious carefully makes his way down the stairs from his room at the inn carrying what looks to be a large painting or mirror wrapped in cloth. He takes it to the town hall and spends most of his morning there. Throughout the rest of the afternoon, Lucidious can be seen moving stacks of books, crates of supplies and several cases of wine there as well.

  • Rando sits on the bench watching Mil and Dwin chase the person through town and mutters to himself

    "somethings just don't change"

  • The commoners in and about town speak of Dwin and Milshot chasing a fella through to the north gate. What occured within the gates is unknown but the two militia officers were seen dragging a bloodied individual through town back in the direction of the militia barracks. All was quiet for some time until the man caught was seen once more heading to the inn, still bloodied but able to hold his own, at least.

  • ICC

    A stump of a dwarf was seen getting four teeth beat out of his mouth by Wald, followed by an exchange of ale shoved down his pants

  • A curious sight can be seen outside the temple of Kelemvor. After the dawn rises, a lone woman dressed in work clothes can be seen tinkering with the large dented breastplate of what appears to be a construct known as a 'battle horror' . If asked, she looks up from repairing the dents and grins, stating that she is trying to restore the horror to full working order to assist the shrine.

  • The rocky hill just outside of Norwick's north gates now has a stone lying on it, with the words "Elor's Hill" written on it.

  • An odd looking individual in black and red wearing a horned helm followed closey by two unidentified guards were seen entering the town hall followed shortly there after by Milshot, Equinox, and Lilin. Soon thereafter, four town guards entered the building as well. Some time later, the helmed individual and his two guards left followed closely by the town guards. It wasn't until much later that Milshot and company exited the town hall.

  • Rumors spread like wildfire that the pink-haired bard, Penny, has recently undergone some sort of alarming transformation of appearance. What appears to be a brilliant prismatic tattoo now curves across her forehead, around her left eye, down her cheekbone, and spirals loosely around her neck before disappearing into her clothing. Several of her outfits reveal that this tattoo continues its spiral pattern across her torso and abdomen. The more unusual of these rumors seems to indicate that the pattern isn't a tattoo at all, but rather, a continuous patch of brightly reflective scales.

  • A party was lead into the woods with the intent of capturing a goblin or two to perform some form of experiments on. The party met with considerable resistance in the near west woods and retreated back to Norwick, where a goblin with magical abilities freed the captured goblins and escaped untouched.

  • Peltarch Defender Shannon D'Arneau was seen defending the south gates from goblin and bugbear attacks, though it seems no one actually saw him enter town. Upon his departure, many say that he chanted a few words and disappeared at the gate.