Whispers at the Fire

  • many dead half cooked things begin to litter parts of the Rawlins for those with sharp eyes. Gobblins mostly, occaisionally a saurial or lizard. Some drunks speak of a bright creature roaming the rawlins attacking anything it comes accross with lightning from its mouth.

  • Word begins to spread about something happening at the Kelemvorite Shrine. Exactly what it is, no one knows for sure, but apparently all the people there seem quite on edge.

  • Dwin is seated at the fire, on duty of course, scanning the skies for large black birds of prey.

    Heard a rumor t'day in the Boar.

    Now, the source aint all that reputable, but it still sent a bit of a shiver down me spine. Seems there's some crazy wiggler in the forest turnin' greenskins invisible so they can sneak up and …

    Dwin mimes a slw cut across his throat

    Best keep yer ears open fer "icka icka" because ya ain't gonna be seein' em!

  • Rando hears of Nicahh and her request and send one of his men to seek her out and request she seeks out the Lord Protector

    Guard " The Lord Protector wishes to see you in his halls"

  • Nicahh is once again seen carrying a bundled package through Norwick. However this time, she is seen coming from the woods, holding a tiny bundle, soft cries filling the air. Rumors spreads that a caravan had been attacked by goblins, and that the survivors had been held hostage in Skara's cave. When a small group arrived to rescue them, the only living soul left was a small half elven baby girl who was about to be sacrificed upon an altar. Nicahh is heard requesting to post a sign in Norwick, in hopes of finding the baby's parents.

  • Many note a man in black and gold armor praying by the south Norwick wall outside the gates often mentioning the name Yol to the air. Why he is doing such no one seems to know.

  • The guards whisper about Hedia and Nicahh seen heading south towards the elvish encampment with what appeared to be a lifeless elf wrapped in a cloak being carried in Nicahh's arms.

  • Belade goes around telling people that the final date for their entries is fast approaching, and that even if they don't have any talent for art, why not give it a try? 4000 gold is a nice sum to win, along with a secret price by Lacey…

    //you have 'till thursday people, come on 😛

  • It seems word is spreading that Wendy has been murdered. 3 armed men were seen fleeing town through the south gate and then all sign of them was lost as they disappeared into the woods.

    Word of the body being taken into the barracks by the lady Niccah, a man known as Equinox, and the Captain is quickly followed by descriptions of loud noises from within the building as well as tales of the building itself being shaken on its very foundation. Shortly after, the 3 were seen leaving the barrack looking none to pleased and rather disturbed, none of them carrying a body.

    Anyone appraoching the barrack is told it is closed to all but the guard, the captain, and the protectorate. An aura of uneasiness seems to suround the whole place.

  • Gurt was seen paying one of the locals to build a small sign for him. He was later seen carry said sign out of town.

  • Dentin asks those in the town, and the town's guard, that should anyone encounter a young man in Defender plate by the name of "Luke", to send word to him or Captain Fredric.

  • Krig overhears the guard as he strolls through town and shakes his head.

    Did ye nay hear the rumor? He be wantin the best, and that would be me.

  • One of the Lord Protectors guards says

    "seek out the Lord Protector, he is a Master weaponsmith"

  • Rumor has it that Kael a knight of the Cerulean stars are looking for the best metal weaponcrafter in the area for something described as a "special" job!

    ((Pm or talk to me in game if interested.))

  • With reports of ever more sophisticated machines being seen not only in the Rawlins but also near Ormpur, Bob the bat sent out a group of adventurers to investigate the goblin hold and to bring back machine parts for further study. The guards near the south gate might have overheard the word "gleem" mentioned before the group set out. After being gone for at least four days the adventurers returned to town, all alive but looking bruised, battered and very very tired.

  • During the dead of night, three warriors are seen to be mounting steeds just outside of the Shrine of Kelemvor and a fourth figure holding the heavy wooden gates open for the three figures to depart, when free of the walls, the three start out and gradually begin to pick up speed, disappearing into the night.

  • Dentin, having stood and watched the machine for the better part of the last few days, watches the whole scene and struggles to hold back a chuckle
    before finally casually commenting on the "fickle nature of the arcane".
    How unfortunate.

  • A raven in a nearby tree croaks throatily, and repeatedly.

  • Used to the machinations of the "Lord High Protector…::COUGH::", as Frago calls him, the gnome allows the men to carry off the partially assembled mechanism. Or at least try. He smiles as they struggle, curse, beg, and finally ask for some arcane assistance to move the device.

    With a wink, Frago claps his hands together, and with a great shout, smites the humanoid form with a bolt of lightning force. With a grinding sound, it slowly rights itself, and staggers like an old drunk toward the barracks.

    Reaching the low stone building, it suddenly loses motive power, crashing againsts the roof and sliding down one wall, crumbling into a thousand parts banging and clanging and creating such a commotion that outlying farmers wonder if the well is acting up again.

    "All yours boss." Smiles Frago.

  • _After about two blinks of an eye the rumors about how Frago got a hold of the Warmachine and the parts, starts to circulate. Among the most longlived rumors are these:

    It firmly states that Goblins, in the western Rawlins were planning a siege on Norwick. Thus preparing with several war machines of unknown make.

    Some seems to believe thay have somehow trapped a master Gnome and enslaved him to do their vile bidding. Others seem to think there is a connection to the Goblin "assassins" sent about a week ago.

    Also the rumor states that it was an old associate of Frago, Bob the menacing Bat, that unraveled the secret of how to control the Machines. Making it possible for a handfull adventurers to take control of the HUGE well made machinery and turn it against the goblins.

    Though no talk sirculate of finding the mastermind who made the iron death. Dizzying numbers of up to 10 warmachines were mentioned by some of the guards at the south gates. All ten of them, supposedly battling it out in the Western Rawlins._