Whispers at the Fire

  • Rumors circulate about the local merchants getting extremely angry at the liberties taken in their shops. The shop owners are complaining about folks sleeping and robbing their stores. Some have even begun to deny service to those rude customers.

  • Over the past week, Lance Dawnblade, a priest of Lathander has been seen around the South Gate, offering what he refers to as Lathander's aid to all those in need as the town recovers from it's recent siege.

  • DM

    Yarin, Eluriel, Philomena, and "Bow" the Ranger after speaking with Rith, have moved and coaxed most of the animals from the near woodlands to avoid the evil influence of the defiler, and the tentacles that have been seen to oblitorate the animals of the wood. Some folk may have seen them walk through town, and head for the Temple of Lathander, Yarin did speak to Rith as he knows her very well, and she didn't seem to mind the presence of the creatures.

    Try not to let her get too hungry, yarin makes a small joke about Rith's Lion

    The guards and a few folk looked at them strangely but were reassured.

  • Being passed around in the Boarshead…

    _A band of powerful orcs who follow Malar have sallied out into the Nars Pass, sacrificing victims on a crude rock altar. The undead spirits of their victims now haunt the rock, ravening for the flesh of the living.

    Mages attempting to cast spells near the rock are blasted by fire or thrown to the ground by powerful tremors._


  • Nico Black has been seen recently looking rushed and tired asking for information on the mage some know as "Tom Hood" and his whereabouts. He is offering a reward of 500 gold to anyone who can inform him as to where he can be found.

  • The northwestern woods is filled with angry roaring. Travelers of the woods notice many goblin bodies which appear to have been mauled to death by some great beast. Some even notice a large cat, possibly a werecat, attacking all goblins it comes across.

  • Stories circulate round the fire of the fall and miraculous restoration of Adlanail Glinfalin, one of the favorite bards of the region, to bugbears. The stories are somewhat confused, as seems Adlanail himself, blabbering on about badgers, smiles, bright lights, mists and eyes.

  • After hearing of one of the knights of Lathander in the area, the High Priestess Rith requests a meeting with the one called Cray. She expects him to speak to her next time he steps on the Shrine of the Dawn, or not see him there ever again.

    ((Send me a PM to arrange the time if you are going back to the Shrine Cray))

  • Rumors circulate that Chaevre' Vaelen is retiring and looking to sell off her remaining merchandise.

  • Lately Cray can be seen frequenting the shrine of Lathander. He appears to be innocently enjoying the nice surroundings. Usually reading and writing as he basks in the sunlight.

    ((If you have any rp to post in realtion to my post. That would be helpfull in my quest. Thanks.))

  • _Hey! Hey you! Did you hear about the Undead loose in town?

    It's true. I heard it all from someone whose cousin saw it.

    The way I heard it, there was a big crowd in the Boarshead. A Hin, a Gnome, and a Dwarf got pretty drunk and rowdy, and one of them spilled a drink on a wizard. I think the guy who does the town news-sheet. Anyway…

    The wizard apparently got offended, cast a spell of some sort, and called up some horrible undead creature... some say it was the ghost of dead Myrkul himself! It gave a cold chuckle, and struck gnome, hin, and dwarf dead as mackerel.

    It's been roaming town ever since. You can't see it... it's invisible. But people know it's there, because, just for a second, they smell rotting flesh as it passes.

    I'm buying a flask of holy water, myself..._


  • The guards that make the night shift at the south gates have been heard talking about having found an artifact in the forests, being now in safekeep at the barracks.

    ((By popular demand, stickied and adapted for a rumors thread. Please keep it IC and try not to give spoilers or something that could not be possibly learned or broadcasted by rumors. Enjoy.))