Whispers at the Fire

  • After the atack of a goblin calling undeads near the gates, Kabul heads out to find anything leading to the location of the caster.

    Folowing orders, he focuses his searches at the lake, and the goblin borderland, never going west, into the shinbitters area.

    This keeps hapening for quite several days, untill he returns to town, remaining up the tower.

  • Battle sounds can be heard through the Rawlins at nights.Broken weapons are left behind and lot of blood.

  • A relatively new face in town, Therean spends a lot of time in the company of Ama'bael or Raryldor or Ael'Que and various others learning the trails of the Rawlinswood, fighting the undead in and around the cypt, and learning the customs and mannerisms of the people in his new home.

    Therean is 5' 10" tall, and an attractive wild elf on the surface, with an outgoing demeanor that suggests he was not raised among his own people. He is quick with a charming smile and spends free time often near the south gate, offering prayers to the Winged Mother, meeting and offering healing magic to other travelers, or just offering encouragement to his elvish brethren and other newcomers.

  • Rumour has it that goblins have attempting to poison grain barrels of food and the stew pot both.

  • @d2711dbea5=MexicanCookie:

    Benji does not return said smile.

    For any who don't return a smile, for whatever reason, she doesn't seem to mind. She was also seen openly socializing with a trio of Oscurans, treating them in a hospitable manner and welcoming them within the Realm.

  • //Yep, it's much further south than that

  • @c9070408bb=M_O_B:

    //It was far to the south

    Little clues can be found, as the mass of orcs and their sniffer wolves gets far too thick to avoid as one gets nearer to the explosion site.

    ((Would I be able to at least get to the Fuzzy Den?))

  • Legion



    Benji does not return said smile.

  • Legion


    All of a sudden one regular Narfellian day… KABOOM! A huge explosion that rumbles the earth is heard coming from a very deep part of the Rawlins...

    Benji hurriedly checks his pack to make sure nothing is missing. He lets out a relieved sigh.

  • //It was far to the south

    Little clues can be found, as the mass of orcs and their sniffer wolves gets far too thick to avoid as one gets nearer to the explosion site.

  • Hearing the explosion, Kabul sets out of town trying to get a closer look on the place and trying to see if the orcs are getting something out of there.
    He waits patiently and hidden for quite some time, hoping for any sort of clues on what was done.

    After that, he returns to Norwick.

  • ((can you give us an idea of where in the Rawlins this horrific event took place? (near the lake, the south woods, the east/west?)

    Is it at all possible that it was the crash of Oceanic Airlines Fight 815 who is also stuck in an alternate world?

    )) 😉

  • _All of a sudden one regular Narfellian day… KABOOM! A huge explosion that rumbles the earth is heard coming from a very deep part of the Rawlins.

    Anyone venturing out there would see soot and dirt covered orcs patrolling in black warpaint, but unable to get close to the site of the explosion due to the rather large number of orcs._

  • ((Yes.))

  • Legion

    ((Does she offer any to Benji?))

  • For what ever reason of late, Albry has actually been amiable. Offering most people smiles with a greeting, she is seen engaging in pleasant conversations (often using girlie words such as "dear", "darling", etc.) instead of giving her usual snarky comments. More likely than not, people are beginning to question her sanity. Whatever could have come over the short-tempered warrior? Mid-life crisis?

  • _A badly bleeding, nearly-dead lumberjack is hurried to the Temple of Chauntea, arrows sticking from his chest.

    His friends say that he was attacked by the crazed hin woodswalker, who when vanished back into the Rawlins._

  • Hess Arksaniss, apprentice to the Circle of Quercatha Terr, has been seen hauling deadwood logs around the Northern Ralwins, and spending long hours alone seemingly talking to, and in possibly even healing (with the Oak Father's guidance, of course) some trees that had been long ago tainted by the filth of the Rawlins.

    When it appears that some of the trees are too far gone to be saved, he dutifully brings them down and places the resulting branches and debris in appropriate places to spawn forest-floor life and other fauna.

  • "If Norwick decides it wants nothing to do with Oscura, that's its decision. Like it or not, while Oscura lets slavers and undead wander around and has a temple of Bane and Shar, most people won't trust anything coming out of that city. If you don't want to be associated with those things, move out and live somewhere else."

  • ICC

    Zarius just chuckles My own magic has done its share of saving people as well, including fending off attacks at these very gates. Ask around a bit before you toss around accusations of uselessness. As for the senator, I wasn't whining, just stating simple fact! But anyway as amusing as all this has been, i'm off to clear my name! Walks off into the western woods…