Whispers at the Fire

  • With all of the recent attacks, there have been a lot of odd things going on. One attack resulted in the acquisition of four siege catapults for Norwick, which were strategically placed by the Banite Quelcoth, who was also seen sparring and defeating Devlin. Those present might even say that the Banite fought honorably, but one thing is for sure, the two fighters headed to the tavern afterwards in rather mirthful spirits.

  • After the archery target by the south gate was removed, Elidor can be seen taking a big wood log and shaping an archery target himself with his woodworking skills, he spends a lot of hours with it, working quiet and absently, and when it's finally done, he places it on the spot the other one was

    //if we could have the archery target again where it was.. please ^^

  • The southern gate was attacked one night by… Thorn and Senator Ronan! But wait, both Thorn and Senator Ronan were among those defending the town from themselves? Wow, talk about confusing...

  • Over the past few evening in town, many of the commoners are seen acting very skittish, talking of walking shadows come to claim souls and the like. The fact that the healers seem to very popular at night now seems to support this theory, as the priests have their hands full healing what seems to be some sort of weakening sickness.

  • ICC

    _The Elven lass Rynn, known to few; has been more scarce then usual.

    Though rumour has it she has been spotted here and there huddled in corners, clutching her now ragged clothing about herself._

  • Jerrick is recently seen about Norwick once more after a couple days worth of rest and meditation.

  • A new pressence has been noted in Norwick. Around the campfire the rumours slowly arise about a young-looking girl with an inspiring presence. One of Norwick's farmers speaks loudly by the fire after drinking probably one too many ales.

    • Ay, ah saw'er too! Hairs lon' as un 'orse tail an' shiny as glittahgold, 'oney eyes and oh so purty. She wus speekin' an' askin' 'ere'an'ere, talkin' stuffs 'bout… stuffs. Dem say she be sum old 'ero... hah, ah tell ya dat ain't no 'ero no lookin' so purty, lad.

    She been askin' fer sum... ehm... Jerrick drood ay? Damn ya Jerrick drood ah wanna be like ya an' 'ave dem purty ladies lookin' fer me har har!

  • Talks of the weird happenings at the gates quickly spread throughout Norwick. There is talk of Bugbears, Hobgoblins, and an odd mage causing commotions there.

    There are also many requests for stronger gates by the local populace, perhaps in fear of what is to come.

  • Since the archery target was put by the south gates in norwick, Elidor has been training a lot there. He does 4 different exercises. First, he shoots from a fix spot, not moving, doing exactly the same movements all the time to improve speed. Then, he runs from left to right, shooting mid running, after that, he takes a hill and shoots from the distance, from the highest spot around, and finally he practices the shooting through small holes. He spends several hours a day with this training, and is always wellcoming people to join him

  • This morning the bodies of two outsiders were seen being removed from the Grapevine Inn, by members of the Norwick Militia.The bodies were quickly brought to the Temple of Chauntea to be prepared for burial. Rumors run rampant throughout the Inn about the deceased, from claims of murder, drug overdose or that the two were perhaps involved in a deal gone wrong. Some claim that the Women was a witch from Rashemen and others claim that the she was simply just a young women on the run with her lover.

  • Rumor has it that the goblins south of Norwick at times can be found walking around in a state of bewilderment with soft giggles heard in the area for a while. Whether the goblins are victims to a prank or one of their own schemes gone awry is anyone's guess

  • Hammerhand spreads the news that two different demons challenged the defense of Norwick over the course of a day and a night, and both demons were driven back by those warriors taking up their duty to Narfell. Such, it seems, is the fate of all who challenge the existence and freedom of Narfell. To be crushed and driven out.
    "Be true and honour Tempus, for in His hands rests victory."

  • since the archery target appeared by the south gate elidor can be seen even more active in that spot, practicing the archery

  • Peltarchian gastrognome and gallant gentleman has been holidaying in Norwick this past week, staying in gluttonous comfort at the Grapevine Inn and generally pestering locals with his questions, queries and enthusiastic sallies. He lets it be known - all self-deprecation naturally - that he is composing a definitive guide to Norwick for Peltarchian travellers and tourists. Apparently the "bumbkin phrases" chapter of this hearty traveller's tome is what is giving the gnome the greatest authorial gyp.

  • Rumor has it that the Crafters Union has a new contraption that makes labels for crafted bags.

    ((Renames the bag - up to 8 letters))

  • _*Rumor has it that a petrified zombie has been found south of Norwick amongst its ruins frozen in mid stride no less.

    In perhaps an unrelated matter or not, one of Norwick's finest fell in the deep east ralwins amongst the goblin casters. The group that was with the Norwick Militia recruit was apparently attacked by shadow creatures shortly after. Whether the petrified zombie and the attacks of the shadows is related is yet unknown.*_

  • Speaking of the Howling Woods… one of the Wolves from the cave appears to have gotten out.

    Or in?

    Or a pack of wolves?

    Somehow, everything in the caves has either been killed or set free, most evidently however, most chose to fight some unnamed beast that rent flesh and smashed bodies into grisly pulp.

    More than that... not a single door or gate exists intact any more. Good luck subjugating and breeding wolves without gates, gobbers. Something apparently ripped them to pieces. Doors suffered the same fates, now resembling attractive piles of splinters.


  • A female gnome sitting between a half-orc's breasts is seen giving Daveth a hug around the neck and kiss on the moustache at the gates, then afterward all heading out into the howling woods together.

  • Rumors spread not only in norwick but through the rawlins, that lonely goblins that walk too close to the town's gates are petrifyed. As proof, there's one of them as a statue 50 feet from the gates.

    //Edit: ((someone killed the statue, so there's now just…bits of it..))

  • @168091700c=RYM:

    The fight night was full of fun, archery winner was Luke, the charming sail. In boxing, the silver valley hin Raúl beaten Val Kyre in an epic fight that lasted hours, and then beated the former champion. As for the team fights…it's said it was a lot confusing, but one thing was clear, Druid Jerrick got ganked in everfight...

    And rumor continues that Jerrick has never felt quite so popular, or quite so ganked before in his life. There was much eye-rolling about it, but seemingly no hostility. Just games, after all…right?