Whispers at the Fire

  • Something apparently took a walk through hobgoblin lands last night.

    It looked like a trackless army. From the lake, to the cave on the North side of their far eastern territory, not a hobgoblin draws breath. Several hundred arrows apparently took lives, as did blades, and some horrible bludgoening weapons, neither as broad as a hammer, nor as accurate as a sword, and lacking the subtlety of either.

    The entire cave, up to the door that could not be opened, sits silent but for the dripping of water, and the scurrying of busy, busy, carrion insects.

    The only proper witness to any of this is as dead as the rest, the Hobgoblin War-Drummer who guarded the door … who died in a very peculiar position, frozen in place as he was about to strike his drum, a look of determination-turned-shock frozen there, as if he was paralyzed, and sadly, never recovered.

    Funny how a Paralyzed fellow died of slashing and stab wounds though...

    Strangest of all, is the lack of tracks. What army leaves none? Poor Hobgoblins, they never knew what hit them. That leaves a question, though.

    What did? And why did it smash their pretty throne!? Monsters...

  • Upon hearing the announcement Thorn grins. Oh he is going to have fun with this.

  • @2c75134c18=Clan:

    The Chancellor steps on one of the rock-benches near the fire after Fight Night when there is a large group of people about

    I'd like to make an annoucnement from my own lips, nay t' be read by a herald…

    After many years of faithful service to the Realm, Colonel Albryanna has earned a new title. Please know her, this day forward, as "Lady Albryanna, Defender of the Realm!"

    Her efforts to keep our walls safe and our people safer have been tireless, and her dedication to everyone one of Norwick's citizens is beyond question.

    Please join me in congratulating Lady Albryanna as having earned this high honor.

    At this point, Dwin unfurls an ancient looking long-sword and raises it in the air

    Long Live Lady Albryanna! Long Live Norwick!

    Standing in the back as she always does for every announcement, figuring this one to be a lecture on shape-shifting within the walls, Albry is completely dumbstruck at this point. Snapping out of it in time to thank everyone who congratulates her, a few may spot her shooting a glance towards Dwin every now and then.

  • Jerrick makes his way there after roughly half a day, havng gone North for a short time. He comes back looking cleaner and prepared once more for whatever is necessary, as opposed to his slightly bedraggled look previously. Upon hearing the news of Dwins request, he merely nods brusquely, and makes his way to the great hall, his black and red cloak of apparently wolfhide flapping behind him in all it's Malarite looking glory.

  • When word reaches the Chancellor of Jerrick's return, Dwin tells anyone that sees him to invite him to the Great hall so "we can clear some of this shiite up as soon as possible."

  • @2a2b0e6b7e=Ice_Blade2097:

    rumor has it that quite the confrontation happened south of Norwick. Involving accusations against the druid Jerrick about a murder of a lady's husband by his hand. It is also said that the lady was met with great hostility from the majority of those present that is said to be quite large in number, to the point of willing to slay her where she stood even when she was alone.

    Jerrick returns to Norwick, and begins asking around as to who this was, where it happened, and whether the Lady in question had the last name of "Jens." He can be heard commenting:

    I would like to know exactly whose husband I supposedly killed. I'll be back here in Norwick if anyone can clue me in as to just what happened while I was away.

  • Applauds 👏

  • The Chancellor steps on one of the rock-benches near the fire after Fight Night when there is a large group of people about

    I'd like to make an annoucnement from my own lips, nay t' be read by a herald…

    After many years of faithful service to the Realm, Colonel Albryanna has earned a new title. Please know her, this day forward, as "Lady Albryanna, Defender of the Realm!"

    Her efforts to keep our walls safe and our people safer have been tireless, and her dedication to everyone one of Norwick's citizens is beyond question.

    Please join me in congratulating Lady Albryanna as having earned this high honor.

    At this point, Dwin unfurls an ancient looking long-sword and raises it in the air

    Long Live Lady Albryanna! Long Live Norwick!

  • Rumors spread quickly of a large group, consisting of adventurers from Norwick, and even a few friendly neighborhood Oscurans, was seen heading out by Old Lem, heading eastward towards the ruins of Jiyyd. After quite some time, the group returned, almost completely intact, but with tales of a cyricist cult, fighting off giant spider demons, enormous earth elementals, and even a very large black dragon.

  • ((OOC note: I can sympathize with the fact that PC militia have been lazy to enforce this law. On the otherhand, there are plenty of NPC militia at the gates who WOULD. So the fact that it's not been enforced doesn't hold a lot of weight with me, since it's ignoring NPC guards.))

  • _The poor monk Hahn is heard saying that the laws of Norwick are enforced on the whim of the enoforcer and not consistent at all. Where the druid Horlamin was confronted and chased out of town, other shapeshifted druids were allowed to walk freely and not harrassed by the chancellor or his corrupt militia.

    He is seen with Horlamin discussing other similar issues concerning the dwarf chancellor outside the South Gate later._

  • ((That's pretty funny! I thought the stag was actually a nice decision… Invoking a certain emotion of "peace" or something 🙂 ))

  • //Truth be known Hor was meant to turn into a hawk and fly away, but my wildshape slots are broken so I had to go with it 😉

  • Word has it that when word reaches Dwin about the coward-stag's side of the story, he snort-chuckles and invites the white-deer and its dog mate back with open arms.

    "…if that antlered-fool thinks I fear him, then I invite him back in anytime to settle the score like men, not deer, dogs, or whatever other vermin-shape he feels more comfortable in! Just beware that my men are always hungry, and venison steaks are highly prized in these parts..."

  • The side of Horlamin about the events in Norwick are of a quite different colour south of it in the Rawlins. Horlamin happily boasts that Dwin had to call his guards as soon as someone stepped up to his meagre authority, and that an entire "warband" of men had to be posted just to keep him out… not that he cared about going back in.

  • During another competitive, exciting and fun Norwick Fight Night, the Chancellor was seen "having words" with a traveller who refused to remove his wolf-beast from the fairgrounds. At a certain point the traveller himself turned into some kind of beast and snarled at the Chancellor, baring his teeth in a threat.

    When the Chancellor answered this shape shifter's drool with the gleam of his favored axe, Steelcutter, the panting traveller changed into a fleet-footed white stag and pranced away, fleeing as fast as he could with his wolf-beast in tow.

    After the festivities, Chancellor Dolvak was seen having some friendly words with Tindra–assumedly about this mis-behavior of one of the druids.

  • The morning after Aramuil's party, Militiaman Davos is seen strutting out of the Grapevine Inn with a smug look on his face. Rumour has it that he exited the housewarming party early, reeking of alcohol. One thing is for sure: the morning has brought a spring to the surly guardsman's step.

  • ICC

    _Early one morning, the Exiled Elf Brendel strides into town. Over one shoulder is slumped the body of some adventurer.

    When asked he explains he found the poor souls remains while on patrol in the ruins. He stays in town long enough to make sure the body gets a proper burial, then leaves once more._

  • ICC

    The very quiet and shy Elf lass Rynn came SCREAMING into town late one night. It seems she ran into a snarling Werewolf outside the gates. Tales say she spent the next few nights hiding in the Temple.

  • There are mentions of two incidents involving "living dolls", apparently made of wood, but bearing eerie resemblance to normal children, at the south gates. They accost certain people, and seem to be equally dangerous after being struck down as doing mischief while alive.