Whispers at the Fire

  • Legion

    Benji visits Spellweaver's Keep and pages through books in the geography section. After searching through an atlas for a while he puts his finger on a page and squints.


  • [voice = MARI]
    It's a brown.

    [voice = Brother Commerz]
    Well, to be more specific, it's a very similar colour to that found in deer pelts. It's really a soft tan colour.

  • Legion


    Recently, a few whispers have circulated at the fires of Norwick, of two dire wolves "appearing out of nowhere to save people" in the Rawlins…one of the descriptions of the pair is of a great silver wolf, and a smaller, yet no less massive tawny colored wolf.

    Benji hears the rumors

    What the hells kind of a color is 'Tawny'?

  • Recently, a few whispers have circulated at the fires of Norwick, of two dire wolves "appearing out of nowhere to save people" in the Rawlins…one of the descriptions of the pair is of a great silver wolf, and a smaller, yet no less massive tawny colored wolf.

  • (( Several times now, Celad and Syclya have been seen entering the rooms above the temple of Chauntea at night, not to emerge until early the next morning. Afterwards they are observed sharing an early breakfast at the Grapevine.))

  • Lately Caldor has been looking around for a powerful Druid, For reasons he seems to be keeping to himself.

  • More fire. This time it started to the north of the town. Some time after the fires started, two elves and a human stumbled into town, badly burned. They carried another human and a half orc that were no longer capable of walking. A woman, less burned, but burned nonetheless, followed some time after to join them at the temple of Chauntea. Those curious could overhear them speaking of burning skeletons and ghosts of flame.

  • Typically, whenever Yngdír crosses one of these charred corpses he'll bury the bones. Usually after whatever carrion has been eaten by those opportunistic forest creatures. Occasionally the skull of one of these forest creatures (though never of Goblins) will be found arranged in such a way that they could be mistaken as magical totems or wards. In truth, they are merely hunter signals to show which beasts are often found in this part of the forest. The tools gained from the Burning Man's seemingly ruthless torching of the forest, in Yngdír's hands, will serve as providence to the Town - or at least for those willing to hunt the dangerous wood.

  • For some days after the fire accident by the south gate, small pillars of smoke can be seen in Rawlinswood every now and then. Those who wander into woods can find charred animals and burned trees. Also every now and then next to the charred trees, there are charred corpses of small humanoids to be found.

  • ICC


    The call rings through the town, as a bucket chain is formed down to the southern gate. Several adventures try to help put the fire out that is threatening to destroy the entire southern wall. After a lot of work, the wall is safe. The woods is another matter, flames rise higher and higher, and the bucket chain just isn't enough to slow the fire down. Several druids come running and manage to calm the blaze. It seems some burning skellitans were running around setting animals and the city gates alight.

  • Legion

    Every time Benji passes the Union Hall he knocks on the door and checks to see if Z is there.

    //I'll catch you IG!

  • Aparently a couple of questions had been asked, regarding where Jerrick disappeared to. The question has so far been unanswered, but he was seen walking south with some folks today…

  • _Wild magic!

    The whispers go around, as spells go awry.

    Wild magic!

    A man that they tried to raise failed to return because of a surge, his soul almost lost to the disruption in the weave.

    Wild magic!

    All through the central part of Norwick, mages and priests are warned to be cautious with their spells, lest they blow themselves up._

  • _A man and an elf standing at the fire were randomly turned into pixies by a mad mage spouting nonsense, who then proceeded to stab himself in the chest and die before anyone could intervene.

    After some back-and-forth and cries of wild magic, the two returned from Spellweaver Keep, turned back to their original forms. Remains the question of who was the mad mage.._

  • _Rumors spread throughout Norwick of an evil shaman in the crypts… and the ghoulish minions he controls.

    Seems, he doesn't like trespassers, either._

  • Rumour quickly spreads of an elven man seen leaving the South gates hand in hand with a Dryad of all things, apparently she was quite flushed in the face and his air was that of a very 'lucky' man….

  • Labur is seen planting two acorns on either side of the Hold, the location picked allows the trees to be viewed when sprouted without having causing problems from a defensive stand point. He says a small pray over each of them to no god in particular, the mention of Telli's name is often heard. He is then seen coming back to the small mounds daily with a canteen of water for each.

  • (( Celad is seen going into local merchant shops, purchasing rope, darts, and clothing that is similiar to what the local farmers wear.))

  • _A hooded figure, dressed in rags, his cloak threadbare, can be seen roaming around Norwick now and again. On his back are strapped a double bladed sword of rare craftsmanship and a silver dire mace that carries the mark of Danaley Notten, to the watchful eye. He has been asking if there is anyone who can make use of the weapons, as the original owner will not be needing them anymore.

    Those interested should find him at the inn.

    edit: The offer now stands for the dire mace alone._

  • Labur another simple merchant extraordinaire is seen tailing Alexi around Norwick dressed in a dashingly similiar outfit. He helps in asking around for fairy items and converses in moo speak with Alexi.