Whispers at the Fire

  • A whisper might be about that he was struck down quite immediately afterwards too, but saved quickly by less holy means.

  • While helping to defend Norwick against an attack by chaos spirits, Elyl was felled by a powerful one. However, immediately after falling, Torm's grace decended upon Elyl and he was immediately revived, much to the surprise of those around who saw Elyl fall.

  • Jerrick hears the rumor about Brendel and shakes his head.

    He wouldn't th…. you know what? Nevermind. I don't think I know any more.

  • ICC

    _Rumour had it that the redcloak brendel had returned…but that can't be right??

    Because he is most certainly not around....._

  • It would seem for those adventurers that head out to the rawlins, that they will encounter little amount of goblinoids, be it goblins, hobbers or bugbears, and they'll encounter dead ones, all burnt up. Rurmors says it was some misterious creature and others say it was María, raging out for Attentus death

  • ((A bit late, but..))

    _During the last night of a full moon, and with a considerable crowd to witness it, Aelthas and Hammerhand began a battle to the death over an insult or another. As most would expect, Aelthas easily defeated Hammer and offered him mercy, in exchange for an apology, which Hammer stubbornly refused. After being allowed to stand up again, Hammer's battered and weakened self was killed in a single swipe by Aelthas-turned-werewolf, though not before uttering the curious "Victory In Death.".

    What sort of victory could he possibly have earned with having been so very thoroughly thrashed? Whatever the case, attempts to call him back to life have failed thus far._

  • After helping to defeat the attack on the druids grove, Celad is seen giving away weapons and armour to those in need.

  • Some farmers saw Elemmire catching hawks.They said he ties scrolls on their feet and let them fly away…

  • Ever since retiring from the militia, Elyl is not seen much in Norwick. Elyl and Kia can be spotted at their home once in a while, but seem to be doing some traveling since Kia's retirement as well. Elyl still offers healing blesses to any who ask for them, unless they are followers of evil gods, while he is in town.

  • The Legion is once again scoffed at in Norwick, their recently dismissed - or fired - Militia recruit, Alestra, was almost immediately brought into the Troff Royal Legion ranks. Who could even guess at their reason for taking this living headache in with open arms… time will tell if there was wisdom, or a sentimental misjudgement.

  • The small elven woman known as feather is reported to be staying at the Grapevine instead of wherever it is she goes out in the woods most nights; while there she stays away from people except for the company of a few known stalkers and quiet late night discussions with Yumiko over mint tea

  • Jerrick was seen walking into the area at the south gate from the rain, to take a look about and say a few words, mostly to the one-eyed fellow who rumors are still flying around about, the one who fought the -other- red-haired Druid.

    A simple few words were said, and they walked off into the gloom of night.

  • Labur has been seen walking through Norwick from the Hold rather drunk on multiple occasions. The cause of the binge drinking is unknown

  • The one eyed shifter known to some as Araatris was indeed dragged to prison in the form of a large cat, clawing and scratching the whole time. He has refused any food or water brought to him during his incarceration.

  • A certain redhaired ranger druid was seen in a heated argument with a one-eyed man as the ranger was leaving the temple of Chauntea. It seemed to be a religious argument of sorts, as the words "Great Hunt", "Mielikkian", and "Malarite" were being thrown around.

    Eventually the one eyed man growled and leaped at the redhead, clawing at his face. He defended himself with only his fists.

    The ranger druid was left bloodied… but in the end, the one-eyed man was the one on the ground. The whole thing was viewed by a guardswoman, who proceeded to drag the one-eyed man to jail.

  • Uljas seems to have come up with a new exercise for his Smashers to do. The routine involved picking up a woman and lifting her up and down. Uljas did this with Tindra several times, and then rushed off into the woods with her in his arms.

    The two weren't seen after until well past nightfall.

  • Rasuil has been busy of late around Norwick, spotted in several places in and around town. The usually sour looking ranger was seen in generally good spirits lending himself easily to such roles as diplomat, investigator, warden, medic, defender, allayer and .. druid trainer?

    Some people are heard to mutter 'Isn't that what ranger's do?', while most seem to agree on principle that it simply can't be the same man.

  • Legion


    There's talk of a powerful vampire making its home in the Rawlinswood. It's said to be trained the arts of the arcane archers, sending arrows flying so true they can even find their target if shot from across the other side of the vast forest. Of course, most likely people just made up this story to distract themselves from the terrible screaming of harpies at the southern gate.

    Benji scrunches up his face hearing the news.

    <g>Fark that. I'm calling bullshite.

    Have him come here for Fight Night and shoot against us in some archery and we'll see how well the <g>bastard</g> does.</g>

  • There's talk of a powerful vampire making its home in the Rawlinswood. It's said to be trained the arts of the arcane archers, sending arrows flying so true they can even find their target if shot from across the other side of the vast forest. Of course, most likely people just made up this story to distract themselves from the terrible screaming of harpies at the southern gate.

  • Ever since the recent explosion, Z has been spending even more time than usual in the Temple of Chauntea and roaming remote areas of the Rawlinswood. He seems to be looking for something.