Whispers at the Fire

  • An altercation is reported outside the gates.. an elven woman in all dark leathers is supposedly have attacked Thorn.. it was stoped by others there and decended into a shouting match between the two which ended with her busting open Thorns nose before retrieving her swords from Aelthas and storming off to the north

  • Benji is seen to be wrestling apparently with a young and barely clothed brown haired elven woman. Though initally he resist her they withdraw to the wall (or did she just corner him) where she rained down kisses on him and whispered in gnomish to him before slinking off gigling toward the inn

  • Caelian has not changed from his previous behavior… though Eli is back, he is still seen watching the guards closely, and embracing Eli every chance he gets.

  • @dde1811f48=KT:

    After about a tenday or so of being 'Taena', it appears that Eli has returned to normal, not remembering anything from her time being Taena.

    This has led to a side effect of Troff being ridiculously happy. Many who approach him should be wary of hugs.

  • After about a tenday or so of being 'Taena', it appears that Eli has returned to normal, not remembering anything from her time being Taena.

  • Some say to have seen Locrian become hypnotised and disapear into the north.

    Only to return with a fancied longcloth tabbard hung from the belt. when asked, he remarks: "Shuddap bout th'arseflap"

  • Previous rumours are true! It appears that the blonde elf Eli has been going around calling herself 'Taena' and refusing to believe she is actually Eli. When embraced by Caelian, she simply accepts it and 'pretends' to be Eli. When questioned of this…she states that she believes Caelian to have gone insane, constantly mistaking her for Lady Eli.

  • Lights are seen shining in the evening, all night, for many nights in a row at Jerricks tree; Laughter can be heard and the voices carry on without apparent end for several days as several people often assoicated with stalking the woods are seen to come and go from that direction

  • ICC

    _After more then a few days absence, Brendel slogs into town one night, obviously weary. He stops in front of the grapevine, face pained, before heading South.

    He returns early in the morning, sets his shoulders like a man about to do battle, and heads into the grapevine._

  • Eli's Fiance, Caelian, has been seen around Norwick, much much quieter than usual… he seems to be watching people as they walk around, usually from a high point. He sits on the top of hills, unarmed, just watching the guards as they move and go about their day. After each session of this, he is seen with Eli, refusing to call her anything but Eli, and embracing her often.

  • The ugly elf Troff Legion can be seen following the elf formally know as Eli, who is now apparently going by the name Taena, arround Norwick and beyond. When not in her company he asks where she might be found. In either case the Legonare seems grief stricken, with red blurry eyes from recent crying, and a hoarse voice and overall disheartened appearance.

  • ICC

    _Brendel is found in town more often then not of late. Though free with conversation, his eyes are shaded dark and lost their merry twinkle.

    He can often be found nearby, whenever Jaelle is out and about. His expression remains neutral, though his eyes stay dark, swirling with conflicting emotion._

  • ICC

    _Brendel was starting trouble again…with another lady...

    Some few by the Southgate bore Witness to an almost funny scene.

    Whatever the conversation was, it's pretty obvious he wouldn't stop pushing, finally ending in the pirate Jaelle taking her axe to him in a fury.

    In the quick scuffle that followed, they both seemed to collapse, reaching the edge of their strength. Crawling to the nearby South Wall, they sat in an odd embrace, for a few hours._

  • The cursed "infection" of the Troblins seems to have finally manifested in some people. One memorable incident had the woodsy sorceress, Tindra, turn into some kind of fiendish cow.

    What is most troubling, however, is that the "infection" appears to spread to those who weren't hit like a true sickness would.

  • Any questioning if Albry was returning to her old self has been completely removed over the past few nights. She seems to once again be her normal self by bossing people about, threatening them if they don't shut up, and being an all around "crank".

    ((And now for something completely different.))

    Kayden has been seen wandering about a bit more often of late. However, he does not seem to be his normal, perverted self. Instead, he seems to carry about an expression of both anger and sorrow. Very rarely does he acknowledge anyone who chooses to greet him, though when he does, it is his usual nod. What has brought this change about his being is anyone's guess.

  • Sponatenous Combustion!

    _Apparently, some burning man was seen at the southern gates. The first sign of him appearing was a deer catching fire seemingly at random. Then burning spirits, and burning skeletons appeared before the man himself was spotted. And it seems this is just a disagreement between druids, which cost two people their lives, it is almost forgotten in the general troubles that have befallen Norwick.

    It seems, too, that the Circle now despises rain as the man disappeared with the onset of rain. This might support reasoning that the rain has been poisoned by some powerful force._

  • A couple of eyes saw a hooded man around the merchants,trading gold for a large number of blank scrolls.When asked about magic writing on them,he shake his head and replies in writing form….

  • Lately, Albry has been seen standing guard day and night by the encampment just outside the gates. Some may notice that she rarely speaks at all, and when she does she speaks very few words, unless issuing orders to her guards. Strange…is the old Albry returning?

  • ICC


    Despite her want for battle … it doesn't appear that she even got to lift a finger, but nor was she so much as bruised. The Druid with the woman over his shoulder like a tied up sack of potatoes also appears utterly unharmed ... but where the hells would one take a tied up woman?

    They were seen entering the woods...

    Grak is snickering after Jerrick and smacking lips at tied up woman"harhar, now dats da proper way ta make fun wit un wench. Ties dem ups und haul dem inta forest for little fun. Har har. Whut ya gits think, shall dem ropes bes opened before or after female bes ravaged?"

  • Despite her want for battle … it doesn't appear that she even got to lift a finger, but nor was she so much as bruised. The Druid with the woman over his shoulder like a tied up sack of potatoes also appears utterly unharmed ... but where the hells would one take a tied up woman?

    They were seen entering the woods...