Whispers at the Fire

  • Some people saw some burnt and ice signs north of Norwick.They said that it looked like some kind of battle,but without finding any bodies.They also claimed to see some circle wooden pieces neaby….A weird view.

  • Legion

    _Benji and Yana share a quiet, heartfelt talk. After a tear, a hug, and a few laughs Yana takes the boat back to Peltarch.

    A few minutes after the boat leaves a gnomish curse reverberates throughout the town…_


  • Folks around the south gate would see a man in a black duster and long deep red hair pulled into a ponytail lazily chasing around a girl with sticks in her hair. They seemed to be having a good time.

  • ICC

    _After Fight Night, a bit of a scene was put on at the Southgate. The Redcloak Brendel seemed to have gotten in a bit of trouble with a lady.

    The event spanned much range of emotion, starting with a nocked longbow aimed between his eyes, and much later after nightfall ending with Brendel and the Lady going their seperate ways, faces Wet, probably from the Storm that had just passed through.

    Whatever it was, the cheery Elf has (for a change) been rather quiet of late._

  • Legion

    Benji spends some time paging through books related to plants and flowers in Spellweavers' library.

  • For those with sharp eyes, a small, almost childlike figure can be seen skulking about the south gate area and some places inside Norwick itself. He is always scavenging and is sometimes seen talking to himself. He always runs if he knows he is seen.

  • A fight broke out just outside the south gate of Norwick. The barbarian known as Uljas returned sporting some claw marks.

    Tindra has also returned to town finally. Her cheerful mood, however, hasn't.

  • _The sky lit up the other day with the brilliance of a second sun as a large rock fell from the sky, landing near the rear of the crafter's hall. A man clad in green could be seen striking the meteorite with a morning star. Brendel and Syclya are seen standing back a ways, looking on warily. While he nurses his one hand, Syclya puts a hand to the top of her head, wincing every now and then, a small goose egg from something hitting her over the head.

    With every strike of the morningstar against the meteorite flames erupted and vibrations shook the ground. Finally a small winged creature, resembling a miniature dragon emerged from the fallen sky rock, it's egg buried inside. Reinforcements arrived and after a short battle the beast was slain. Rumours speak of large green stones littering the grass near the remains of the meteorite being collected and split equally._

  • @7f81e9fa87=M_O_B:

    Strangely, a large flaming ship was seen hurtling from the sky and crashed into Norwick, causing many fires and leaving debris all over the fairground, as well as damaging the guildhall.

    *Z spends several days cleaning up the debris and loading it onto a cart for disposal. As he works digs through the rubble, he looks for anything of value to salvage - ((Spot +14, search +8 )). 😉 *

  • A pretty woman with some boobs on the head has been seen walking around norwick…seems to be a legionaire. Why she wears such a thing on her head, noone knows, but sure attracts all men attention

  • After noticing Benji's bout of apparent narcolepsy, Yngdír approaches him. He gives the 'inventor' a brief nudge with his boot, only to realise that the Legion Captain has fallen into 'a deep snoring sleep'. Believing that he's not being observed too closely, and in a bout of childishness, Yngdír draws in charcoal a curly moustache on Benji's upper lip - and quickly skedaddles back to the southern tower.

  • Legion

    Benji clumisly sorts through the Drow bolts recovered from the battle. After accidentally pricking himself with one he crumples into a deep snoring sleep.

  • Maya is seen practicing with a whip in the back of the Grapevine Inn, by the stream. She seems rather animated, and takes great delight in knocking down bottles and targeting small branches. Some of the waitresses say that they haven’t seen Maya this alive in years.

    One of the waitresses curiously went out to bring the whip inside after Maya came in for a drink, and exclaimed with a disturbed expression that “the damn thing hissed at me!”

  • @92322cb619=M_O_B:

    Strangely, a large flaming ship was seen hurtling from the sky and crashed into Norwick, causing many fires and leaving debris all over the fairground, as well as damaging the guildhall.

    _Quin stands back from the scene of the burning hulk and damaged Crafter's Hall. After he's taken the sight in fully, he spits out a stream of brown to the side and wipes the side of his mouth with the back of his glove…

    He comments..."Tweren't there yesterday tha's f'sure..."_

  • After the drow battle was finished, Tindra was seen heading off west in the direction of the druid glen and isn't seen around at all for the next tenday.

  • Strangely, a large flaming ship was seen hurtling from the sky and crashed into Norwick, causing many fires and leaving debris all over the fairground, as well as damaging the guildhall.

  • _"May he now rest in peace."

    Yngdír's quiet words from atop the tower after the battle. Reference perhaps to the old friend of his slain by the Drow at the beginnings of the war, Axel Drake. He remains there, however. Unconvinced that this is the end…_

  • ICC

    _After an exhausting fight….and waking up naked...Brendel regained his clothing and his beloved bow. Watching the soldiers and warriors depart, he was the last one into town.

    Closing the gates behind him, he set about helping all the townies return to their homes. Taking the time for a friendly word, and encouraging winks, before heading North for some much needed rest and contemplation._

  • _The talk of the south is the recent drow siege, where groups from all over Narfell came to aid in Norwick's defense. Those including Legion, Peltarch Defenders, Spellweaver mages, Druids, Mercenaries from Oscura, and various other adventurers who voluntered at the town's time of need.

    The drow took the lives of several defenders, and attacked from two fronts. Though through strong determination, steel, and spells… the town defenders prevailed in fighting off the drow... for now.

    It is said that this has been the most deadly drow attack in a long while, where usually the drow pester the gates with traps and the like, not daring to come from the darkness. Many wonder what has suddenly driven these dark elves into full on sieges..._

  • Jerrick keeps a near constant vigil at the south gate.
    He speaks to adventurers and guards alike of anything he finds on his rangings beyond the gate, which has so far turned out to be nothing.

    Nevertheless, he keeps the area well lit, and the soldiers and adventurers near him well fed.