Whispers at the Fire

  • After the drow battle was finished, Tindra was seen heading off west in the direction of the druid glen and isn't seen around at all for the next tenday.

  • Strangely, a large flaming ship was seen hurtling from the sky and crashed into Norwick, causing many fires and leaving debris all over the fairground, as well as damaging the guildhall.

  • _"May he now rest in peace."

    Yngdír's quiet words from atop the tower after the battle. Reference perhaps to the old friend of his slain by the Drow at the beginnings of the war, Axel Drake. He remains there, however. Unconvinced that this is the end…_

  • ICC

    _After an exhausting fight….and waking up naked...Brendel regained his clothing and his beloved bow. Watching the soldiers and warriors depart, he was the last one into town.

    Closing the gates behind him, he set about helping all the townies return to their homes. Taking the time for a friendly word, and encouraging winks, before heading North for some much needed rest and contemplation._

  • _The talk of the south is the recent drow siege, where groups from all over Narfell came to aid in Norwick's defense. Those including Legion, Peltarch Defenders, Spellweaver mages, Druids, Mercenaries from Oscura, and various other adventurers who voluntered at the town's time of need.

    The drow took the lives of several defenders, and attacked from two fronts. Though through strong determination, steel, and spells… the town defenders prevailed in fighting off the drow... for now.

    It is said that this has been the most deadly drow attack in a long while, where usually the drow pester the gates with traps and the like, not daring to come from the darkness. Many wonder what has suddenly driven these dark elves into full on sieges..._

  • Jerrick keeps a near constant vigil at the south gate.
    He speaks to adventurers and guards alike of anything he finds on his rangings beyond the gate, which has so far turned out to be nothing.

    Nevertheless, he keeps the area well lit, and the soldiers and adventurers near him well fed.

  • _Some of the Wolves of Narfell may or may not have been rumored to have spent a whole night in the Rawlinswood. Much of the Goblin occupation of that place was left as a now desolate battlefield. The precision of marksmanship by whoever went out that way is clear, as all - or at least most of the Goblins appear to have fallen to arrow wounds.

    One of the three who returned that night identified himself as Sergeant Yngdír of the Troff Royal Legion to the Militia guard. As much tension as there is now at the south gate in particular, it may at least be some relief that perhaps, just maybe, the Drow's usual 'allies' or 'forced labour' have already been taken care of in a preemptive strike._

  • Syclya, when seen, is flushed from preparations at the Temple of Chauntea. Gathering herbs and preparing them for use as balms, taking inventory of medicinal stock as well as instructing the workers there.

  • Amelia can be seen working alongside Milith, eager to lend a helping hand in the war effort. Not able to carry much her work is hardgoing but still she presses on. When she is not busy working with Milith she roams the south of town by day and returns with freshly cooked food, which she donates to the war effort. If asked she will curtly reply Just doing what I can, and war or not, people still need to eat.

  • Tregan is seen posted at the south gate for hours at end. He keeps a every watchful eye to the southern woods and leaves only breifly when ordered to.

  • ICC

    _The Scout Brendel is more active then ever come nightfall, roaming South and checking the lands often.

    Any who happen upon him will notice his usually green eyes seem to gleam golden._

    • milith is seen at the grapevine while it is closed offering his services to the women doing whatever is necessary to help prepare for the coming war, he works tirelessly often soaked in sweat but not stopping for a moment except to take random drinks then right back to the work. When the ladies seem to have that well underway he begins searching the farms seeking out farmers that may want to evacuate and need help and begins helping them out as well *

  • Legion

    The Grapevine closes temporarily as Marty and the Sisters who staff the inn pull large black and red tents out of storage and make ready a good number of horses and carts.

  • Yngdír might've been seen around recently wearing chain armour and a tower shield. But with rumor of Drow attacks in the air, who wouldn't be…

  • ICC

    _After having a long conversation with the fallen paladin Alestra, the Elf Brendel has …it seems...regained much of his humour.

    Once and awhile, he can be caught hiding behind bushes and buildings, whispering just loud enough for a certain druid to hear....then laughing... and rapidly fleeing after the druids lightly pointed ears turn red!_

  • Jerrick does his best to pretend not to hear all the various rumors, whispers, and jests, but his lightly pointed ears burn bright red as he passes…

  • The Chancellor jokes with a few of his men…

    "Careful lads... rutting season is upon us... never know what them druids might do if their lookin t' mate!" chuckles

  • Jerrick and an unknown elven woman are seen running through town hand in hand laughing and acting obviously far to young for thier age. The two were last seen running north out of Norwick.

    Perhaps the Druid is simply out sowing his proverbial oats

  • Tindra seems to be in quite a happy mood, especially when seen chatting with Jerrick. Observant people will note a glint in her eye and her big grin just has "mischief" written all over it.

    • word spreads like a fire of a mock execution of William De Montez lead by Locrian, Rain, Danika, Milith and Maythor, word says that the execution was to teach the young actor a lesson in not acting like the city guards, others say the young man wet himself in fear and screamed like a little girl *