Whispers at the Fire

  • Tregan is seen posted at the south gate for hours at end. He keeps a every watchful eye to the southern woods and leaves only breifly when ordered to.

  • ICC

    _The Scout Brendel is more active then ever come nightfall, roaming South and checking the lands often.

    Any who happen upon him will notice his usually green eyes seem to gleam golden._

    • milith is seen at the grapevine while it is closed offering his services to the women doing whatever is necessary to help prepare for the coming war, he works tirelessly often soaked in sweat but not stopping for a moment except to take random drinks then right back to the work. When the ladies seem to have that well underway he begins searching the farms seeking out farmers that may want to evacuate and need help and begins helping them out as well *

  • Legion

    The Grapevine closes temporarily as Marty and the Sisters who staff the inn pull large black and red tents out of storage and make ready a good number of horses and carts.

  • Yngdír might've been seen around recently wearing chain armour and a tower shield. But with rumor of Drow attacks in the air, who wouldn't be…

  • ICC

    _After having a long conversation with the fallen paladin Alestra, the Elf Brendel has …it seems...regained much of his humour.

    Once and awhile, he can be caught hiding behind bushes and buildings, whispering just loud enough for a certain druid to hear....then laughing... and rapidly fleeing after the druids lightly pointed ears turn red!_

  • Jerrick does his best to pretend not to hear all the various rumors, whispers, and jests, but his lightly pointed ears burn bright red as he passes…

  • The Chancellor jokes with a few of his men…

    "Careful lads... rutting season is upon us... never know what them druids might do if their lookin t' mate!" chuckles

  • Jerrick and an unknown elven woman are seen running through town hand in hand laughing and acting obviously far to young for thier age. The two were last seen running north out of Norwick.

    Perhaps the Druid is simply out sowing his proverbial oats

  • Tindra seems to be in quite a happy mood, especially when seen chatting with Jerrick. Observant people will note a glint in her eye and her big grin just has "mischief" written all over it.

    • word spreads like a fire of a mock execution of William De Montez lead by Locrian, Rain, Danika, Milith and Maythor, word says that the execution was to teach the young actor a lesson in not acting like the city guards, others say the young man wet himself in fear and screamed like a little girl *

  • @2ebb63ca8f=Locrian_Danister:

    Whispers spread around that Locrian was either suspended, or quit the guard. Locrian sports a green cloak, and reguards his guardmates warmly. To those gathered however he and the commander however only exchanged silent glances.

    Albry and Locrian were seen entering the barracks and did not return for several hours. Locrian can been seen once again sporting his red cloak, and the Commander and himself seem to be on better terms.

  • Jerrick has since been seen about constantly after his return.

    He has been heard speaking of Hateful Spirits, Giant Angry Deer spirits, and even heard arguing with a man in golden plate and a woman at his side.

    Mutters afterwards name her all kinds of things, and not many of them nice, and not just from Jerrick.

    Sounds like things are busy south of the gate these days, once again.

  • A farmer said that a hooded man,for almost a week now,receive and send some messages with trained hawks near his house.

  • Tindra's been seen sporting a new armor and even a helmet. The armor isn't quite as revealing as her usual leathers, to the disappointment of admiring men, though she has commented on possibly altering it.

    There was also some considerable tension between the woodsy sorceress and the druid elder known as Jerrick. Whatever was eating at her seems to have been dealt with after a long talk alone with the druid and the two were seen later having a nice meal at the inn. Makes some people wonder… But doesn't she already have a mate?

  • loud orcish war cries have been heard echoing through out the Rawlins as of late, what can be heard is pretty much incoherent unless one speaks the language of the horde -PM me if you understand Orc-

  • Legionnaire recruits Ruby, Arlan, Sessa, And Tagohr have been often been spotted headed into the southern woods of Norwick lately, this small legion cell has been seen working together, quickly dispatching everything that poses a threat within the immediate surroundings of the southern gate.

  • ICC

    Adding to Brendel's behaviour…a heated bout of 'haggling' occured between Brendel and Gemli, over Goblin Dolls of all things....

    "You're raising the price because they are in demand now?? ….I'm the only farkin person in this town buyin'em you stunt legged stove-chested midget!!"

    After which Brendel exited the shop with a bag of bottles and Doll's, a lighter purse, and a bruised cheek….

  • Hahn was also around hearing the rumors and wondering if it had something to do with a schene that was made outside the south gate around that time.

  • Yngdír is noted to have regarded Benji with a chilly stare, but said nothing further on the matter.