Whispers at the Fire

  • Tindra's been seen sporting a new armor and even a helmet. The armor isn't quite as revealing as her usual leathers, to the disappointment of admiring men, though she has commented on possibly altering it.

    There was also some considerable tension between the woodsy sorceress and the druid elder known as Jerrick. Whatever was eating at her seems to have been dealt with after a long talk alone with the druid and the two were seen later having a nice meal at the inn. Makes some people wonder… But doesn't she already have a mate?

  • loud orcish war cries have been heard echoing through out the Rawlins as of late, what can be heard is pretty much incoherent unless one speaks the language of the horde -PM me if you understand Orc-

  • Legionnaire recruits Ruby, Arlan, Sessa, And Tagohr have been often been spotted headed into the southern woods of Norwick lately, this small legion cell has been seen working together, quickly dispatching everything that poses a threat within the immediate surroundings of the southern gate.

  • ICC

    Adding to Brendel's behaviour…a heated bout of 'haggling' occured between Brendel and Gemli, over Goblin Dolls of all things....

    "You're raising the price because they are in demand now?? ….I'm the only farkin person in this town buyin'em you stunt legged stove-chested midget!!"

    After which Brendel exited the shop with a bag of bottles and Doll's, a lighter purse, and a bruised cheek….

  • Hahn was also around hearing the rumors and wondering if it had something to do with a schene that was made outside the south gate around that time.

  • Yngdír is noted to have regarded Benji with a chilly stare, but said nothing further on the matter.

  • Legion


    Whispers spread around that Locrian was either suspended, or quit the guard. Locrian sports a green cloak, and reguards his guardmates warmly. To those gathered however he and the commander however only exchanged silent glances.

    Benji speculates amongst some friends

    Well <g>fark!

    Of course he quit? A 'suspension'? Who's ever heard of a 'suspension'?


    She'd do better just to beat the hell out of him instead of suspending him. It works in the Legion doesn't it?

    Well, no. It doesn't work for -me-. I can't beat anyone up. But still. A well placed POP to the groin'll set any Legionnaire straight quicker than a silly 'suspension' will. <g>Fark.</g></g></g>

  • Whispers spread around that Locrian was either suspended, or quit the guard. Locrian sports a green cloak, and reguards his guardmates warmly. To those gathered however he and the commander however only exchanged silent glances.

  • ICC

    _Those Would-be gate guards so often found in South Norwick come nightfall, will notice lately, the Elf Brendel sliding out into the night.

    Though not unusual in itself, the unmistakable glass clinks coming from a large bag over his shoulder makes his trips noteworthy._

  • a regally dressed, auburn haired and green eyed attractive woman has been seen about the town. Usually sitting by the south fire or lounging in the Grapevine, chatting up the bar staff and enjoying the finest drink and food. From time to time she can be seen having cordial words with a certain local bard. She seems to have befriended a rather friendly elven woman, they can be seen sitting together by the fire and going for walks outside the south gates.

  • Some people said that a wizard,travels to Peltarch often lately,heading to the city's library and spending lot of hours in there.After he returns back to Norwick without looking at nearby people.

  • _Rumor spreads of the insane mage known as Izakiel making an appearance yet again at Norwick's south gates. Another rather eccentric white haired mage stepping up to try and stop Izakiel's madness. Adventurers watching assisted the white haired mage in the battle, and it seemed like that there would be victory against Izakiel… though it was snatched away, Izakiel dissapearing and luring a huge green monster to rampage Norwick by tossing taunts.

    After its rampage, it stomped off in a huff, mentioning something about a hat. None seemed to be killed, by a good few were heavily injured._

  • An odd scene graces the sight of those who might wander the forest in the past few days; goblin corpses with notes attached to their foreheads with sticky pine sap.


    "Malar following goblins, I know what you have, let's talk. You can leave me a message by shooting an arrow just in front of the south gate with the details of where you want to meet.


  • Some farmers spread word that a mage dressed in white lately,enters often the spellweaver's keep,and spends lot of hours reading books.After, he passes by not speaking to any.

  • ICC

    Brendel was seen in norwick, at both fires, Dark-eyed moody and…drunk??

  • a male body was discovered, covered in dirt, scrubs, and tall grass on the hill near the fairgrounds in Norwick last night. The body apparently had no head and an arrow in its back. Guardsman scramble to find out who would do such a thing to a person and -in- Town! of all places! Was it a crime of passion!? or traitorous intent? who knows but be Warned… there may be a killer on the loose in Norwick...

  • Again the people of Norwick are subject to the large green creature, this time the creature breathing fire from its mouth, destroying many a door. The creature then proceeded to enter several buildings, looking for something, always shouting "WHERE IS IT!?" until finally he enters the main hall of Norwick, going so far as to break down the doors to the Chancellors office before heading out and then disappearing in a puff of flame and smoke.

  • In stranger news, all of the southern gates have been completely obliterated by a large, strange looking, green creature. Eyewitness accounts say it looked crazed and was shooting fire and noxious, lethal gases from its mouth.

  • ICC

    _A worn looking Brendel comes across the site of the Pyre; stands for a few moments sharp eyes taking the scene in, then heads off.

    Awhile later he returns, planting a small Apple tree Sapling at the head of where the pyre was; and murmuring low in Elvish for a bit.

    He seems to sit for almost a night quietly, before once more heading off._

  • ((i'd like to request that all of the "Missing Jerrick" posts be split of into another dedicated thread… they arent really 'rumors' and probably deserve their own forum destination))