Whispers at the Fire

  • Troff Legion has begun spending time in the Lathanderite temple, learning what he can about the god saying he wishes to become one of the faithful. What has caused such passion in the often confused young elf is unkown. Unless of course you ask him, then he points out the heroic actions of one C'tan. Giving his life so that he and his fellows may yet live.

  • ICC

    _As the sun set on another Day in Norwick, the screaming started. By morn, many were the bodies of Dog Tribe goblins found scattered throughout the Woods. Most had certainly been killed as they were fleeing something.

    They displayed many types of wounds. Few arrow, most certainly animal savaging, but the most common being precise, clean, slashes and punctures.

    It seemed that every goblin man, woman and child of the tribe that could be found, had been coldly killed. At one spot next to a sheltered rockface, a pile of their casters were found. A message written in goblin, of goblin blood, on the wall. It was obviously written by the goblins, one after the other._

    "We allowed one of our kind to ambush and ransom an Elf, and have paid the price"

    In common also in Goblin blood written below:

    "She is mine. I protect these woods and those in them. Cross me again and Goblins for centuries after will remember the fate of your tribe.


  • _Word spreads like wildfire that a childkiller is on the loose in Narfell!

    It seems that one of the Black Sails, a man called Jay, travelled to Hoarsgate to kill the man that killed his own mother. Nothing terrible, most would agree, if Jay had not continued on to slaughter the man's wife and seven-year old daughter.

    Details seem to vary between the whole of the Sails enacting some dark sacrifice to Umberlee with the butchered body of a young girl, between the rogue Jay's bloodlust getting the better of him._

  • Rumor has it that the merchant and his employees were ambushed south of Norwick by shades over in the goblin territory the leader of the employees is said to have come back with serve shivers.

  • ICC

    A huge barbarian by name of Jaakko Ahmantappaja is heard speaking (in the tavern with some ale in hand) of encountering angry fire spirits in the woods around norwick. He also tells of animals bursting in flames and burning to cinders right before his eyes.

  • MacTavish is back in action! The engineer is standing guard once again at the southern most gate at night, and looks as good as new, yet the clanking continues from the barracks during the day.

    When does this guy sleep?

  • Legion

    A lively discussion of corks and much laughing takes place by the Norwick fire.

  • Word spread that the simple merchant extraordinaire and one of his employees came back with a rather bone chilling tale of doom after conversing with some spirit.

  • Guard Dexter MacTavish has not been seen on duty recently, and when he is seen around the town, he seems to be moving very slowly and wobbling, holding his head and wincing at loud noises.

    On another note, anyone near the barracks can hear a loud clang, as if metal on metal going through most of the nights, and almost all of the days.

  • Rumor spreads that the Militia Man Locrian and the Legionnaire Anor have been seen together and the more optimistics speak about weddings and kids

  • word spreads of a foursome of folks coming back bloodied from the graveyard, muttering about having to drag bodies out of the zombies clutches for some guy in a horned helmet.

  • Legion

    Word spreads that crossbow marksman Benji will not only be competing with a bow and arrow at next months Fight Night but also publicly performing a song about their greatness.

  • _Seems some commotion happened at the south gates of Norwick, a beautiful pink dragon showing up asking for the Defender Aelthas. The second dragon seen of late in the area. After a short talk though, the meeting was interrupted by a dracolich, it said to be the servant of the Hungry One as it flew in and began attacking the pink dragon, the pink dragon taking to flight and the dracolich chasing it off northwest.

    With the talk of fire spirits, burning men, undead attacks, and dragon and dracolich sightings, not to mention balors being seen in the vicinity, the south gates seem to a very busy and very dangerous place of late._

  • Seems a pale half dressed woman, the Admiral Ashire, and a small wyrmling was spotted talking to one of the farmers. Gold exchanged hands and the wyrmling feasted upon a live cow. People only wonder if this is a usual custom or not.

  • The talk of town is about how the North Gate of Norwick was attacked. The creatures who attacked were said to be spirits of various rainbow colors, which exploded spectacularly when killed. After a big one was defeated and exploded, those attuned to magic complained about feeling a headache. Apparently five adventurers were killed in the attack, but the defenders successfully repelled the assault which culminated with a battle with what looked like a human warrior who seemed to glow like the spirits.

  • _There was a performance of the finest dancing in Norwick the other night… word gets around that a lovely young lass twirled and fluttered her way around the campfire in a way that caught the eye of every lad nearby, whether young or old.

    The speed of her steps and spins was enough to make a few hearts even skip a beat, one onlooker actually choking on something he was that taken with it!_

  • The Chancellor has been seen milling about the Norwick docks lately, chuckling with some of the captains, and supervising one of Norwick's larger trade ships that has been loaded with its usual load of lumber to sail north.

    As the ship prepares to embark, the Chancellor hops aboard having had several sealed crates first loaded into the cargo area. He jokingly breaks a bottle of ale on the prow of the boat before it leaves and fist-pumps the air in a seldom seen public display of happiness.

    Not one to enjoy water-travel, he puts on his best face as the ship pulls from its slip and makes its way North… presumably to the Jewel…

  • _The Legion scout Yngdír is noted to, from time to time, take brisk walks through the town. Often entering the Militia Barracks and the Dwarven Hold for varying lengths of time. Despite his lack of practice with siege equipment it seems he's been getting behind the town's defenses and lending his own critical eye to their placement.

    One or two other Legionnaires have been sighted with him along these walks on different occasions. There's little indication as to what the purpose is, or why they are necessary._

  • Peltarchian gastrognome has turned into anthropologognome, researching his new Narfellian ethnography "Of butches and femmes: stories from a militarised Norwickian apocalypse cult". The data furnishing this discourse was largely drawn around the south gate fire, or as Perriwig would have it, "the totem sun-anticipator, fizzling with demonic energy and around which members of the cult languorously flop, engaging in reproductive rites with their masculine mother figure and musing on the abyss to come." He asks a number of impolitic, suggestive and lurid questions. Gleefully writing up the the bemused responses received from the innocent adventurers he waylaid between goblin-thumpings, the gnome orders another bottle of red wine that evening in the Grapevine, snoozing boozily towards dawn.

  • Early into the night, Kayden was seen being drug by the cloak into the Grapevine by Ashe Ferrin. It was not until late into the next morning that Kayden was seen stepping into the sunlight with a content smile spread on his lips. Whatever happened in there, he seemed to have a good time.