Whispers at the Fire

  • _A force of Troblins assaulted the South gates of Norwick the other night catching all resting there quite off guard. The attack was repelled, unfortunately Malika and Horlamin are said to have fallen near the end of the battle, their bodies carried by Maya to the Apothecary for tending. Many of the defenders were struck with the Troblin Curse and as such are now exiled from the town proper for he safety of the people living there.

    An elven woman by the name of Syclya, a priestess of Torm, was one of them and she has begun to assemble a small simple shelter to shield her from the elements while she waits out her exile. She received the blessings of Jerrick to begin this endeavour and she can be seen sharing food and blessings alike to those in need. Word spreads that she can be seen routinely walking off into the forest on patrols with any who will join her.

    Of note is the tale now spreading amongst the commoners about a group of four consisting of Jerrick, Agarly, Syclya and Milith initially, that aided a lingering spirit in concluding a ritual to replant the long absent Vervain Root in the central plains outside of Jiyyd That Was in an effort to breathe fresh life back into this war torn land. Corellon Himself has blessed this effort by accepting a sacrifice made by Milith and as such the Father of the Seldarine has ensured he will watch over this now sacred ground, a bastion of life and regeneration in a land of destruction and despair._

  • The Chancellor has been seen leading his horse and a cart from both the Great Hall and the Union Hall to the newly opened and well-defended Dwarven Hold. The cart leaves the halls full, and generally exits empty.

    He is seen often walking and inspecting the new defenses of the Hold with other kin, and speaking or sharing an ale with one of Clangeddin's Axes or Moradin's Hammers as they patrol the cold nights above the Hold.

  • // Spellcasters no longer feel any headaches when they enter the "Howling Woods" section of the Rawlinswood. //

  • Rumors may speak of a woman in a robe shadow fighting opposite the grapevine inn. While this does not seem so odd, she was said to be doing it with a huge sword swatting and cutting at the air. Oddly enough, sometimes the wounds the woman received while such training to fight seemed real and bled - but that could just as well have been the perception of someone who overinduldged alcohol at the inn.

  • Legion

    Benji comes back with a group of adventurers complaining that they spent all day looking for ((gnomish phrase for 'some shite')) and they didn't find ((gnomish phrase for 'diddly poo'))

    "All I know is all our wigglers were complaining the ENTIRE time about some <g>farking</g> head aches. <g>Damn!</g> They're all hung over from SOME great party and they didn't have the <g>farking</g> courtesy to invite me!"

  • ICC

    _Seems there has been a badger wandering Norwick lately….oddly enough seeming quite a ease.

    Said badger has been known to accompany many people beyond the gates, and seems to make an able scout...and cuddle-toy...depending on whom the poor creature follows out!!_

  • blue eyes follow Vladimir and his group, watching silently from the forest. Occasionally, growls can be heard from nearby. It seems pretty obvious someone or something doesn't like what he is doing

  • Vladimir Kursk has been seen hireing adventurers and heading off into the rawlins, collecting vast amounts of animals for ther meat.

  • Four Adventurers and a badger were seen on a hunt for coin. Alexi gave them a simply task to make as much coin as possible and return to him with a share of the spoils. After successfully returning the adventures each many a fair amount of coin and a bag of 127 coins was handed over to Alexi.

    //Labur currently has this gold and it will be handed over the next time the two meet.

  • Recently, a horde of zombie animals attacked the front gates of Norwick. A group of three, two druids and a ranger, stemmed the flow of these creatures enough to keep them from entering the city itself. Afterwards, one of the druids can be seen fingering a very large wolves tooth.

  • It seems a lovers quarrel amongst the Sail's has spread into Norwick and has caused a ruckus at the south gate. One blonde and gruff member of the militia was beaten senseless even though a priestess of umberlee tried to intervene. The culprit, another Sail with messy hair stomped out of Norwick without saying a word.

  • Individuals have been seeing Rain dump a bunch of new gloves and belts into the crates near the Crafters Union Hall every now and then.

  • it seems a follower of Umberlee has left her beloved lake and has taken up residence outside the gates of Norwick with a redcloaked blonde lad.

  • In other bizarre news, Aramuil was seen with several floating troblin bodies heading to Spellweaver after the attack…

  • _It seems Norwick has been rather busy of late. The southern gate was subject to attack by some fierce creatures who have come to be known as "Troblins". The gate was broken completely and many were severely injured. One, Locrian, redcloak of Norwick fell to the beasts defending his city with honor.

    In other news, the barracks are in general disarray after what appeared to be a Balor came rampaging out of it. How the balor got in there is a good question, but now the barracks are sans chandelier, and one of the pillars is completely shattered. It seems like the town was doomed, before a celestial appeared to do battle with the mighty foe! An evil slaad even joined the fight, trying to stem the divine fury, but to no avail._

  • _Jerrick hears the story about Dana, and makes it clear that should anyone have information about this incident, he would like to speak to all involved, as he is an elder in the circle she is apprenticed to…

    He does -not- look happy at the news, either._

  • ICC

    _The Elven scout Brendel has been absent for some time.

    Previously, lost townsfolk, those that roam South on various business, or those that run afoul of the chilling mists; could expect to be greeted by him and offered aid or a warm tea by a fire.

    He has not been seen doing his regular rounds of banter and support with the local Redcloaks either.

    Popular rumour has it that he has retreated to a cave in the hills, where he lives the life of a hermit, or that he roams the woods Mad and naked.

    Whatever the reason, everyone seems to agree that the cost of spending so much time defying the Cold Mists that blow from the south, has probably caught up to him._

  • Rumor spreads that a group of adventurers set out to destroy a cave of goblins to the south. They had there fortunes read and thee fortunes where coming true until Dana betrayed them. Indeed it is told she left the group for dead with all of the riches.

  • A trade caravan guarded by four armed man arrives to Norwick and reports that they were attacked by four orcs on their way from Peltarch. Apparently they had managed to kill three of them, but during the fight one of the orcs had managed to steal their remarkably big gold delivery which was to be delivered for local lumberjacks in trade for some high quality planks.

  • It seems that once again that flinchy bard has wrestled against the odds and claimed the Norwick archery contest FIRST PRIIIIIZE! After managing to smash through such archery-contest giants as Senator Marty! And Maya the Great, among many - many others. Could it be that the flinchy bard is ~rrrreeeeeeeeally~ a master marksman? Is it at all possible that he's been taking the citizens of all of Narfell for a ride by claiming to be something he is not?! Or could it be that his wild tales of bringing luck to those who rub him are 'actually' true. Who's to say, all that remains is that he has indeed won again.

    As if that's not spectacular enough it's also clear that, unarmed, he managed to survive the human(ish)-wreckingball known as Jay the Violent for several rounds, at least long enough to claim SECOND in the team-combat tourney. The glorious-golden-warrior offered the ladies of the town their chance to produce ~CHAMPION BABIES~ with him, but is said to have buggered off after a Dwarf, perhaps Dwin's son, got too keen.