Whispers at the Fire

  • it seems a follower of Umberlee has left her beloved lake and has taken up residence outside the gates of Norwick with a redcloaked blonde lad.

  • In other bizarre news, Aramuil was seen with several floating troblin bodies heading to Spellweaver after the attack…

  • _It seems Norwick has been rather busy of late. The southern gate was subject to attack by some fierce creatures who have come to be known as "Troblins". The gate was broken completely and many were severely injured. One, Locrian, redcloak of Norwick fell to the beasts defending his city with honor.

    In other news, the barracks are in general disarray after what appeared to be a Balor came rampaging out of it. How the balor got in there is a good question, but now the barracks are sans chandelier, and one of the pillars is completely shattered. It seems like the town was doomed, before a celestial appeared to do battle with the mighty foe! An evil slaad even joined the fight, trying to stem the divine fury, but to no avail._

  • _Jerrick hears the story about Dana, and makes it clear that should anyone have information about this incident, he would like to speak to all involved, as he is an elder in the circle she is apprenticed to…

    He does -not- look happy at the news, either._

  • ICC

    _The Elven scout Brendel has been absent for some time.

    Previously, lost townsfolk, those that roam South on various business, or those that run afoul of the chilling mists; could expect to be greeted by him and offered aid or a warm tea by a fire.

    He has not been seen doing his regular rounds of banter and support with the local Redcloaks either.

    Popular rumour has it that he has retreated to a cave in the hills, where he lives the life of a hermit, or that he roams the woods Mad and naked.

    Whatever the reason, everyone seems to agree that the cost of spending so much time defying the Cold Mists that blow from the south, has probably caught up to him._

  • Rumor spreads that a group of adventurers set out to destroy a cave of goblins to the south. They had there fortunes read and thee fortunes where coming true until Dana betrayed them. Indeed it is told she left the group for dead with all of the riches.

  • A trade caravan guarded by four armed man arrives to Norwick and reports that they were attacked by four orcs on their way from Peltarch. Apparently they had managed to kill three of them, but during the fight one of the orcs had managed to steal their remarkably big gold delivery which was to be delivered for local lumberjacks in trade for some high quality planks.

  • It seems that once again that flinchy bard has wrestled against the odds and claimed the Norwick archery contest FIRST PRIIIIIZE! After managing to smash through such archery-contest giants as Senator Marty! And Maya the Great, among many - many others. Could it be that the flinchy bard is ~rrrreeeeeeeeally~ a master marksman? Is it at all possible that he's been taking the citizens of all of Narfell for a ride by claiming to be something he is not?! Or could it be that his wild tales of bringing luck to those who rub him are 'actually' true. Who's to say, all that remains is that he has indeed won again.

    As if that's not spectacular enough it's also clear that, unarmed, he managed to survive the human(ish)-wreckingball known as Jay the Violent for several rounds, at least long enough to claim SECOND in the team-combat tourney. The glorious-golden-warrior offered the ladies of the town their chance to produce ~CHAMPION BABIES~ with him, but is said to have buggered off after a Dwarf, perhaps Dwin's son, got too keen.

  • Late one night, the Rawlins is suddenly filled with the sounds of a scream, a long scream of pain and loss that echoes all across the south, the scream suddenly turning into a howl of a wolf. The howl continues on through the night, other howls echo alongside it, offering a eerie song of mourning to someone or something until the sun peeks over the horizon.

  • ICC

    Rumour has it that the Ex-Redcloak Brendel was arming everyone in town…with a sword. After Gemli ran out of Longswords Brendel handed out a few scimitars (very apologetically of course). Non-refused the charming Elf. //LOL!! …rotters!

  • Rumors of a group of druids and an elven woman repelling an attack by a sizable goblin force start to circulate about the camp fires and the tavern.

    Some say one of the druids was brought back to life by the Frostmaiden, Auril Herself.

  • ICC


    _Rumor has it, that the union apprentice Lucius is seen loading up a cart full of cut wood one day, and the next there is tale of living trees and talking wolves chasing him back to town with an empty cart.

    That can't possibly be true can it?_

    Grak is sitting near the fire, bandaging his recent wounds. He sees the fleeing Lucius and lets out a disgusted snort
    "Dem weaklings running aroond da pass bes feeding dem purses und stomachs of rogues und gnolls inta breaking point. Dem bandits been growing both in boldness und in arrogance since dem punylings tried fer Grak purse. Har har, dem river within Pass ran red with dem blood after such foolish attempt."

  • _Rumor has it, that the union apprentice Lucius is seen loading up a cart full of cut wood one day, and the next there is tale of living trees and talking wolves chasing him back to town with an empty cart.

    That can't possibly be true can it?_

  • Rumor has it that Elyl was almost able to acquire a nice cloak and a pair of boots from Grak in trade for Belia. (A good price too some may say…) The trade however was halted when Troff Legion and others intervened and stopped any further negotiations. Belia did seem to grouse a bit about said trade too. Luckily both trading parties avoided being sat upon by any irrate dire bears. :twisted: 😄

  • Rumor has it that those Druids are quite funny.

    Much laughing was certainly heard in Norwick over the past evening anyway… and many Druids were indeed there.

  • Legion

    Benji sighs an exasperated sigh

    Those <g>farking</g> druids think they're SOOOO funny.

  • _A new couple has been spotted in town, cuddling up near the fire.

    A hin and a half-orc… certainly an unusual pairing from behind, but from in front it was even more unusual, with the two in question being Benji and a large halfer with a moustache.

    They seemed very much in love, according to the bystanders who bore witness to the affection that the halforc lavished upon "his rabbit" as he called Benji._

  • A redhaired druid was seen pounding on the door to Albryanna's office with a rather determined look on his face. After a few brief minutes of talking, he walked out of the south gates, with a bit of a smile on his face.

    Shortly thereafter, a large bear with green markings and reddish fur was seen dragging the mutilated goblin corpses near the gates into a fire that was built near the ruins.

  • Those leaving the South Gates will on occasion find the bodies of several Goblins nearly mutilated. The eyes have been plucked out, and they seem to be disemboweled by what could only have been talons. High above, two red-tailed hawks seem to be circling the gates…

  • Recently, two, and sometimes four massive Dire Wolves are seen prowling the southern lands, just south of the gates. At times, there is sometimes another, smaller wolf with them as well…perhaps part of the pack, a cub maybe?

    One of the rumors is that three of them are slightly oddly colored, the small wolf having a red coat, much like that of a fox, the larger male wolf having streaks of some red in his fur along with his silver coat, and that the third, the larger of the two female wolves has a tawny coat.

    Three foresters were found talking about how the pack had come upon them when they were dealing with goblins, and not doing so well. They of course thought that the wolves saw an easy meal, but oddly enough the pack of wolves attacked the goblins, saving these foresters. The Foresters said that the pack departed right after the attack on the goblins.