Whispers at the Fire

  • ICC


    _Rumor has it, that the union apprentice Lucius is seen loading up a cart full of cut wood one day, and the next there is tale of living trees and talking wolves chasing him back to town with an empty cart.

    That can't possibly be true can it?_

    Grak is sitting near the fire, bandaging his recent wounds. He sees the fleeing Lucius and lets out a disgusted snort
    "Dem weaklings running aroond da pass bes feeding dem purses und stomachs of rogues und gnolls inta breaking point. Dem bandits been growing both in boldness und in arrogance since dem punylings tried fer Grak purse. Har har, dem river within Pass ran red with dem blood after such foolish attempt."

  • _Rumor has it, that the union apprentice Lucius is seen loading up a cart full of cut wood one day, and the next there is tale of living trees and talking wolves chasing him back to town with an empty cart.

    That can't possibly be true can it?_

  • Rumor has it that Elyl was almost able to acquire a nice cloak and a pair of boots from Grak in trade for Belia. (A good price too some may say…) The trade however was halted when Troff Legion and others intervened and stopped any further negotiations. Belia did seem to grouse a bit about said trade too. Luckily both trading parties avoided being sat upon by any irrate dire bears. :twisted: 😄

  • Rumor has it that those Druids are quite funny.

    Much laughing was certainly heard in Norwick over the past evening anyway… and many Druids were indeed there.

  • Legion

    Benji sighs an exasperated sigh

    Those <g>farking</g> druids think they're SOOOO funny.

  • _A new couple has been spotted in town, cuddling up near the fire.

    A hin and a half-orc… certainly an unusual pairing from behind, but from in front it was even more unusual, with the two in question being Benji and a large halfer with a moustache.

    They seemed very much in love, according to the bystanders who bore witness to the affection that the halforc lavished upon "his rabbit" as he called Benji._

  • A redhaired druid was seen pounding on the door to Albryanna's office with a rather determined look on his face. After a few brief minutes of talking, he walked out of the south gates, with a bit of a smile on his face.

    Shortly thereafter, a large bear with green markings and reddish fur was seen dragging the mutilated goblin corpses near the gates into a fire that was built near the ruins.

  • Those leaving the South Gates will on occasion find the bodies of several Goblins nearly mutilated. The eyes have been plucked out, and they seem to be disemboweled by what could only have been talons. High above, two red-tailed hawks seem to be circling the gates…

  • Recently, two, and sometimes four massive Dire Wolves are seen prowling the southern lands, just south of the gates. At times, there is sometimes another, smaller wolf with them as well…perhaps part of the pack, a cub maybe?

    One of the rumors is that three of them are slightly oddly colored, the small wolf having a red coat, much like that of a fox, the larger male wolf having streaks of some red in his fur along with his silver coat, and that the third, the larger of the two female wolves has a tawny coat.

    Three foresters were found talking about how the pack had come upon them when they were dealing with goblins, and not doing so well. They of course thought that the wolves saw an easy meal, but oddly enough the pack of wolves attacked the goblins, saving these foresters. The Foresters said that the pack departed right after the attack on the goblins.

  • The Defender Aelthas has been seen around Norwick more of late, he mostly just sits under a tree quietly, writing in a book. When night comes, he is seen wandering south instead of north to Peltarch, heading into the Rawlins.

  • ICC


    The weather at the south gate went bad.

    Real bad.

    Snow followed by a fog that rolled in RED…. and then ice crashing into the south gate with enough force and regularity, to destroy it entirely.
    Rumors of wolves, druids, and ... a giant cat?
    The south gate is gone, but other than that, there is little sign or clue as to what happened.
    What have those druids done now?

    Haughty elf Davanros can be heard commenting latest happenings:
    "Seems like I was only one to see this coming as sadly, local ignorant population did not. It is too obvious even for simpleton commoner or farmhand to connect these misgivings with so called druidic circle. Quite obviously that letting members of such circle roam free and inspecting town inside out leads into situations like this.

    Do these commoners even know that their so called "circle" consists of bugbears and ogres? I cannot understand how folk allow group which lets itself to be affiliated with so malicious creatures wander these streets without chains? How long majority of uneducated and simpleton townfolk are being coaxed to provide safe haven for these deluded ones, who mingle with bug-bears and ogres? As we all know, such monsters have only one aim: Devour your children… May Mestarine protect me from this ill-bunch"

  • The weather at the south gate went bad.

    Real bad.

    Snow followed by a fog that rolled in RED…. and then ice crashing into the south gate with enough force and regularity, to destroy it entirely.

    Rumors of wolves, druids, and ... a giant cat?

    The south gate is gone, but other than that, there is little sign or clue as to what happened.

    What have those druids done now?

  • Legion

    Rumor has it your hero (( 😉 )) Benji will be hosting Fight Night again.

    ((Sunday, Jan 31 9:00 PM EST))

  • ICC

    _"You are a village elder and village's granary holds 8 bushels of food, that would through heavy rationing provide just enough food for 8 persons until help is to be expected. Village population is 11 creatures:

    7 cousin elfs
    2 lanky humans
    1 mud-hugging dwarf
    1 dirty half-orc

    Who will you provide food for?"_

    *Was a question that elf Davanros asked near campfire from his kin Belia the druid. When Belia didnt give out answer, Davanros got upset about her true allegiance. Further heated debate took the topic into mysterious druid circle whose members are numerous within walls of Norwick. Horror and distain was clearly readable from Davanros face, when Belia told that Druid Circle consists of 12 leaders, which include a half-blooded humans, notoriusly evil and vile bugbears and savage hulking half-ogres!

    Davanros gave prayers for Fenmarel Mestarine and asked aloud that what kind of creatures are allowed to walk here and how they can be trusted since they are dealing with such monsters other than with steel or shaft. He left toward woods*

  • _Word has it that a master blacksmith of reputable skill is searching for magical components for his craft.

    Adventurers who happen to stumble across such components will be rewarded with gold, or the crafted item itself if they manage to collect all the required parts._

  • @f2831a0a2e=JerrickRafe:

    For some unexplainable reason, the Crafting hall signpost has been torn out of the ground, and from the looks of it, was used to beat the door to the crafting hall partly in, and all about the front of the building.

    *The next day, Z is seen replacing the sign and making repairs to the door and building. He then uses a quill pen to jot a few notes onto a small piece of parchment.

    Later, he is spotted asking around about what happened.*


  • The Chancellor sees the note, pauses for a second, and then summons Davos to his office for an immediate chat about what the fark is going on.

  • *The signpost of the Crafter's Hall seems to have been ripped from the ground and used as a sort of bat against the side and door of the crafters hall. Those who were awake in the middle of the night might've caught a glimpse of two gigantic figures running around, one of which headed south out of the town, the other which eventually disappeared from sight. In the morning, Davos can be seen cussing up and down the town posting flyers:

    "Any and all persons affected by EggButt's creatures, blobs, etc. are hereby ordered to STAY OUT OF NORWICK until the illness is passed. By order of the Norwick Redcloaks."*

  • For some unexplainable reason, the Crafting hall signpost has been torn out of the ground, and from the looks of it, was used to beat the door to the crafting hall partly in, and all about the front of the building.

    There was some crazy story about giants and … Jerrick?

    There was fighting in town, then it moved outside exceptfor one culprit.
    He's now in jail?

    Overheard is something about the Druids being banned from town?
    Or was it giants?
    Jerrick was seen again after the commotion, escorting several people off, that much was clear.

  • Legion

    _After a brief exchange of words in a strange tongue two men were seen dueling at the crossroads at dawn.

    The loser of the duel, they say, had his elegant weapon stripped of him. He then gutted himself with an odd looking dagger._