Whispers at the Fire

  • Shortly after Fight Night, rumours has it that a spirit with a dark omen appeared; what exactly that omen is varies from teller to teller…whatever the case may be, Chancellor Dwin and Grand Advisor Aramuil were there, assuaging most rumour-mongers' fears.

  • _It was an ordinary quiet night in the Norwick and a group of adventurers had just returned into a town from the south. While they were preparing to heading into rest, each for their own way, they were approached by a man.

    Some words were traded, after which the lightning struck in between of the man and the adventurers. This seemed to alert sturdy barbarian traveling with the adventurers and he stepped in between the man that had arrived and a woman dressed in white.

    Few heated words were traded between the two men, which were followed by lightnings struck on the ground to empower the words of the stranger.

    The situation was calmed down by the lady in white, by stepping between the arguing men and following the stormy man for more quite place in town. When they left together, one final lightning struck in where they had stood just before leaving.

    A while passed after they had gone and then few soft snowflakes could be seen to fall from the sky, gently floating onto ground. The snowing got bit harder, but still not to any extraordinary strength.

    It lasted for an hour before the weather slowly warmed and snowing turned into rain.

    When the last of snowflakes seemed to reach the ground, the woman in white was seen to come back from wherever she left before and head into Grapevine to get some rest._

  • A half orc monk has been seen around town acting strangely. It seems his normal, peaceful demeanor and body control has deteriorated and he has been observed acting nervous and impulsive, with brief flashes of anger. He seems to be constantly searching, but for who or what remains a mystery.

  • Elves all over Norwick and some from Peltarch too are seen visiting Aramuil's home on the hill frequently, apparently a powerful cleric of Corellon from Evermeet is in town. In a rare sight, a gold cloak is set as guard at Aramuil's home instead of near Dwin's side, though nobody seems to be causing problems anyway.

  • After another snow-accompanied attack on the gates that is rumored to have happened shortly after the Druids had one of their meetings and had joined the folk at the gates, an argument erupted between Jerrick and the "Grand Advisor Arcane" amongst surely many other noble titles.

    Apparently the Hungry one is rumored to be an enemy of one of the furies, and talk of balance and Druids was traded.

    Apparently the Grand Advisor Arcane seems to be an expert on all things Druidic now, and felt it wise to "Damn Auril to the abyss" .

    The same Jerrick who had a showdown with an Aurilite priestess in Peltarch is now speaking of Auril like she can do some good for the land, too. Is that what balance is? Who knows… the Druid must have had too many herbal druid brownies at the meeting...

    He is seen walking to Dwin's office.

  • Rumors tell of a score or more of winged horrible creatures that came down upon the town center of Norwick, along with the all-too-common snow that typically accompanies trouble these days. Several witnesses say that these creatures had what looked like scorpion tails, and possibly used them to poison at least one victim.

    Unfortunately for these winged creatures, the town center was also the meeting place for adventurers preparing for a voyage and town leaders who were conversing with them. it was the work of just several minutes before all of the creatures, including the flock leader, were dispatched. The Grand Advisor Arcane, Lord Aramuil, deftly collected their poison sacks for reasons unknown.

    And perhaps this was meant as a diversion, for while this was happening a group of demonic goblins ransacked some of the Chauntean-blessed fields to the East of town. These greenskin were also quickly destroyed by a white-haired Peltarch senator, and no damage to the crops could be seen–though it is assumed that Chauntea may need to re-bless the ground that these filthy creatures defiled.

  • ICC

    Two Milita Elves…one badly wounded almost dead, and a Half-Orc were seen entering town hurriedly through the SouthGate...they whisper tales of Spectral Wolves chasing them through the Rawlins....Wolves with strange abilities of invisibility and more sinister things....even bold enough to be prowling into the Graveyard and areas close to Town

  • ICC

    Alone elf called Davanros was spotted running from North straight through the town and exiting South, heading toward general direction of elven encampment (or the ruins of it) Some time later, he returns with shocked look in his face. He sits by the tree near campfire and starts to weep

    "They left from High Forest to establish a encampment in the woods just a short while ago, it was like Yesterday. Now, they are dead all of them dead… I have come too late to help my cousins, now they have been cursed to walk these lands as wretched undead!

    How these....these selfish humans did not lend help when they were attacked?"


  • _Several folk of the Order of the Watchful Repose were seen travelling south from Norwick to the cemetary, returning a day later with the area noticeably clearer than it was before they went out there. Those that venture into the tombs find that the undead there have been laid to rest, and their remains put back in place as best as could be done.

    Of course, within a few days, the undead are back and just as feisty as ever, but there's no harm in trying._

  • ICC

    Tugor Goldbattler reads the sign and curses for seeing it so late. He rushes to the crafting hall but is he too late…

  • Legion


    A note is attached to a bundle sitting outside by the town firel. It reads:

    A gift for any who can use it.
    Everyone's favorite Banite,

    //Goodies are placed in first crate outside crafting hall for any who want them!

    Benji waits to see if the goods are thrown out. If they are he digs them out of the garbage and inspects them.

  • A note is attached to a bundle sitting outside by the town firel. It reads:

    A gift for any who can use it.
    Everyone's favorite Banite,

    //Goodies are placed in first crate outside crafting hall for any who want them!

  • The Black Sail known as Jay is seen hauling crates off a ship of the small docks in Norwick. He delivers them to the Great Hall unceremoniously. The crates containing various food items and such. The brutish warrior only makes one comment as he drops them off..

    "Guess us mean ol' sailors are feedin' Norwick now. Yer heads ain't held s' high now I bet."

    He then turns, and leaves Norwick, ignoring any comments that anyone else might make toward him.

  • Stories come back to town of a big rocky cratery mess of a hole that now blocks the eastern path around Willow creek where the hobgoblins had been taking a stand now long ago.

  • Rumor bustles around the town, and some commoners seem a bit panicked as word spread around from several sources that there have been sightings of a Dracolich under the control of The Hungry One. This, coming after rumors that people marched from Norwick and fought the Hungry One's undead legion aside Bugbear and Hobgoblin, huge black clouds in the sky moving into the eastern Rawlins, and what sounded like hundreds of explosions somewhere in the woods.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A new lass is in town with fiery red hair and tattoos to match, even her eyes have a fiery look about them. But there seems to be a problem, no-one can understand what she says… people are not sure if it's some strange language or what... but it seems dancing and heating things up is her specialty, oh and she sings though it sounds a bit weird

  • General Lyte mentions in passing the increasing dangers of traveling anywhere south of Norwick these days. It is rumored she details Legion and friends destroying several massive battalions of varied tainted creatures just south of the lake….bears, deer, badgers,goblins, hinnak and bugbears, spectres and zombies....all manner of creatures in huge numbers. They seem to be overwhelming the local populations of creatures and bugbears, and turning them into new footsoldiers for the Hungry One's cause.

  • _Some folks say that they saw the Chancellor, one of the Dwarven Hold guards, and Eric the lumberjack chasing off a pack of winter wolves that wer pestering the northern parts of town. The pack leader turned and ran after his pack was turned into what the Chancellor called "dinner."

    Later, the Chancellor spent some time healing the other 2 and discussing the cold weather, and the prayers of the local folks._

  • A cleric from the temple of kelemvor has established a presence in town, standing overlooking the gates with the red cloaks, she says very little but seems sociable enough. But makes it clear she is there from the temple of kelemvor, not for the Repose

  • ICC


    {{The Elven man surviving the recent shipwreck is rumored to be recovering under Tristina and Kia's supervision in the Norwick Apothecary.}}

    Grak arrives just in time to hear about latest rumors about shipwrecks sole survivor being treated at Apothecary. He ponders aloud while sitting at campfire
    "Ya gits were lucky dat ya gots dat pointy ear alive, ya cans now put ims right inta neckswing.
    Why, eh? Well, quite a feat dat pointy ear pulled, as apparently pointy ear imself streered dat riverboat right inta rocks. Dat git musta slit their throaths during his watch or sumthing, ta make sure dat nay others would survived ta witness… Well masked robbery und cold-blooded massmurder, Grak says".