Whispers at the Fire

  • ICC

    Tugor Goldbattler reads the sign and curses for seeing it so late. He rushes to the crafting hall but is he too late…

  • Legion


    A note is attached to a bundle sitting outside by the town firel. It reads:

    A gift for any who can use it.
    Everyone's favorite Banite,

    //Goodies are placed in first crate outside crafting hall for any who want them!

    Benji waits to see if the goods are thrown out. If they are he digs them out of the garbage and inspects them.

  • A note is attached to a bundle sitting outside by the town firel. It reads:

    A gift for any who can use it.
    Everyone's favorite Banite,

    //Goodies are placed in first crate outside crafting hall for any who want them!

  • The Black Sail known as Jay is seen hauling crates off a ship of the small docks in Norwick. He delivers them to the Great Hall unceremoniously. The crates containing various food items and such. The brutish warrior only makes one comment as he drops them off..

    "Guess us mean ol' sailors are feedin' Norwick now. Yer heads ain't held s' high now I bet."

    He then turns, and leaves Norwick, ignoring any comments that anyone else might make toward him.

  • Stories come back to town of a big rocky cratery mess of a hole that now blocks the eastern path around Willow creek where the hobgoblins had been taking a stand now long ago.

  • Rumor bustles around the town, and some commoners seem a bit panicked as word spread around from several sources that there have been sightings of a Dracolich under the control of The Hungry One. This, coming after rumors that people marched from Norwick and fought the Hungry One's undead legion aside Bugbear and Hobgoblin, huge black clouds in the sky moving into the eastern Rawlins, and what sounded like hundreds of explosions somewhere in the woods.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A new lass is in town with fiery red hair and tattoos to match, even her eyes have a fiery look about them. But there seems to be a problem, no-one can understand what she says… people are not sure if it's some strange language or what... but it seems dancing and heating things up is her specialty, oh and she sings though it sounds a bit weird

  • General Lyte mentions in passing the increasing dangers of traveling anywhere south of Norwick these days. It is rumored she details Legion and friends destroying several massive battalions of varied tainted creatures just south of the lake….bears, deer, badgers,goblins, hinnak and bugbears, spectres and zombies....all manner of creatures in huge numbers. They seem to be overwhelming the local populations of creatures and bugbears, and turning them into new footsoldiers for the Hungry One's cause.

  • _Some folks say that they saw the Chancellor, one of the Dwarven Hold guards, and Eric the lumberjack chasing off a pack of winter wolves that wer pestering the northern parts of town. The pack leader turned and ran after his pack was turned into what the Chancellor called "dinner."

    Later, the Chancellor spent some time healing the other 2 and discussing the cold weather, and the prayers of the local folks._

  • A cleric from the temple of kelemvor has established a presence in town, standing overlooking the gates with the red cloaks, she says very little but seems sociable enough. But makes it clear she is there from the temple of kelemvor, not for the Repose

  • ICC


    {{The Elven man surviving the recent shipwreck is rumored to be recovering under Tristina and Kia's supervision in the Norwick Apothecary.}}

    Grak arrives just in time to hear about latest rumors about shipwrecks sole survivor being treated at Apothecary. He ponders aloud while sitting at campfire
    "Ya gits were lucky dat ya gots dat pointy ear alive, ya cans now put ims right inta neckswing.
    Why, eh? Well, quite a feat dat pointy ear pulled, as apparently pointy ear imself streered dat riverboat right inta rocks. Dat git musta slit their throaths during his watch or sumthing, ta make sure dat nay others would survived ta witness… Well masked robbery und cold-blooded massmurder, Grak says".

  • Rumour has it that both the Chancellor and his Arcane Advisor were struck as hard by the cold as the crops themselves, the pair of them turned into deep-frozen, immobile snowmen by the biting chill in the air. It might even be speculated that the Frostmaiden's cold wrath has a particular bite for Dwin, as icy winds are said to have wrapped all around him, sweeping the stout dwarven figure far away after a divine messenger had been greeted with an axe to the head. Of course, others may insist that an ice mephit is just an ice mephit, and that the Chancellor flew away on his own accord, his cloak flapping in a mysteriously bat-like manner..

  • {{The Elven man surviving the recent shipwreck is rumored to be recovering under Tristina and Kia's supervision in the Norwick Apothecary.}}

  • _A Norwickian riverboat by the name of Arr Mule has sunk. A single elf was washed ashore to the docks, Umberlee claiming 19 other souls in her watery grave.

    In other news, local farmer's wheatfield was struck by cold, destroying half of that farmer's crops._

  • Rumors tell of a sizeable group that went south in search of a druid elder kidnapped by bugbear. The group returned carrying the corpse of a druid - one that left with them.

  • The Chancellor can be seen walking around in a white-fur cloak, anyone with knowledge of the region would probably know it came from a Polar Bear hide.

  • A very, very large figure in a yellow cloak and dented helmet wails in lament after Mercy's speech.

    "Ohhhhhh!! We is doomed! Oh woe be us fellow citizenz o' this wee town o' Norwickz! We done angered the Bitch Queen by bein' so stingy! Best be payin' up if we knowz what be good fer us!"

    He plods up to fishy dwarf and deposits a sack of coins at her feet.

    "Me feel saferz already! Me recommendz ye lot be doin' the same!"

    And with that he begins to saunter off in a decidedly more merry disposition.

  • _Mercy makes a reappearance at the Docks, peg sounding it wooden report as she stalks the boards. Perhaps contrary to anticipations, she is not gloating over the dead or cackling - well, no more than usual anyway - but instead continues her fell ministry in the following terms…

    "Arrr, mateys - Mercy came tae yer jolly little hamlet as a tallyman, she did. As'n tax collector. Now ye treated th' Queen's servant well enou', ye did, 'spectful like. I tell't ye o' th' fear tha' Umberlee asks o' ye - tell't ye wha' be 'xpected when ye stray intae her cold domain, wi' a wanion! Arrr, well - seems some o' ye nary heeded me generous lesson, wi' a curse - an' th' Queen hersel' ha' ta'en a personal interest in yer case. Th' forces o' nature ain't tae be denied their due, cully me lads. Umberlee's price fairly purchased can buy ye safe passage. 'Spectful civic cap'ns, suitable craven a'fore th' water's power, lay down yer tithes, lest th' Queen invite ye tae join her at the bloated table o' th' dead and drowned!

    Repent, lubbers, fer tomorrow, if ye nary does - mayhap ye'll nary 'turn tae yer weans, an' yer wife! An' woul'n't yon be a pity, yarr?"_

  • Aurelia, Raryldor, Belmar, and Danika were seen hiring a boat up river to investigate the Lacedons. They returned some time later claiming the issue to have been resolved, turns out an Umberlant River Hag was the cause.

  • Word at the docks is that a passenger keelboat to Peltarch, the River Queen, has sunk with all souls lost. Some say lacedons were involved.