Whispers at the Fire

  • Word around town is that the Elf, who's name nobody can pronounce, was a real contender during the Fight Night archery contest - this wouldn't be an interesting story, except for the fact that he was competing with a crossbow - and in the likeness of that Gnomish Ludo fellow. As far as anyone has said, all but his first and second last shots were direct bullseyes! And was only knocked out of the tourney by Yana, who scored three Bullseyes in a row - beating the other Elf with the funny name by 'a' point.

  • A dwarven voice replies that a crusade usually ends in suicide and says no more.

  • Word starts trickling trough Peltarch, and then down the pass to Norwick, that a gathering is being called in the Lucky Ferret Inn in Peltarch soon, where everyone who wants to join… well, some call it a crusade, some call it a battle, others call it suicide... is invited to discuss battle plans. Whatever it may be, the cause seem to be the capture of the fort Ormpur from the undead.

    ((Meeting is planned next Sunday, August 30 to start around 3 PM GMT))

  • _Foilir can be seen speaking privately with each Gold Cloak as well as the dwarven guards from the hold. The conversations are respectful and polite, with the armored dwarf handing over their rations, as well as boosting their morale.

    The dark armored dwarf also takes note of any concerns they have and nodes pensively, attentively taking their names and ranks and committing them to his indelible memory.

    After a short conversation with each, he makes his way to the next group._

  • This month's fight night passed fairly uneventfully. As the wind blew from the west, townsfolk who passed by the south gate remarked on the rank odor coming from the Norwick jail. A few merchants and non-farming folk held their noses and commented on what could possibly cause such a stench. After a short time, guardsman Probie was seen with mop and bucket outside the barracks.

  • _A group of three came through Norwick. The group consisted of a white-haired Peltarchian senator and two defenders, whom were heavily armored and one was wearing a… helmet. The three looked set on something, and left Norwick, heading south. They returned sometime later, looking battered and bruised, though fine nontheless.

    Whatever could these Peltarch officials be doing around Norwick?_

  • Tregan has been seen at the southern most gate in Norwick all through out the entire night, keeping a very keen eye out for undead and drow.

  • The elven Scout Elilian is seen walking towards the barracks with her two little children. Elilian seems to be paranoid, keeping her children quite close to her. Often she is seen glancing at the sky with a slightly worried look on her face.

  • The south gate was attacked by shadows, lead by a greater shadowy creature. The group of adventurers of many sorts was able to stop the attack. After the attack, a half-orc, known as Sgruud can be heard boasting by the fire how his mighty swing of enchanted sword was a final nail in to the coffin of the biggest of the shadow creatures.

  • _Strong words are passed between two dwarves and a felon "questionably" released and a Peltarchian Senator.

    The felon, who for some reason did not pay her fine and was released early, began throwing around accusations of ghouls and undead in the cells.

    The Peltarchian Senator seized on the story and with every word out of his mouth ending in a question, peppered the Chancellor and the town Rornsaman with his endless, mindless, pointless and unfounded inquiries.

    The dark armored dwarf as in no mood for the endless babble, and went to check the cells himself. Shortly he returned finding nothing, no smell of undead and all the doors appropriately locked.

    The Senator and Chancellor were informed of this fact. The dark armored dwarf also offered the information to the Senator, that he was no longer in Peltarch and his words and inquiries held no weight.

    But the two dwarves did muse aloud how many times they had lived this same scene, the only actor that was different was the Peltarchian official. The laugh at how every so often, some official from "The Jewel" strolls down to the hamlet of Norwick to help the "simple people" do things the right way, whether it be enforce the laws, hold proper elections, or other nonsense. Every time the people of Norwick have rebuffed the unsolicited help..

    The dwarves laugh and drink ales at the memories… But they do take note how easily the Peltarchian Senator took sides with a felon as opposed the Chancellor._

  • _Apparentely a fight was seen around the Norwick campfire very recently. Insults flew between a Kelemvorite Damaran and a Damaran mage with a pixie, which resulted in the Kelemvorite punching the mage. The mage apparentely got back and sent a magical ball of electricity at the Kelemvorite, almost killing many people including himself. At this point, Davos and Tregan took action and took them off to jail.

    A day later, the Kelemvorite is seen leaving, looking very angry._

  • Meanwhile, his grumbling cousin can be seen making his way to the fire, looking up.

    As he passes the fire he tosses in 10 small green twigs. The smell from whatever he has tossed in doesn't smell quite right.

    Me mutters that if he runs into a greenskin that refers to himself as s 'Robin' he is going to personally slaughter all the mentally deranged greenskins he can find.

  • An odd rumor is spreading, so odd that its almost comic…

    Apparently the Chancellor was seen flying over the Realm towards the Great Hall with a large pair of… bat-wings on his back. Though it was dark and hard to see, a recognizable dwarven "giggling" is said to have filled the air…

  • ICC

    Lately, the streets of Norwick have been strangely absent of Old Ale bottles and empty steins.

    Residents have been able to walk through the streets without bumping into a drunken slumbering form.

    However, some travelling Merchants tell of wild parties happening in Peltarch; that mysteriously relocate before the Guards can find them…

  • Rumor has it that the Chancellor traveled to Peltarch on "official business" but came back much earlier than expected.

    Some have heard that he has locked himself in the Great Hall and has requested a Priest from the Dwarven Hold. Others hear that he acted quite strangely in Peltarch, and paid extra to be taken home quickly.

  • Legion


    Harsh words flew hither and dither in Norwick
    between a slant female paladin clad in black & red
    and the leader of Norwick's finest. The woman was
    carried off to jail for reasons unknown. An unarmed
    pretty boy trying to stop the raging man abusing her
    was badly cut and evicted.

    Marty has been asking around about this incident, speaking with eyewitnesses.

    ((sorry I didn't post this earlier. I suck.))

  • Amidst the news from the Nars Pass that the Bandit Bridge is out of commission, the Chancellor is seen rousing the Red Cloak and Dwarven guards at the gates and speaking to anyone that will listen.

    _Whether it be the work of greenskin, orc, or Legion, the Bridge is out. The hive of highway-bandits has been knocked about, and you can be sure the 'Sons of Whores' as they call 'emselves are flyin about with their stingers ready.

    Guards of the Realm! we're doubling you up on shifts! Keep a wary eye on the North. Though the Realm had nothing to do with this, the Bandits will likely assume treachery… Keep your eyes and steel ready, and check all bags and wagons for foul-play!

    I recommend all travellers take care...and avoid that pass! The Bandits main source of income has been taken from 'em and their likely to be feisty! We'll be putting extra guard shifts on the docks and the boats that travel the Ole' Norwick River as well. In order to pay for this unexpected work, we'll be chargin' a tax of 2 extra coins for all riverboat travellers, and 5 for all merchants comin in, or goin' out. Hopefull this wont last long, mind you, but we've got over-time to pay these fine guards, and your safety is surely worth a few coins!

    People of the Realm! Remember... if you see anything odd or irregular, it probably is! Report it to a Red Cloak or a Hold-Guard as soon as possible. We're under no direct threat or danger, but one cannot be too prepared in times such as these!_

    ((just RP the temporary ferry taxes, no need to make any IG changes))

  • _As ever whenever the total number of gnomes in one area reaches the critical mass of three, the incessant chattering and sheer, borderline mad enthusiasm leaves many tallies gaping or fleeing the scene. Birds, however, are less intimidated, as fish-enthusiast Jorma learnt when a seagull unexpectedly turned up in the middle of Norwick, attempting to snatch his very large fish straight from his gnomish hands. A peaceful solution seems to have been found though, the gnome happily feeding fresh cave fish to the would-be thief, who took to the skies with a full belly and left Jorma his prized fish.

    Soon afterwards, while a bewildered Duncan and the splendidly behatted gnomish couple Caramella Bestefaren and Perriwig P. Doubleday were eagerly and animatedly discussing the important subject of titles and the many exciting possibilities of adding them to one's name, the earth suddenly began to shake. Undead critters burst from the ground, pale and fat like giant mole-rats, attacking anything and anyone nearby until the adventurers present squished them. The possible culprit to this incident, a mad crossbow-weilding gnome, then appeared from behind a building and culminated his vile acts by stealing Caramella's bright green, oversized headgear!

    Though the hat was heroically and successfully recovered and the culprit slain after a wild chase out of the gates, something still appears to worry the hat owner, who travelled north with her companions soon thereafter._

  • Devlin was seen taking a knee before Albry whilst holding a ring to her outside the Union hall. To those who were out of earshot, the answer was obvious when she threw her arms around him. Ever since the pair have had smiles "caked to their palettes"

  • Harsh words flew hither and dither in Norwick
    between a slant female paladin clad in black & red
    and the leader of Norwick's finest. The woman was
    carried off to jail for reasons unknown. An unarmed
    pretty boy trying to stop the raging man abusing her
    was badly cut and evicted.