Whispers at the Fire

  • _After what begun as an expedition into the Kua toa caverns, a group of three friends, Melanie, Pete and Kara, emerged from the norwick south tomb covered in blood and gore, but in high spirits. When asked, they are said to have fought and defeated a shade and it's undead minions through the dark tunnels of the underground and eventually towards the crypt in Norwick.

    The trio then went to clean themselves up and head north._

  • Some over hear a band of adventurers talking about a Headless Child spirit that seems to have taken residence in Skara's old cave. Their sad recount of the pitable child is that it was her own mother who killed her taking her head. Of the mother though the only thing known is that she is dead within a lake far from the Child and Skara's cave, her head with the mother.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts


  • Many large barrels containing water have been seen being dragged into the temple of Kelemvor lately under armed escort by guards bearing black and gold heraldry. Those who venture close, or even inside the temple can hear chanting and praying for the majority of the night and then again in the morning. It would seem the Kelemvorites are preparing something…

  • Sometimes someone goes to the lake and lights three fires. A man in brown padding usually appears sometime later speaking to whoever lit them, then disapears into the wood again.

  • Banites could be seen frequently checking the norwick graveyard… what they're looking for can't be certain though the dead cyricists with broken symbols of the dark sun could have something to do with it...

  • ICC

    two of the guards who were at the south gate sit in the Boarshed trying to pour up drinks while shaking uncontrollably

    Barle: -"What's the matter with you then lads?"
    Guard 1: D-d-d-d…
    Guard 2: r-r-r-r....
    Guard 1: a-a-a-a...
    Guard 2: g-g-g-g...
    Guard 1: o-o-o-o...
    Guard 2: n-n-n-n!!!
    both guards down their drinks, nearly missing
    Barle: A dragon!?
    Guard 1: Y-y-yes, it appeared out of nowhere just outside the gate by some of them Guardian people. It roared and then just dissapeared as soon as it had come.
    Barle: Must have been your lucky day lads pours them another drink

  • Legion

    *Word spreads like Wild fire of the women known as Cheavre now is The Dark Enchantress! it is heard grag is looking for anyone with information or history on the Dark Enchantress…

  • Just outside of a norwick crypt, the body of a Cryic Cleric can be seen, her face has carved "heretic" on it and her body impaled outside of the doorway.

    Inside the crypt… a symbol of the dark sun now cracked.

    banites could be seen exiting the crypt...

  • There's rumors of the Divine Shield randomly attacking people walking around in the colors of Bane. It seems there's two types of colors one should avoid these days, the colors of Eastlanders and the colors of Bane. For both are often and without any further reason attacked and beaten up or killed.

  • Upon hearing Moe mutter about black hair and blue eyes, Ginger corners Moe and advises him against courting either of her Tealeaf sisters. She mentions that she knows they're lovely, but that she doesn't think they are interested in him.

  • Rumour has it Militia Man Moe (orc man) has become sick of the lack of respect shown to the militia and the continual breach of norwick law, he is no adopting a hard line stance, so law breakers be warned

  • Fighting could be seen just outside of Norwick as a member of the legion was apparently attacking a man with no clear cause. The man in question wore the colors of Bane.

  • Militia man orc thing Moe continues his daily patrols of norwick but now he does so with a grin and a spring under his breath and can be heard to be muttering about black hair and blue eyes

  • The adventurers that sought the missing family were rumored to have also spoken of witnessing unspeakably vile rituals involving the desecrated bodies of innocent men, women and children.

  • A group of people went south into the Rawlins to look for a woman's missing daughter and husband. They returned with a dead girl, and some of them spoke of undead in the woods.

  • over the past couple weeks until most recently Amy could be seen around the fires asking around and telling people to send anyone looking for 'true' arcane or martial training to seek her out.

  • A well-armored redhead can be seen spreading the tales of how a mighty caravan was attacked by huge trolls and they had to put one of the carts on fire to keep them at bay. Er at least uhm that's er what er she er thinks uhm. It er hopefully er wasn't uhm demons er.

  • Some days, a small figure sits in quiet meditation in the ruins of the elven camp. Kneeling, the golden haired elf clutches her bow tightly, motionless.

  • A couple of weeks ago, members of the Legion were seen to be visiting the Morninglord's shrine. On their second visit, a shadowy woman was seen with them, who has apparently not been seen leaving the shrine when the rest of the group had returned home.