Whispers at the Fire

  • Legion

    So far Benji has just been carrying it around showing it to people.

  • Word has it that there was an exchange of a massive ugly eyeball, and a rather heavy bag of gold between Devlin and Benji. It's said the eyeball came from a death spell slinging Beholder. Words are exchanged, and something is mentioned about "Being able to fit the eye in a jar…".

  • ICC

    *Another nights falls, and a fresh team of Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs lead by Arak´Hur, Sgruud and Grakk, can be seen leaving the south gate and head to Old Norwick Area.

    From a high overlook spot, small fires could be seen burning brightly here and there, for any small fire that goes out, two or three start right away.

    Before daybreak, the three half-orcs can be seen entering norwick, badly wounded and with serious wounds… their, feet, ankles, legs and arms completly maked with dozens of bite marks.

    They can be overheard complaining about falling into a trap of hundreds of Dire Rats*

    // thank you DM-Stuiped, we had a blast!! 😄

  • _A weary group of Norwick's finest, including the Chancellor and his Colonel of the Militia, come shambling through the gates, carrying one of their own. After a brief stop and rest in the Healer's, they continue on with what appears to be a fallen warrior slumped (now on a horse) northward for a slightly longer journey.

    Their armor and equipment shows signs of serious fighting and scorching heat. Blast-marks appear in several places on heavily damaged platemail. Though few understandable sentences are heard, words such as "exploding, beholders and hobgoblins" are mumbled in the weary silence as they pass out the north gates._

  • ICC

    Gruul of the Iron Chain Clan returns from one of his many dawn patrols into the woods, many small puffs of smoke can be seen rising behind him down south in the morning sun. He heads as many times before out to the docks, were he checks on the poisoned meat traps and burns the corpses of any rats that have taken of the meat

  • Norwick Militia and town official Devlin praises the elven lass for her efforts.

  • ICC

    _An elven lass can be seen around Norwick observing the local animals looking for their most commons food places when she finds them she can be heard saying prayers in elven ((purify food/water)).

    Some may have seen her in the old ruins saying prayers for the animals ((remove disease)) which seem to be under her control following her to a place unknown._

  • Sgruud, an Iron Chain Clan grunt, has been seen entering into woods few times fully armed. After a while a pillar of thick black smoke has seen to rise from the woods, for those who have seen similar smoke earlier it is apparent that some furry corpses are been burned

  • ICC

    *Arak´Hur, the current leader of the Iron Chain Clan was outside, by the fire puffing on his orcish leafe cigar, when a Gold Cloak Dwarf aproaches and informs him that Chancellor Dwin wishes to see him. Arak´Hur heads to Dwin´s Office, leaving a trace of smoke after him. Before entering Dwin´s Office he puts the cigar out.

    Few hours later Both Dwin and Arak´Hur can be seen talking and walking outside Dwins office and pointing south and the River Boat area*

  • A few Gold Cloaks seek out Arak-Hur and just nod towards the Great Hall. By now, everyone knows that means Dwin wants a meeting…. "no smoking allowed."

  • ICC

    *Iron Chain Clan half-orcs have been seen, while on patrol, killing every rat on sight and Bat and Badger birds and Deer. Any of these animals passible of transmiting and carrying the desease that rats pass on to them after contact, are shot down and burnt on the spot.
    Arak´Hur and his brethren, can be seen droping on the ground big chunks of meat with poison inside, few hours later, the rats that nimble on it, are heard from afar, squealing and dying with scrutiating pain *

  • Many more animals have been dying of various terrible diseases within the Rawlinswood of late. The diseases seem isolated however and arent' very contagious.

  • ICC


    A sad group of right sized folks come into town bearing one of their own, with a few tallies in tow.

    They depart to the healers for a night vigil of prayer and to watch over him..

    as often lately, Grak is located within campfire. He notices the body and comments "dere seems ta bes increase of rodent und vermin control activity ere. Grak bes sure dat dem blessed gnome-hunters bes responsible frem dat beatiful corpse. As fer dem town pays us, Grak wondar dat who pays fer dem shorty-hunter fer dis kinds of rodent control.. Har har"

  • A sad group of right sized folks come into town bearing one of their own, with a few tallies in tow.

    They depart to the healers for a night vigil of prayer and to watch over him.

    In the morning, the sound of cheering and celebration can be heard, as their fallen companion was returned to them by the grace of Garl.

    Later that day, a very drained and weak looking Benji stumbles out of the healers for who knows what destination.

  • ICC

    Indeed during the night, very small fires can be seen burning brightly for few minuts and die slowly, soon after.
    Here and there, these small fires are seen by the commoners and almost create a simple light-show that entertains those who have an hard time falling asleep at night

    //slaps forhead forgot that part that we had to burn them :oops: :lol: 😉

  • Upon hearing about the successful rat-hunting, Dwin comments that he better also hear about some fires burning the carcasses, as had been agreed upon.

  • ICC

    As of late, the Iron Chain Clan half-Orcs have been seen Patroling both Old Norwick Ruins and the River Boat Area. The squeals of the animals they slay with out mercy can be heard from far away. The leader of the Iron Chain Clan, a charismatic half-orc that goes about by the name Arak´Hur can be seen placing fresh pieces of meat all over Old Norwick Area, and overspreads, the fresh lumps of meat, with drops of poison from a Spider Gland.
    Squished, slashed, bashed, and now poisoned rats, litter the River Boat area and Old Norwick Ruins areas

  • ICC

    Rumour has it that large number of Iron Chain Clan half-Orcs have gathered in Norwick, and left south. At a distance the crys of those beeing eliminated by them could be heard. Few hours later they return, over the shoulder of Arak´Hur, someone´s corpse could be seen covered with a long piece of bloofd stained cloth, only the hands and feet could be seen hanging and swinging as Arak´Hur walked

  • "It was very early in the morning when some saw a tall amn and a tiny elf draging a fat half orc all bloody towards the barracks,draging the ugly one by it's feet.a few hours latter some recruits in the grapevines where talking about how hard it was to clean the blood trail it had laft on the barracks floors".

  • Kia and Tristina greet Belia as she enters their house of healing. They accept the body of Hammerhand into their care.