Whispers at the Fire

  • Rumor has it some mischief was about as a group of would be adventureres were outstounded by an array of odd happenings in town with folks turning all sorts of colors and even catching on fire!

  • Legion

    A badly battered and beaten up Benji spits a mouthful of blood on the Crafter's Union Hall front door on his way to the inn.

  • ICC

    A group pf 5 Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs, lead by their leader Arak´Hur, and his clans broders Mugwort, Sgruud, Argath Drob, Rakna and Ridish Kurgah, have been seen leaving Norwick and head south.
    As usual, this big group of half-orcs went on patrol, substituting the group that had been patroling during the night.
    Few hours later, they have been seen entering Norwick showing signs of beeing envolved in big battles. The areas around Norwick, as usual after an Iron chain Clan halfers patrols, is safe for anyone to walk

  • *The Legion General Lyte warns of increased attacks upon Norwick's southern gates in recent days, including a quite heavy dawn into following day continuing siege which included entire companies composed of only the heaviest hobgoblin chieftains, drummers, and tough magic using hobgoblins.

    This was followed up at night by drow using shadow creatures of various sorts, magic eaters, wolves, and other various wierd monsters.

    Rumors of the appearance of a single Yuan-ti druidical creature also persist, although, it's reasons for showing up remain unclear, and various conjecture runs rampant as to what this might mean.*

  • Legion

    Benji is seen stomping out of the Legion Hall, wiping some soot off his gloves, paying a guard some coins, then putting up a new posting on Norwick's announcements board.

  • *Rumors spread around Norwick of the successful pilgrimage to Jiyyd, which apparently went off without any problems, and proved extemely moving and valuable to all who once lived in the picturesque farming village.

    Many tears were shed, old friends renewed bonds, and afterwards, stories were told of the fallen who died protecting hearth and family, some of whom, while perhaps only farmers, had valiant hearts.*

  • Legion


    Newly Promoted to the rank of Private Darius Dodger…

    Benji hollers at him.

    HEY. Just because you got promoted doesn't mean your name changes. It just means you're now known as PRIVATE Blueberry.

    One stiff nod from Benji then he walks away.

  • Newly Promoted to the rank of Private Darius Dodger spents most of his time in Norwick at the south gate he barely sleeps and eats.Tryes hard to stay positive about the outcomes of the undergoing wars always polite with the local Militia and travelers who pass by he leaves still once a week to give his classes on nature lore at the Dancing Mermaid in Peltarch.

    Rumors are that he as a broken hart and needs the time alone at night where he recites poetry when he thinks none are listening.

  • _In more sombre news, it seems that Lady Maya of the Sisterhood has departed the realm, leaving it a little less alive for those who remain. Immediately though, this causes issue for the Sisterhood who have been relying on her tireless efforts to keep everything running.

    In her absence though, Marie has stepped into the breach, albeit unofficially. She can be seen near constantly around Norwick and in the Inn, helping with anything that needs doing.

    She also enquires after speaking with the Lord Chancellor Dwin, regarding the future of the Sisterhood, and some of the work that is currently going on for the betterment of Narfell as a whole._

  • @18009e79f2=Clan:

    Both incidents were horrible fer all involved, but one of em was clearly a mistake.

    Telli returns the gaze Dwin gave her at the thought that what the N'jast troops did was just in any manner spoken and anything but a mistake.

    "Telli ain't sayings Norwick hid Dwinnie… don't misunderstands Telli... buh folks DID hide in Norwick. Telli more den aware what'cha done in da shadows and in secrets ta helps wid da war. Some… ain'ts done as mcuh dat livededs heres. And dats me point..."

    She looks to the orc when uttering the last of her words.

    "Now abouts wrongs... Ain't sayings a horde a demons ain'ts a prollem or a mistake... buh no one dat I knows knew whats dats decive would do... sure in hind sights likes Dwinnie says... we can see what was done ain't da right ting. Buh ta labels someone or a groups a someones fer one blemish is horse shyte... Telli know enoughs a her friends includings yuh Dwinnie who could lookededs backs ta a time dey wish dey coulda takens backs sometings dey dones... and any'un says oderwise is lying ta demselves."

    Telli shifts her attention to the orc afterwards...


    "Whut Grak knows is dat them foreign armies told yas dat nay harm would comes into them town, should dem bes ables to pass freely.

    "Got tireds a eatings yer feet huh startes shovings yer arse in der too eh?… Funny how N'jast defindedes freely as having der mercs kill kids, elders, and woman AFORE dey gots der answer…

    Grak mebbe coward who lets innocents die and have no honor... Buh Telli ain't dats and da minutes dey kills farmers ands der kids afore da Legion even answered ems... yuh... dose kinna folks sorta gets taken like a grain a salt....sorta like orc who eats too much a his own arse afore he knows what he's talkings abouts... Mebbe if was a true orc and had honor... woulda stuck around ta figure out all da facts huh... too busy wid tail atween yer legs ta look back I suppose... Telli understands... somes folks weak, somes nots.... not yers fault... yuh kin go slither back ta dat rock over der and spit yer venom nows Mr Grak..."

    Telli continues to laugh shooing him off again until his facts are resolved...

  • ICC

    "Hurh? Female may call Grak whutever female wunts, but thinkin dat Grak would help in turning dem peaceful farmer town inta fullblooded fort, ya bes right: Grak haves none of dat. Whut Grak knows is dat them foreign armies told yas dat nay harm would comes into them town, should dem bes ables to pass freely.

    takes a bite from the mutton and points the remaining mutton towards Telli Tanks to ya und yar warmongering legion folk, all of dem poor townfolk lost their homes und sum even paid bys giving up their lives.

    After ya leaved em nay other choice dan release dem machines fer ya, ya git yar fight ya were asking fer.. und ya got yar nose-bleeding nicely. Har Har.. but 'ere comms dem best part; After ya fled, ya couldnt live with the idea dat town wuz left standing. Ya had to slink in, like thief inda night and in yar female-tantrum ya actually devastated dem whole town wit yar infernal device.

    Bark all ya like female, blood bes still in yar hands aboot dis matter. When ya or yar legion-folk repair dem farmer-town whut ya actually destroyed youselves bys unleashing demons dere?

  • Rumor has it that Dwin gave Telli a bit of a look when she mentioned Norwick as a "hiding" spot during the N'Jast conflict.

    I'm happy to listen t'ya both spar, but there's a difference in my mind between N'Jast's cruelty and house-burnin, and the explosion that planted demon-spawn throughout the already destroyed town.

    Both incidents were horrible fer all involved, but one of em was clearly a mistake.

    Now, its real easy to judge over decisions made in the past. Especially bad ones, eh? I'm sure ole Rando will ferever rue the day he made peace with the snake-folk that used to live in the Rawlins… but at the time he thought he was doin the right thing.

    I encourage y'all t'remember that people make the best decisions they can --at that time.

    However, if the best decisions someone can make--at that time--have a history of bein' lousy decisions, well... then you can start to question their ability to make good decisions.

  • @4b54f1af4e=Grak01:

    holds his hand raised and points accusingly with half-eaten mutton "so, female. Ya admits dat it wuz legion villains, who bes responsible frem leveling dem town bys unleashing dem demons dere, eh? And whut comes fer rapingsmacks lips quickly Grak remembers clearly dat dem whelps actually slipped aways, before any vermins actuallys invaded dat place… So dem town wuz still standing und being used bys dem foreign armys. Until dat warmongering legion came und leveled it with sum unholy demons. Hopelly legion is nay coming ere wit dere demon summonings.

    Telli smiles

    "And der goes anoder foot... now der both in yuh mouff... Funny how folks who nots der or see anytings claim ta knows all huh? N'jast mercenaries killedededs in cold blood childrens, elderly and da weak. Den... dey attack Jiyyd....and Destroyedededs its…

    Was yuh der when dey attackedededs.....oh rights....no yuh wasn't. One who livededs in Jiyyd Telli seen day in day out... wasn't der....wasn't der ta defend where yuh sits.... and now... yuh spreads poison like somes snake... surprise surprise...

    Telli watchededs da N'jasts scums tear through da Jiyyd western gates… Telli seen da armatures blast through da capped well… Telli fought their elementals while dey burnededs down Jiyyd's homes… Telli there when those metal monsters collapsedededs shops.

    And… Telli and da Legion fought ems N'jast scums all da way ta Peltarchs city and fought em back outta der toos… Where was Grak wid his might sharp tongue.... oh right... cowerings in some cave or in Norwick mebbe?

    Telli waves a dismissive hand laughing even louder as the orc speaks on things he has little to no knowledge on...

  • @7f9627d789=KingCreeper:

    It is possible that some of the City people will stay in Norwick for rest before returning to Peltarch. It could serve a diplomatic purpose, and generate trade for Norwick. The reunion of old friends will benefit the entire region I think. And with your permission, I will resume my post at your south-gates upon our return Lord Chancellor."

    Dwin looks on with amusement, as a teacher might look at a student who was trying to explain something simple to their mentor.

    Norwick is always open to all to stay, shop, drink, and otherwise spend coin in… unless yer name's on the banned-list of course, in which case your stay wont be quite as prosperous for you OR the realm.

    Don't forget to recruit for my militia on this candle-trip. I expect results from you, lad.

  • Night after night, the blond girl called Anor, can be seen guarding the gates. She spends the whole night guarding, usually in company of a male elf. She avoids going into the town itself, probably just to avoid the on going discussion

  • ICC



    Grak chews mutton and wipes his greasy maw clear of fat
    "now dat ya likes to talks so lots aboot frieends und dem ingo, iggroa, ingor -pfff-whuteverword dat bes, coulds ya also tell dem folk 'ere aboot who wuz ta blame aboot dem devastation of dem small town, eh? Dem demons nay appear frem thin air, aye?

    Telli smiles at the orcs misinformed blunderings

    "If halfer was as half as sharps as his tongue, den yuh'd already know dat da Jiyyd farmland and towns was raped, plunderededs, and takens controls of by da N'jast scums LONG afore any demons were eva mistakenly created ders.

    Would do yuhs good ta gets facts straights afore yuhs put both yer feet in yuh mouth…"

    Telli stands there laughing at the orcs blundering words....

    holds his hand raised and points accusingly with half-eaten mutton "so, female. Ya admits dat it wuz legion villains, who bes responsible frem leveling dem town bys unleashing dem demons dere, eh? And whut comes fer rapingsmacks lips quickly Grak remembers clearly dat dem whelps actually slipped aways, before any vermins actuallys invaded dat place… So dem town wuz still standing und being used bys dem foreign armys. Until dat warmongering legion came und leveled it with sum unholy demons. Hopelly legion is nay coming ere wit dere demon summonings.

  • @5227db931e=Grak01:

    Grak chews mutton and wipes his greasy maw clear of fat
    "now dat ya likes to talks so lots aboot frieends und dem ingo, iggroa, ingor -pfff-whuteverword dat bes, coulds ya also tell dem folk 'ere aboot who wuz ta blame aboot dem devastation of dem small town, eh? Dem demons nay appear frem thin air, aye?

    Telli smiles at the orcs misinformed blunderings

    "If halfer was as half as sharps as his tongue, den yuh'd already know dat da Jiyyd farmland and towns was raped, plunderededs, and takens controls of by da N'jast scums LONG afore any demons were eva mistakenly created ders.

    Would do yuhs good ta gets facts straights afore yuhs put both yer feet in yuh mouth…"

    Telli stands there laughing at the orcs blundering words....

  • Yngdír nods, and even appears to agree with Dwin. But after a deep breath he shares yet more words with the Chancellor.

    "_You shame me with your wisdom and foresight, you are of course correct. I will speak of it no more and avoid unrest and offense. Those who do not wish to forget and still choose to follow may do so unless you say otherwise.

    I have been unable to leave Norwick myself lately, as I have been at the gates with your Militia - but I have sent a letter to The Divine Shield order in Peltarch requesting their aid in escorting the Pilgrims from the city on the road south. The Legion will of course act as escort from Norwick to Jiyyd.

    It is possible that some of the City people will stay in Norwick for rest before returning to Peltarch. It could serve a diplomatic purpose, and generate trade for Norwick. The reunion of old friends will benafit the entire region I think. And with your permission, I will resume my post at your south-gates upon our return Lord Chancellor._"

  • ICC


    "..I am normally more kind when faced with ignorance - but to discredit the Legion for following a pilgrimage is low…These people have lost loved ones, homes, their farms. Many of them may have lost contact with their relatives and their neighbours since becoming refugees. A friend is a dear thing to have..

    Grak chews mutton and wipes his greasy maw clear of fat
    "now dat ya likes to talks so lots aboot frieends und dem ingo, iggroa, ingor -pfff-whuteverword dat bes, coulds ya also tell dem folk 'ere aboot who wuz ta blame aboot dem devastation of dem small town, eh? Dem demons nay appear frem thin air, aye?

  • Lad, at some point folks stop becomin' refugees, and they start livin' again.

    Look around ya… The New-folk as we call em are all prosperin'. So's Norwick for that matter... and its a result of their farmin' ability. Folks are riched then they ever were, but our gates still need guardin.

    Darkness closin in? When Hasn't it been? smirks I been Chancellor here for years, and the head of the Militia for decades before that. I cant say I've had one ten-day in all that time that we havent had someone threatenin' to bash our gates or drink from my skull. Tis the way of life here... to draw attention to it and to try and "light fires", in my opinion, ends up scarin' folks and takin' em away from what they do best.

    If you want to help, I'd prefer you speak to the townsfolk about signing up for the Militia. It aint full time, they only need put in a few days of guard duty and then get back to their crops or shops. THAT's what we need... not fires lit, just gates guarded.