Whispers at the Fire

  • @5227db931e=Grak01:

    Grak chews mutton and wipes his greasy maw clear of fat
    "now dat ya likes to talks so lots aboot frieends und dem ingo, iggroa, ingor -pfff-whuteverword dat bes, coulds ya also tell dem folk 'ere aboot who wuz ta blame aboot dem devastation of dem small town, eh? Dem demons nay appear frem thin air, aye?

    Telli smiles at the orcs misinformed blunderings

    "If halfer was as half as sharps as his tongue, den yuh'd already know dat da Jiyyd farmland and towns was raped, plunderededs, and takens controls of by da N'jast scums LONG afore any demons were eva mistakenly created ders.

    Would do yuhs good ta gets facts straights afore yuhs put both yer feet in yuh mouth…"

    Telli stands there laughing at the orcs blundering words....

  • Yngdír nods, and even appears to agree with Dwin. But after a deep breath he shares yet more words with the Chancellor.

    "_You shame me with your wisdom and foresight, you are of course correct. I will speak of it no more and avoid unrest and offense. Those who do not wish to forget and still choose to follow may do so unless you say otherwise.

    I have been unable to leave Norwick myself lately, as I have been at the gates with your Militia - but I have sent a letter to The Divine Shield order in Peltarch requesting their aid in escorting the Pilgrims from the city on the road south. The Legion will of course act as escort from Norwick to Jiyyd.

    It is possible that some of the City people will stay in Norwick for rest before returning to Peltarch. It could serve a diplomatic purpose, and generate trade for Norwick. The reunion of old friends will benafit the entire region I think. And with your permission, I will resume my post at your south-gates upon our return Lord Chancellor._"

  • ICC


    "..I am normally more kind when faced with ignorance - but to discredit the Legion for following a pilgrimage is low…These people have lost loved ones, homes, their farms. Many of them may have lost contact with their relatives and their neighbours since becoming refugees. A friend is a dear thing to have..

    Grak chews mutton and wipes his greasy maw clear of fat
    "now dat ya likes to talks so lots aboot frieends und dem ingo, iggroa, ingor -pfff-whuteverword dat bes, coulds ya also tell dem folk 'ere aboot who wuz ta blame aboot dem devastation of dem small town, eh? Dem demons nay appear frem thin air, aye?

  • Lad, at some point folks stop becomin' refugees, and they start livin' again.

    Look around ya… The New-folk as we call em are all prosperin'. So's Norwick for that matter... and its a result of their farmin' ability. Folks are riched then they ever were, but our gates still need guardin.

    Darkness closin in? When Hasn't it been? smirks I been Chancellor here for years, and the head of the Militia for decades before that. I cant say I've had one ten-day in all that time that we havent had someone threatenin' to bash our gates or drink from my skull. Tis the way of life here... to draw attention to it and to try and "light fires", in my opinion, ends up scarin' folks and takin' em away from what they do best.

    If you want to help, I'd prefer you speak to the townsfolk about signing up for the Militia. It aint full time, they only need put in a few days of guard duty and then get back to their crops or shops. THAT's what we need... not fires lit, just gates guarded.

  • Showing no sign of frustration himself, he apologizes to Dwin Dolvak.

    "Lord Chancellor, I ask that you forgive me. I had no intention of causing you anger. Your … passionate display, shows only that you care for these people. There is much honour in that, there is also honour in allowing the people to choose for themselves."

    He turns his steady gaze, falling on Grak - a familiar glare, as often meets this particular Half-Orc for a moment before returning to Dwin.

    "_It would be better - I think - if everyone were as true, and allowed people to choose for themselves without twisting only the words they choose to hear. I am normally more kind when faced with ignorance - but to discredit the Legion for following a pilgrimage is low.

    Lord Chancellor you have been honest and fair with me. Once again I apologize - I have no right to cause disquiet in your lands. I too am concerned for the safety of these people. But to show Men that there is still hope will perhaps set their hearts ablaze with greater courage when faced with the threats that face the entire region from all sides. Darkness is closing in, Lord Chancellor. We will re-kindle the fires of hope, remind people of their faith. The method is perhaps alien to you, and to many others - but the message will be clear._"

    He continues after some consideration…

    "These people have lost loved ones, homes, their farms. Many of them may have lost contact with their relatives and their neighbours since becoming refugees. A friend is a dear thing to have. I will go with them and allow them to honour and remember those friends that were lost - and may it be on 'my' head if the worst happens. I have asked no-one to come with me - but in my heart I know that I am not the only one who would honour the brave ones and the misfortunate ones."

    Again, as he continues he has more resolve. He lacks the words perhaps to inspire anyone - but it is clear that his mind is made up on the matter. It would appear that whether Norwick has involvement in the pilgrimage or not is irrelevant to Yngdír - he will go to Jiyyd with his candle.

  • Dwin rolls his eyes a bit at the evolved half-orc who seems to like to show off his rare ability to create [almost complete] sentences.

    Ya mean Legion, aye? I hope you aint talkin about my militia and sour milk in the same sentence…

    And yer wrong... if any of my farmers... the backbone of our bountiful lands get captured or dead, then who takes over their crops? It becomes a problem for everyone.

    In addition, …and Dwin stands a bit straighter and deepens his voice almost theatrically I view ALL of the Realm's citizens…whether they be the new-folk from Jiyyd or descendants of the tribes... as me flock, and I dont want to see ANYONE captured or killed.

  • ICC


    ..since our enemies could use this as an opportunity to attack or worse… capture those in Demon-land

    Grak leers
    "wouldt even demons knows better dan capture sum lowly farmers und homeless penniless folk, not to mention Legion militia. Dem militia shoulds know dat their standing bes gone downs as female cows tail, frem fresh milk inta sour. But they seem ta knows dis, as dem bes living in ta woods wit dem other bandits und Eastlander robbers."

  • Dwin smirks

    Then ya best make sure ya bring plenty o healing-potions and herbs with ya. Maybe the light of the candles will help ya find yer wounds as well!

    Dwin tries to remain calm, but rolls a 1.

    I am the Lord Chancellor of this land, and when I speak my mind, I am not "dictating my beliefs".. no, lad. I am trying to protect those who might be led astray or into danger. No one can seem to explain why proper remembrance of fallen kin cant be had from inside a temple in a safe place.

    Puttin' innocents in harm's way is not only negligent, but its insulting to those poor souls that lost their lives there to begin with! Honor? Honor is a mix of bravery and smarts… Dwin taps his head

    This ain't honor... I aint sure what it is, but it sure as fark aint "honor."

    We aint stoppin anyone from going, Dwin peers around at the adventurers and commoners near the fire. If yer an adult, ya make yer own choices... but we also aren't gonna supply any defense to those of you that DO go. Our gates will be protected... OVERLY protected since our enemies could use this as an opportunity to attack or worse... capture those in Demon-land.

    And if I were you I wouldnt hold a damned candle. Fark, I wouldnt stand within 10 feet of one....

  • Yngdír tries to quiet the hostilities by the fire, by validating everyone's points all at once, without intentionally harming anyone's reputation.

    "Let us have peace at the fire. Contemplate the presented opinions, but do not dictate your beliefs on others. These people have every right and reason to not join our pilgrimage. No-one will think less of you or of them for not taking part. I would go alone, if I arrived at the Shrine way-point to meet nobody else. I refuse to believe that I am the only one who feels this way, it is for that reason that this display of honour has been accepted across the region.

    I also understand that it is not tactically sound to illuminate such a crowd in a hostile area. And I am sure there are many others who feel the same way - but the flames of hope should not be stolen away by the comfort of dawn and day. We will take a light to the darkness, and may our lights burn long after we have all safely returned from the town. That is my hope."

    His words are spoken as though he has spent some time meditating on the outcome, as someone who has accepted all factors of what is to become. He leaves no doubt that he would actually go alone if no-one else chose to come.

  • In further conversations (it seems there are many) Dwin cautions against the use of candles, especially at night.

    All good soldiers know the danger of carryin' a torch in dangerous areas… tis why prisoners are usually put at the front of the lines carryin' light sources... might as well wear a farkin' bullseye. I'm hopin this trip is during the daylight hours fer these obvious reasons.

    The more he hears about this trip, the less excite he is about the idea. He's seen speaking to his senior Militia advisers about increasing the gate-guards during the time of this candle-lighting folly.

    • Foilir looks around *

    <d>Don't you have an Elf that you should be saluting? You are a disgrace to dwarven kind by entertaining that thought, much less willingly doing it..

    • He spits on the ground *

    <d>You are unworthy of the beard you wear.

    • Motions to the Grak *

    Apparently me compliment has set off a set of prejudices.. Me apologize for exposing you to this poor representation of dwarven kind..</d></d>

  • As Foilir and Grak converse a familiar waddle may catch their eyes followed by the sound of metal hitting metal filling the air as Telli clangs her gauntlets together in a unified clap.

    "Yay…Telli finally done its....finally foundededs da two most perfects persons in da realm. One who yap likededs dis can clearly have no wrongs or skeletons in der closests....and der for neva know what it mean ta be wrongs and ta right whats dey messededs ups."

    The clanging continues more forcefully as the light plays across the surface of her dragon scaled gauntlet.

    "Telli bows ta yuhs superior morals and conducts...."

    Telli mock bows and stays at the lowered position a moment before rising with a flat look on her face, slumps her shoulders and thrusts her stomach out a bit as she gives each of the men a middle fingered salute.

    "Go backs ta yer squakings girls... somes folks gots tings ta do…"

    *Telli waddles off laughing as she looks for Dwin about setting up a vigile in Norwick for those whom are unable to make the dangerous trek but still would like to honor those lost in the N'jast war.

  • ICC


    ..He is talkative about the subject, and explains that the candles will all be lit and left burning where the pilgrims leave them.

    Upon hearing that phase, Grak lets out another laugh and comments "will dem Legion villains also force dem whelps ta dig their own graves before killing starts, eh? Har har haar! Grak also wonder dat will dem villain legion unleash yet more demons during this trip of yars, since dat bes best of dat folk lately. Unless claiming und fortifying sum patch of land nae counts"
    looks for foilir for another fiery ale-spill

  • _Yngdír who has barely left Norwick since the attacks increased is normally the first one to agree that there is danger at the outskirts of Jiyyd, and that there is a possibility that something unexpected will happen. He expresses that he is hopeful that nothing will prevent the Legion and whomever should wish to join the pilgrimage from honouring the fallen.

    He is talkative about the subject, and explains that the candles will all be lit and left burning where the pilgrims leave them. To symbolize that the hope of libiration from the demons still shines brightly - to honour the spirits, and to show that they are still remembered.

    He also openly agrees with Dwin, stating that perhaps the day of the pilgrimage should be marked as a faire day - to rejoyce those that survived Jiyyd - a day for the children and refugees, and other well-wishers to remember the events by. For whatever reason, Yngdír seems to want to raise the hope for Jiyyd and for her displaced people._

  • While riding the franchise, the Chancellor speaks to several of the farmers and "new folk" as they are still sometimes called by the realm residents that have been here for generations.

    _You folks want to go up to the Demon lands to honor yer ancestors, I ain't gonna stop you. Tis yer right.

    I do wonder, though, what yer ancestors would say… would they be proud that you are honoring them? Or would they smack ya fer puttin' yerselves in danger?

    The Heyokarr have interesting ceremonies honoring their dead; for they have no higher honor than that of their fallen warriors.. their fallen kin. I'd be happy to invite them here, to the Realm, where its safe for a ceremony to honor yer ancestors. At one time I was close to the Featherlights and actually took place in some of their ceremonies.

    When it comes to honorin' fallen kin, they know what they are doin._

    • Foilir spits his dark ale into the fire creating some carnivalesque fire breathing display at the laughter and words of the halfer.

    Quickly he puts out the mini 'bush fires' that have started in his beard from the combustion of the aerosolized ale.

    Looking at the ale and the fire he seems to have gotten some sort of idea regarding a defense weapon, but shakes his head to look at the halfer. *

    Interestin….nae juss because its a display of independent thought.... but thought...

    • Raising his ale he nods approvingly at the half orc *

  • ICC


    _Many of the Jiyyd-folk who have settled in Norwick take to the idea, and begin making arrangements.

    Others beg off…_

    Grak laughs out his amusement at campfire
    "seeing them farmhands packing fer dis trip truly bes testimony of deir simplyness. Dem farmers bes siding wit dem same bunch who actually wer direktly responsible fer conjuring dem demons dere in da first place! It wuz bys dem very legion itself!!
    Appparently them legion wus nots satisfied fer their carnage, as they bes rounding up them survivors fer anooder trip"

  • _Many of the Jiyyd-folk who have settled in Norwick take to the idea, and begin making arrangements.

    Others beg off, citing either a reluctance to dredge up the memory of their loss, age or infirmity, or simply concern over travelling so close to what is still held to be a dangerous place._

  • *General Lyte is rumored to be inviting anyone with interest of a peaceful, reverential trip to pay respects to the fallen of Jiyyd,

    Combat will hopefully be avoided, and people are asked to bring a candle to light in memory of the brave townsfolk who fell in the terrible war that destroyed the peaceful farming village, and also for those who lost all property and belongings in this dreadful time.

    Word has it people are asked to meet near the Kelemvorite Temple for the trek.*

    //Thurs night, 11pm east coast USA time.

  • DArius is seen taking a watch at the south gate every two nights or so,he stops at the inn first makes a small donation in exchange for hot tea to fill up his canteen then heads sout in silence,avoiding to disturb any gathered at the fire.