Whispers at the Fire

  • ICC

    // Forgot to post this small skirmish between the Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs and a group of Hobgoblins, out side Norwick Gates that happend this past Saturday, the 13th. Better late than never 😉

    *Citizen in Norwick have heard the sound o metal against metal, battle crys and screams of pain. Word has it that a big group of Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs, during one of their regualr patrols, met a big group of Hobgoblins that were about to raid Norwick. The battle was long and hardous, but at the end, the Iron Chain Clan thanks to their superior battles tactics and battle prowess, have overcomed the invading war party of Hobgoblins. Heads where severed from the vanquished foe, as a sign of the half-orcs superiority, and the hobgoblins armors and weapons were confiscated.

    After the battle was over, the leader of the Hobgoblins, came into sight and offered Arak´Hur a big sum of money, if only the Iron Chain Clan half orcs would join him on an attack to Norwick….
    Arak´Hur laughed and gave the Hobgoblin leader an ultimatum....

    Turn your back and leave while you can… stay, and join the hobgoblin carcass pile

    In a 8 to 1 disavantage, the hobgoblin leader done the smartest thing and left…. Arak´Hur was sure that the hobgoblin leader after loosing all his men, will come to the conclusion that while the Iron Chain Clan half-Orcs patrol the woods around Norwick, the town and its citizens have nothing to fear*

    //Dont remember who was the DM, Perhaps Silverfang?

  • ICC


    Amongst the other half-orcs celebrates Sgruud. He keeps taking a proud look at his spear every now and then and telling to others
    <o>We so victorious today. Nothing, Nothing makes spearhead shine brighter than elven bloods!</o>

    Grak is among the feasting half-orcs. . He fingers sizeable pouch on his belt and responds to Sguud's claim
    <o>Dem bes but partly true, youngling. If dem blade of yars would bes encrusted with gold, it would shine even brighter dan pointy ears blud…....Mmmm, gold... mmmm. Dat glitters so nicely! und with Grak as treasurer, our clan coffers bes again growing more fat. Aye. Fat, like dem one fat-huuuumie-female, who usually wuz rumormongering aroond dis fire.
    Even he is just sitting lazily, his eyes have very active (greedy) glitter on them</o>

  • Amongst the other half-orcs celebrates Sgruud. He keeps taking a proud look at his spear every now and then and telling to others
    <o>We so victorious today. Nothing, Nothing makes spearhead shine brighter than elven bloods!</o>

  • Once the thirteen half-orcs are assembled, they depart to the beating of the Orcish Wardrum, marching off towards the ruins of Jiyyd.

    They are not seen for several days.

    When they do return, it is with a lot of smiles, laughing, and general cheer.

    Whatever they set out to do, they must have accomplished.

  • ICC

    For a reason unknown ,by Norwick citizens, a large number, an unusual large number of Half-Orcs are starting to gather by the fire resting place… They come from all directions and congregate in large numbers. What is the purpose of such gathering, is unknown but for the Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs.... One thing is certain...something is about to happend.
    They boast, they roar, they laugh out loud, they tell among them, tells of great battles and personal achievments.
    To the local citizens, all they hear is grunts and laughs

  • Guurag returns to town with a new cloak and sword, as well as a huge smile on his face. It seems that something happened, something important to a young orc.

    Whatever it is, he seems to carry himself with more purpose, and pride.

  • ICC

    *Arak´Hur and the other Iron Chain Clan half orcs can be heard boasting about their epic fight against the invading army of Hobgoblins. Arak´Hur Looks proud of his Clan members.

    He listens to Gruul, Guurag and Drob talk and boast about their fight against the Hobgoblins. The three half-orcs tell their story with words and gestures to enhance their deeds of valour during the fight. Arak´Hur listens to them and wishes he could be there helping int he fight so he too could his good share of glory.
    But at that time he was resting from last nights patrol, the patrol that the proud 3 half orcs that are telling their story, had replaced*

  • As day dawns on a Norwick without any southern gates, word filters in that the walls are still standing thanks to the efforts of the Iron Chain Clan.

    Drob, Gruul and Guurgal talk of their epic fight against the hobgoblin invaders who dared to use powderkegs to blow up the gates, and yet still died in their attempts.

    Once the area was safe, they proceeded out for one of their standard patrols of the ruins, the sound of Guurgal's wardrums clearly heard booming out over the plains.

  • ((Gah, double post))

  • ICC


    When the the half-orcs escort the elf to the Norwick, a half-orc wearing a helmet and seemingly called Sgruud mutters for others

    <o>I still be thinking we shudda have buried it alive to see what kind of tree it grows.</o>

    Arak´Hut bursts out laughing

  • When the the half-orcs escort the elf to the Norwick, a half-orc wearing a helmet and seemingly called Sgruud mutters for others

    <o>I still be thinking we shudda have buried it alive to see what kind of tree it grows.</o>

  • ICC

    Dawn breaks, and with it, the group of Iron Chain Clan half-orcs lead by Arak´hur and two other Half-Orcs names Gruul Korvak and Sgruud, have been seen entering Norwick escolting a near death elven male that goes abotu by the name Elvewyn Dedraluin.
    The half orc can be heard boasting about the fact that in thier patrol they have encountered the Elvewyn, fighting for his life against one Beetle. The group of half-orcs escolted the Elf, back to Norwick so he could heal his wounds. With out their precious help, the elf would have fallen victym of the Beetles*

    O> We duin guuwd boyz !! Arak Hur can be heard saying in Orcish to his clan members
    O> Deh elf be alive fanks to uz! Bugger was so scared of dem beetles dat he almost pissed hims pants !
    the orcs laugh out loud as they prepare themselfs to another patrol

  • *The elven woman Lyte and the hin warrior Dietrick have been seen sparring or training a good deal in the unusual, quick and animal-oriented martial style the elf is known to use, just outside the town's walls.

    This seems a bit unusual, as the two seem to have rather opposite approaches to combat, and Dietrick is already likely a match for the elven bushi. Tongues wag that Dietrick is interested less in Lyte's cutting than he is in the cut of her figure.

    No one really knows what's going on. There's lots of talk of "suio school" and "wave slicing technique."

    It's all wierd and unfathomable tree-hugging elven mumbo jumbo to most!*

  • ((just to be clear… Dwin is one of the 2 dwarves... there are only 2, Dwin and Foilir)) 😉

  • ICC

    Dawn breaks, and with it, the group of Iron Chain Clan half-orcs that were seen by the battle weary Dwarves, Foilir and Chancellor Dwin, heading out to the woods for one more patrol, now return from their night patrol. They look weary and show evidence of beeing envolved in skirmishes with the enemys that lurke out there.. in the dark, behind the trees and bushes. At the pricise moment they walk past by the 2 Dwarfs, another group of fresh Iron Chain Clan half-orcs go in to take the place of the ones returing from patrol

    O> Bash ´em boyz !
    Arak´hur could be heard shouting in Orcish at the ongoing group

    // Edited to change the number of Dwarfs 😄 thanks Dwin! 😄

  • Dwin chuckles

    Those lads are me hired ratters. They'll be reportin' t'ya soon enough.

    • Watches the orcs leave and looks to Dwin *

    <d>Well that was the ugliest traveling bard group I have ever seen

    • Watches them head for the woods *</d>

  • ICC

    The Iron Chain Clan half-orcs keep walking and pay little to no attention at the the Battle weary Dwavers taunts

    • Looks at Dwin and turns the head around to face him *

    <d>Shite! I thought the head started talking! Sounded like a death groan to me…..

    • Smiles and motions to the Orcs *

    Yeh lads need un shave?

    • motions to the head on the stick *

    Unfortunately fer me ferst customer, deh razor was un bit sharp... Should be duller now.

    • Motions them over *

    Come on...if me cut yeh, deh shave is free..

    • Smiles and pulls out a sharp, shining blade with a slightly serrated edge *</d>

  • @e84c1cf6af=Black:

    Arak´Hur and a group of Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs walk infront of the place where the two battle weary Dwarves are sitting and showing off the severed head on a pike.
    He looks about to see the commoners reaction to such show of barbarism. He then turns to his clan members and says

    <orcish>eh… we uhf bin censured by chansuhler Dwin fer less... Nou theez twuu kuhm in heer displeyin´ dat an nou un tells ´em nuffin´
    Nuffin´ to see heer ladds... We gotz puhtrhol to do.</orcish>

    The Lord Chancellor hears the Orcish grunts coming from Arak-hur and makes a face similar resembling someone who stepped in dog-poop or had to listen to the sounds of someone vomitting.

    [d] I wish they'd just keep them orc-pie holes shut and not use that tongue in me presence.