Whispers at the Fire

  • ((just to be clear… Dwin is one of the 2 dwarves... there are only 2, Dwin and Foilir)) 😉

  • ICC

    Dawn breaks, and with it, the group of Iron Chain Clan half-orcs that were seen by the battle weary Dwarves, Foilir and Chancellor Dwin, heading out to the woods for one more patrol, now return from their night patrol. They look weary and show evidence of beeing envolved in skirmishes with the enemys that lurke out there.. in the dark, behind the trees and bushes. At the pricise moment they walk past by the 2 Dwarfs, another group of fresh Iron Chain Clan half-orcs go in to take the place of the ones returing from patrol

    O> Bash ´em boyz !
    Arak´hur could be heard shouting in Orcish at the ongoing group

    // Edited to change the number of Dwarfs 😄 thanks Dwin! 😄

  • Dwin chuckles

    Those lads are me hired ratters. They'll be reportin' t'ya soon enough.

    • Watches the orcs leave and looks to Dwin *

    <d>Well that was the ugliest traveling bard group I have ever seen

    • Watches them head for the woods *</d>

  • ICC

    The Iron Chain Clan half-orcs keep walking and pay little to no attention at the the Battle weary Dwavers taunts

    • Looks at Dwin and turns the head around to face him *

    <d>Shite! I thought the head started talking! Sounded like a death groan to me…..

    • Smiles and motions to the Orcs *

    Yeh lads need un shave?

    • motions to the head on the stick *

    Unfortunately fer me ferst customer, deh razor was un bit sharp... Should be duller now.

    • Motions them over *

    Come on...if me cut yeh, deh shave is free..

    • Smiles and pulls out a sharp, shining blade with a slightly serrated edge *</d>

  • @e84c1cf6af=Black:

    Arak´Hur and a group of Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs walk infront of the place where the two battle weary Dwarves are sitting and showing off the severed head on a pike.
    He looks about to see the commoners reaction to such show of barbarism. He then turns to his clan members and says

    <orcish>eh… we uhf bin censured by chansuhler Dwin fer less... Nou theez twuu kuhm in heer displeyin´ dat an nou un tells ´em nuffin´
    Nuffin´ to see heer ladds... We gotz puhtrhol to do.</orcish>

    The Lord Chancellor hears the Orcish grunts coming from Arak-hur and makes a face similar resembling someone who stepped in dog-poop or had to listen to the sounds of someone vomitting.

    [d] I wish they'd just keep them orc-pie holes shut and not use that tongue in me presence.

  • ICC


    • Two dwarves showing the scars, dents and bandages of recent battle sit around the fire. On a pike in front of them is a head with 1 eye. It resembles some sort of hobgoblin, but one can't really be sure…*

    Arak´Hur and a group of Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs walk infront of the place where the two battle weary Dwarves are sitting and showing off the severed head on a pike.
    He looks about to see the commoners reaction to such show of barbarism. He then turns to his clan members and says

    <orcish>eh… we uhf bin censured by chansuhler Dwin fer less... Nou theez twuu kuhm in heer displeyin´ dat an nou un tells ´em nuffin´
    Nuffin´ to see heer ladds... We gotz puhtrhol to do.</orcish>

    • Two dwarves showing the scars, dents and bandages of recent battle sit around the fire. On a pike in front of them is a head with 1 eye. It resembles some sort of hobgoblin, but one can't really be sure.

    The ale drinking dwarves use the head as a prop, moving its jaw to speak to the others around the fire.

    Apparently the Chancellor wants his magic adviser to take a peek at "Blinky". Considering the surprising amount of damage it dished out before being dismembered, the hobber (or what's left of it) earned a second look. *

  • ICC

    Again, a long patrol performed by Iron Chain Clan leader Arak´Hur and one of his clan members of his name Argaath Drob plus two humans that go about by the name Hijira and Mourgrim have been seen patroling the woods around Norwick and fighting off those who opose them. Former militia soldier, Locrian Danister , has been seen supervising their patrol

  • ICC

    An Iron Chain Clan members, Arak´Hur, Gruul Korvak , Aarght Drob and two other humans, have been seen patroling Old Norwick Ruins. During the entire night, sounds and battle crys have been heard. At the crack of dawn, the Group of half orcs is seen returnin from their patrol

  • *The elven woman Lyte, in Legion black and blue plate, has been seen often around the southern gates of Norwick, offering a hand and watching carefully the drow driven hobgoblin feints in recent weeks.

    She has rumored to have been spotted often along the western pass around the town, checking out this alternate route between the northern and southern gates of the city for signs of infiltration by enemy forces.*

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur and the Iron Chain Clan Half-Orc can be heard boasting and loudmouthing

    If Norwick be safe and south gates no attacked by dem Drows iz coz me and m´ boys patrol deh area ahead of deh south gate, we risk life an limb! Our services have a price, but we deliver!!! Stomps foot and nods to give emphasis

    We gots 5 of dem sneaky elf kills under our belt Looking proud of what he is saying and we got proofs to back up wuut we say! Looks at Gruul´s Korvak spear that is adorned with said proofs

    We dah Iron Chain Clan be professionals!

  • Militia Recruit Firdrya was seen leading the defences at night at the south gate while rumors of drow about abounded,the adventurers were safe in the morning whle coming back to town.

  • ICC

    Iron Chain Clan half-orcs Arak´Hur and Gruul Korvak and a new half orc named Pugor, have been seen patroling Old Norwick ruins and the bugs ionfested graveyard. Few hours later they have been seen entering Norwick, to rest, heals their wounds and eat. They can be heard boasting about she-elf that tried to kill them on the Old Norwick ruins Hil,l where the goblins have set a small campfire, they boast and loudmouth about how the enchantress fell, her body pierced by their spears

  • ICC

    *word has it that a big charriot with a secret cargo entered in Norwick and after an heated discussion with the Guard-recruits that where on duty at the time of its passage, Militia Guard Davos ordered the cart to pass as fast as possible, and it headed to the river boat area.

    Shouts, screams, yells and bright lights have been heard and seen from that area, and as quickly as it all began… it stoped, abruptaly.

    Peltarch Senator Ronan Redralen has been seen leaving the river boat area, followed not long after by some members of the Iron Chain Clan, lead by Arak´hur and two more of his clansmen named Grakk and Gruul*

  • ICC

    Word has it a cheerful, giggling dwarf made yet another visit to the Norwick Jail. He seems quite amused when he catches word Devlin has been killed, in fact he seems to think he foresaw it and -warned- Devlin…but oh, well. He also tells the prison guard he'd like to speak with Dwin...and that Dwin might have to come to him, since he's...heh heh heh.. a bit tied up at the moment.

  • Legion


    Word has it the Col Devlin was killed fighting Greys. People would have seen Rando carrying a body back wearing a Red Cloak to the healers

    Upon hearing this Benji spouts

    What <g>the fark</g> are Greys?

  • _Yngdír was one of the original four, he had decided that to leave the gate would be a breach of his ethics - and remained behind.

    He would later be seen returning with the badly injured three, though unharmed himself._

  • One of the three adventurers who took part in destroying the altar of Cyric was Metusalem. This old man in colors of sun keeps his everlasting grin on his toothless face when he tells in his personal way.

    "Tee-hee, sun there now. Yesyes, no black sun anymore. Sunny deeds, sunny deeds"