Whispers at the Fire

  • Fighting could be seen just outside of Norwick as a member of the legion was apparently attacking a man with no clear cause. The man in question wore the colors of Bane.

  • Militia man orc thing Moe continues his daily patrols of norwick but now he does so with a grin and a spring under his breath and can be heard to be muttering about black hair and blue eyes

  • The adventurers that sought the missing family were rumored to have also spoken of witnessing unspeakably vile rituals involving the desecrated bodies of innocent men, women and children.

  • A group of people went south into the Rawlins to look for a woman's missing daughter and husband. They returned with a dead girl, and some of them spoke of undead in the woods.

  • over the past couple weeks until most recently Amy could be seen around the fires asking around and telling people to send anyone looking for 'true' arcane or martial training to seek her out.

  • A well-armored redhead can be seen spreading the tales of how a mighty caravan was attacked by huge trolls and they had to put one of the carts on fire to keep them at bay. Er at least uhm that's er what er she er thinks uhm. It er hopefully er wasn't uhm demons er.

  • Some days, a small figure sits in quiet meditation in the ruins of the elven camp. Kneeling, the golden haired elf clutches her bow tightly, motionless.

  • A couple of weeks ago, members of the Legion were seen to be visiting the Morninglord's shrine. On their second visit, a shadowy woman was seen with them, who has apparently not been seen leaving the shrine when the rest of the group had returned home.

  • Rumours swirl about a land shark attacking the Norwick south gate. Word is that former Chancellor Maythor Troff and a group of adventurers were there to save the day by felling the beast.

  • Seems active undead were spotted again in some of the crypts.

  • Having left Norwick among that band, on the return trip north Eluriel would have been seen trailing after a singing Meril with a blank expression on her face as if hypnotised; Strangely, whenever he took a break to relax his tired vocal chords, Eluriel wandered south almost blindly, sometimes muttering forlornly:

    <e>She could be hurt… she might need me.</e>

  • A band of elegant elves was said to have assembled in the pixie glenn before traveling South into the Rawlins.

  • There's also rumors about bugbears sneaking around, sometimes uttering a command, then disappearing before someone is able to tell where they went.

  • Rumors about the Bugbear attacks fly about as being a secret two front attack formed by the Eastlanders to Drive Norwick into the dust.

    Other Rumors say it is the YuanTi driving the Bugbears to attack Norwick convinsing them they have the power to crush Norwick.

    Hinnish rumors say it is the Dark Carriboo that leads the Bugbears and goblins as thier new god.

  • Just a snippet of local gossip:

    "That that odd little elven woman Ting, know who I'm talking about?"

    "The who spends quite a lot of her time in the nars pass … though some
    say she is really from the city in the north"

    "Yea, that's the one! The one who wears purple and black a lot–"

    "My cousin says she's a sharran–"

    "Nonsense! With the lot she hangs out with? Doesn't make any sense. Anyways she was wearing her white and blue robe when she talked to me."

    "Brilliant robe isn't it? I wonder how she keeps it clean, always meant to ask her that."

    "It is… it is... but my point is, she talked to me"

    "Oh, how funny, what about?"

    "Well she wanted to know If I was there–"


    "… well if you'd quit butting in I'd tell you!"

    "Don't get all fussy on me missy! Just tell me the story"

    "She asked me if I was there when Atol showed up at the gates a couple months back."

    "Why ever would she want to know that?"

    "Well she says she's looking for any information that anyone can provide for her about it. She said she'd pay me if the information was good."

    "Pay you? Oh I'd better ask my husband if he heard anything. That ting woman isn't poor by any means, and we could sure use a couple extra coins before planting season comes around."

    "Yes, I think I'll ask my sister if she heard anything… oh yes and this Ting hangs out in Jiyyd a lot, so that's where I bet you can find her."

    Word gets around…
    ((Pm me or send me a tell ig if your char (or an npc even) leaves word that they want to meet with Ting. Make it easier for me to find you with my current scattered playing schedule))

  • The constant attacks by goblins and bugbears seem to be getting stronger and more relentless every day. Few begin to wonder what is causing these atatcks, and why does it seem that Bugbear Blackguards are intent on running past the defenders to target specific people in the town. All is known is everyday the attacks come they seem stronger and more determined but no one seems to know who is leading the armies against Norwick.

  • A note is attatched to the wall of the Boar, written in a neat, bold script:

    Competent scribes are wanted, to copy books and take dictations. Craftsmen who are competent in the art of bookbinding are wanted as well. The payment for this service includes coin and possibly magical instruction. Speak with Genzir Malark if you are interested.

    OOC: If somebody, a DM perhaps, could suggest a price for copying books (how much per book) I'd be grateful.

  • Militia man Moe, defender of the defenceless, master of the union, and destroyer of small goblins, is most often seen now a days patrollign the empty streets of Norwick. With no criminals to arrest, rumour has it that his smell scared them away, his patrolls consist of walking round in circles, occasionally yelling at some one to keep himself occupied. Once he finishes patrolling he spends hour upon hour scouring his armour, sharpenning his swords, halberds, axes, kamas and other assorted weapons he carries for what he sees as the upcoming war againt the bandits.

  • Rumors Fly that former Milita Lof and the Mayor plan to form an army made up of cough Volunteers cough of young strong Norwick youths and able bodied men, to fight the Eastlanders.

    Other Rumors support this with talk of Jiyyd under seige by Rass, and the recent acts on the Bridge.

    Still more Rumors spread that the Legion may join the army Lof and the Mayor plan to form to strike down the Eastlanders once and for all.

    Fear of War is in the air. And travel between the towns and Cities may once again be unsafe to all but the most hardy adventurers.

  • Council of Moradin

    Rumors say that Lof has been meeting with the mayor on several occasions. Hes seen talking to the local residents alot after the cystals are gone.