Whispers at the Fire

  • ICC

    A dwarf in simple robes arrives in Norwick after hearing about the recent rumor at the fire he moves to the Grapevine Inn to settle his horse and leave the town center northwards.

  • Yngdír hears such rumours, he's spending a lot of time in Norwick to help fend off the Drow. It is said that when he heard of the mobilization he quietly left the Grapevine Inn and travelled the north-road in some haste.

  • Rumors of a large militant group setting up just north of the bridge in the Nars pass spread slowly into Narfell. They can be overheard in the local taverns that the bandits will finally get what's coming to them.

  • ICC


    The Cigar smokin halfer orc, known as Arak´Hur, Leader of the Iron Chain Clan aproaches Dwin´s Office with a business brief case under his right arm, he is escolted by twu huge heavily armored and armed , snarling halfers. (The halfers enter Norwick holding no weapon)
    He enters, but the two huge halfers stay outside at the door step, one on each side of the door

    // Dwin, check your PM box please 😄

    *Few hours after Arak´Hur entered Dwins office, he can be seen leaving it with a pleased face expression. The two huge half orcs that were escolting dont follow him back to the ICC cave….instead, they head to Old Norwick ruins and start patroling that area.
    Half a day after, a big group of heavily armored and armed Half-Orcs start patroling the areas around New Norwick. Ahead of this group of vivious warriors, Arak´Hur can be seen leading them and shouting :

    "Kills dem undeads, bats rats and deh gobbos!! If find Drow… kill it first an´ ask questions later!!

    the group of halfers roars wildly and head to Old Norwick ruins to start their patrols

  • *Devlin and Rando were seen talking about defences in around the south gate. They discussed taking back the tree line so there was a long clear killing ground, placement of artillery, guard positions and other like issues that would go with defending a position when attacked.

    To those looking on a great many details were being discussed and a clear plan was being drawn up. It would seem Norwick was being put on a war footing*

  • Legion

    When are we going to get to meet the lucky man anyways?

  • ICC

    _After hearing the above rumor, Bagnar seeks out Kresha to give her a wedding gift - a crate of his homemade booze!

    "Congrats, lassie!"_

  • When Kresha first hears of this rumor she stands mouth agape in shock…but says nothing to contradict it...perhaps there was something to this?

  • Legion

    Benji, who apparently hadn't heard any news of Kresha's promotion, spreads some other news that he's heard… (until somebody tells him otherwise)


    Did you hear? She's getting married! I know! Amazing! Never figured her for the marrying type… And Devlin! I can't BELIEVE he had eyes for her all along! I mean. I can understand him being angry and all about her suddenly getting married to some strange old fella from an island or something...

    I guess she hasn't set a date yet so maybe Devlin still has time to win her heart and all that.

    How Benji came up with this strange story of Kresha is anyone's guess.

  • @12f175e61a=Salsadoom:

    Word has it a squad of 6 heavily cloaked figures bearing Oscuran heraldry arrive in town along with an Oscuran messenger. The 6 waited stoically outside while the messenger entered the Norwick Barracks.

    Maya reads the message, and seems to … deflate. She stares up in the sky for a moment, then just closes her eyes in despair. Then she escorts the messenger and the six back to Oscura.

    She returns later that evening.

  • Rando seeks out Devlin to find out what all the rumours are about

  • Word has it a squad of 6 heavily cloaked figures bearing Oscuran heraldry arrive in town along with an Oscuran messenger. The 6 waited stoically outside while the messenger entered the Norwick Barracks.

  • ICC

    _An old dwarven priest comes out of his hole, a mug in one hand and an axe in the other. He wears a quiver of special bolts at his belt, which is supposedly a ward against drow. He grins with broken teeth and seeks out Mord, murmuring to himself.

    "Seems this 'ere town 'as 'isself ah li'l drow prollem, heh heh heh.."_

  • *Rumors run like wildfire through the town over the recent militia meeting in the great hall. The talk at the in is wild and speculative:

    I hear that Colonel Devlin had it out with the new Senior Lieutenant and left town.

    I hear a drow appeared in the hall and drove old Mord half mad.

    Did ye hear that the lass Vinland is now be head of the entire militia?

    The drow are coming and will drown this town in blood.

    The old Tomlinson's cow had a two headed calf, not a good sign.

    Chancellor Dwin has declared martial law and the streets must be clear by dark or ye will be jailed.

    Drow can lighten their skin with magic and look like any other elf.

    The new High Arcane advisor is actually a drow in disguise and been planning the destruction of the town for decades.

    The drinks flow and speculation goes far into the night

  • Jerrick, Benji, and Caelian head back into town just after dawn, with surprising news. For those that have not heard, a Drow attack is imminent they say, and not just that, but a full-out war if rumors are to be believed.

    Jerrick says that he and the two others, and the big wolf at his side, just got finished fighting one off. They were unable to kill him, but did verify that it was indeed a Drow.

    He suggests to anyone who will listen to stay indoors at night, and mind their step in the woods for traps. Nasty, hard to see traps no less.

  • ICC

    The Cigar smokin halfer orc, known as Arak´Hur, Leader of the Iron Chain Clan aproaches Dwin´s Office with a business brief case under his right arm, he is escolted by twu huge heavily armored and armed , snarling halfers. (The halfers enter Norwick holding no weapon)
    He enters, but the two huge halfers stay outside at the door step, one on each side of the door

    // Dwin, check your PM box please 😄

  • a skinny, quiet elf woman informs the guards on duty of a strange encounter in the woods

    "Was killing beetles. Good target practice. Met man in robes, with zombie escort. Was attacked. Necromancer cast spells, didn't always work right. Traded arrow and spell. Close, but arrow won. Zombies all in loincloths. Blue loincloths."

    apparently satisfied, the elf woman goes off to rest and stitch the new holes blasted through her leather armor

  • Ronan hearing the news on one of his occasional visits to the south, is seen looking somewhat confused by it.

    Grand Arcane Advisor? Is there a difference between Senior Arcane Advisor…?

    Shrugging, Ronan wanders off in search for delicious apples…

  • Aramuil is seen to be in good spirits at the news, though he doesn't appear to be particularly boastful or bring it up in conversation unless spoken to on the matter. Nonetheless, the elven mage seems to be very happy, though he insists that he need not be called "Lord Holimion" save in official correspondence.

  • Cherry catches up with her beloved and kisses him a rather long time as congratulations. Afterward she might be heard muttering, "Does this mean we get to move out of the Grapevine finally? A fine thing a lord of the realm living in a single room with his wife and three children. Sure we get two sometimes, but Arel'in is going to be needing her own pretty soon. It's just not very much room…and you're not the only mage in this family, luvy, who neds space for research."